Mission Statement

The Mission of WestieMed is to help raise the quality of life and adaptability of rescued West Highland White Terriers (Westies) in foster care or those recently adopted (within 12 months of rescue). WestieMed provides these Westies with a second chance at adoption and the opportunity to lead happy, healthy lives in stable, loving homes.

In addition, through its efforts and the example it sets, WestieMed aims to stimulate a dialogue, which will educate the general public about rescue animals and rescue organizations.

About WestieMed

Since its inception in 2000, WestieMed has become a recognized force within the Westie rescue community due to its unique purpose of providing the financial assistance necessary to save the lives of rescued Westies in need of medical treatment and has provided over $491,000 in financial support toward their medical expenses.

WestieMed is an all-volunteer, non-profit corporation created to distribute financial aid to injured or ill rescued Westies. The visionary/founder of the organization was Angie Gittles assisted by a small group of Westie rescuers located across the country who saw a need to provide a resource where medical treatment funding for an abandoned or rescued Westie was unavailable or inadequate.

In August 2000 WestieMed was granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The organization is registered in the state of Maryland as a charitable organization. Articles of Incorporation were filed in the state of Maryland. WestieMed is uniquely the only tax-deductible organization in the United States specifically providing financial help for rescued Westies in need of medical attention.

WestieMed is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, any other organization or breed club.  It is only through donations made directly to WestieMed that we are able to fulfill our mission of helping rescued Westies in need of medical attention.

The WestieMed Board of Directors takes pride in its ability to carefully protect the generous donations of our supporters.

As an Internet-based organization, WestieMed is able to intercede quickly on behalf of rescued Westies in need of medical attention by using the communication powers of the Internet.

WestieMed Website

The WestieMed website was developed in January 2000 and is currently being maintained under the direction of the Board of Directors. The website educates the public on various animal health and welfare issues through the information and updates published about the cases funded by WestieMed. Solicitation of volunteers and contributions is made via the website.

Support Independent Rescuers

In addition to providing support to all Westie rescuers through the Mission of the organization, WestieMed also works to provide referrals to volunteers who can transport, foster and otherwise care for a rescued animal. The organization helps facilitate the contact of the appropriate volunteer with a specific rescuer’s needs.

Presence at Dog Shows and Events

WestieMed provides a presence at dog shows and other dog-related events across the country throughout the year to continue educating the public on WestieMed’s Mission. This education includes information about Westie rescue, the Westie breed including care issues and also fosters public awareness of puppy mills and the prevention of animal cruelty. Presence at these events also facilitates contacts with rescuers, volunteers and donors. WestieMed developed brochures and magnetic business cards as outreach tools for use in this regard.

WestieMed Slide Show  
Celebrate our 10th anniversary with some of the Westies we have helped

To read more about WestieMed, please enjoy our Annual Newsletters.