Morgan, age seven years, was surrendered to Westie Rescue of Austin because the family had just been told he was diabetic and would need lifelong care, insulin shots, and careful diet. With two small children in the family to deal with, the mother felt she could not handle the added stress, so they contacted us and brought him to our program. We got him to our vet the following Monday and started the insulin injections, working gradually to establish the dosage level most appropriate.
Morgan had dropped from 26 pounds to 19 pounds in the three months before we got him. He was in serious condition, but with the implementation of the insulin, he responded quickly and became stable. However, within the first two weeks, he developed cataracts in both eyes and literally went blind over a weekend. I finally realized what had happened because he kept bumping into me to follow me – he could not see!!
Our vet referred us to an animal ophthalmologist who said Morgan was a good candidate for cataract surgery. His cataracts were well-formed and should be easy to remove. But the surgery was going to run approximately $1500 per eye. A new lens would be inserted to allow for better depth perception and restore his sight to almost normal.
His first cataract, in the left eye, was removed in early June and the change was dramatic! For the first couple of days, Morgan was not sure that he could really see, but once the eye settled, he was thrilled! We had to restrain him from jumping for a week, but he did not mind, and the healing went smoothly.
We are planning on having the other cataract remove in the fall, so he can see again with both eyes and have better depth perception. Morgan is such a loving and delightful Westie! He is a big gun but thinks he is still lap-dog size. He has bonded nicely to his foster family and will make a wonderful companion for a new family.
We are grateful for the assistance that WestieMed is providing so that Morgan can have normal vision again.
Update September 30, 2009
Morgan’s surgery is scheduled for October 16th for the removal of the second cataract, and he should come through with flying colors the vet said. I will send you another update after he recovers.
Thank you again so very much for WestieMed’s wonderful assistance for Morgan!!
Barbara Ott
Westie Rescue, Austin
Update March 2, 2010
Morgan is doing fine. He had his second lens replacement in Oct. and it also was a success. He can see beautifully. We had a set back toward the end of the year when we were notified that Vetsulin was no longer available, and that is what he was on. So we made the transition over to human insulin, went through several more glucose curves until we could establish a level of units that seem to stabilize him. Now that he is on Humulin N, he actually has better curves than he did on Vetsulin.
Due to his diabetes, he got a few inquiries, but no serious potential adopters, even though his eyes were seeing again, and he was fairly stable on his insulin. I was also preparing to retire from my day job at the end of December and making plans to move to Tennesse in February. I felt that sending him to another foster home would be stressful for him, so I decided to bring him with me along with my own two Westies to our new home in Tenn.
Morgan has made the adjustment to our new home very well. He was confused the first couple of weeks, and would not let me out of his sight. Now that we have been here a month, he has relaxed and is settling in with our new routines. I am home nearly all day now, and he still stays close but is content to lie on a doggie bed near me. My own two Westies have also gone through the same adjustments, and my husband laughs now – he can find me anywhere as there are three little white dogs with their noses pointing to the closed bathroom door……
It looks like Morgan is now a member of our family. He is happy and playful, and stable on twelve units twice a day. I am still unpacking boxes, and as soon as I find my camera (it’s in a box somewhere….) I will send you some current photos.
My heartfelt thanks to the assistance we received from WestieMed for Morgan’s care and eye surgery. He is such a happy Westie and very comfortable with us. I love him to pieces.
Barb Ott
Retired from Westie Rescue Austin
PS – Westie Rescue/Austin is still alive and well. One of my foster moms, Linda Duncan, stepped up to take the reins and has been busy rescuing and adopting Westies already. She is doing a great job.
Update July 29, 2010

Morgan is doing great. He can see about as much as 85% as a normal dog, being restricted only because he cannot focus all that well with his artificial lens in each eye. But he gets along great and is a happy camper.
I retired from rescue work after the first of the year and we moved from Texas to Tennesse. During that time Morgan never got any interest in being adopted, primarily due to being diabetic and his age, so we adopted him and he came to Tennesse with our three other dogs, and he has adapted beautifully to his new home, here with us. He will turn ten on Christmas Day, and I cannot imagine not ever having him as part of our family now.
Morgan’s diabetes is stable and he has regained his lost weight. He is a sweet, gentle loving Westie, and so eager to please. He is my shadow, lying at my feet right now as I type and sleeping beside my side of the bed at night. His eyes have healed beautifully and the new lens has given him back his life. We are eternally grateful for the help WestieMed gave Morgan toward the huge cost of his cataract surgeries, which came to nearly $3500 with the follow-ups and meds.
I have attached a photo taken of Morgan in our new home in Lawrenceburg, TN. Isn’t he handsome!!
Barb Ott