WestieMed would like to acknowledge and thank the artists who have generously and graciously donated their designs in support of WestieMed’s mission of helping rescued Westies. Through the contributions of these talented artists, WestieMed has raised much-needed funds to help Westies in need of medical attention find their way to their forever homes.
Their designs have been featured in a variety of WestieMed’s fundraising endeavors, including the “Paws and Remember” Virtual Candle program. Artwork from these artists also can be found in our online Gift Shop on items of clothing apparel, note cards, holiday cards and garden flags, as well as featured in our eBay Auctions and Raffles and on Cafe Press products.
We extend a heartfelt thank you to these exceptional artists for their support of WestieMed and their dedication to this magnificent breed.
Kirsten Fox

I was born and raised in Denmark and lived there till I married in 1965 and then came to England to live. I lived in London for a few years and then eventually we moved to Kent. We had no dogs, they came later. I met my first Westie “Sporran” when he peed up my husband’s leg. He gave John a look of disdain when he walked away, I will never forget it. I decided that a little dog with that attitude would just suit me. After a two year wait we finally got our first Westie. We have now had Westies for 26 years I groom, show and handle them myself. At the moment I am owned by nine Westies ranging from 16 1/2 right down to the newest member who is only one year old.
I worked at my local further education college as a Technician for 28 years and finally decided to leave work and spend more time at home with the dogs.
Drawing is one of my many hobbies that really started as a dare. Our Westie Club wanted to produce a calendar with drawings of Westies done by members and I was told to produce a drawing as they felt I would be able to do something as I did most other things, so after a lot of trial and error I managed to make a drawing, the following year the same thing happened and by that time I quite enjoyed drawing so, I just kept going. Please visit www.hillsted-westies.co.uk.
Carol Sanger

The inspiration for Carol’s painting was her first Westie, a sweet, gentle soul named Kippy. Kippy, who died in 2003 at the age of 16, was a pet store offering who had been marked down for a quick sale after the holidays in 1988. Unknowingly, that little 4-month-old puppy was Carol’s first rescued Westie, but definitely not her last!
Suzanne Renaud

Suzanne is a self-taught artist who began drawing the world around her before school age. With a Boston Terrier by her side, equipped with a single lead pencil and scrap paper, she sketched people, houses, animals and whatever influenced her life at the time.
It was only much later in life, she began to paint in oils, watercolors, and pastels. She had the privilege of working with study groups who experimented with various mediums as well as a genre until she decided acrylics complimented her style. Her love for animals was an easy choice of subjects to study and become the highlight of her work for the past eight years.
Suzanne created and published her first greeting card in April of 2001. The American Veterinary Medical Association honored Renaud’s work by selecting “Winterscape” on the cover of the December 2003 edition of the Journal and “Patio Jewel” for their July 2007 edition.
“If my work has created a stronger bond between people and animals, if it brings the slightest smile to your face, I consider myself a successful artist.” Please visit Suzanne’s Precious Pet Paintings website at www.suzannerenaud.com.
Susan Sipes

I have been a Westie girl since the age of two when my parents surprised my sister and me with a wonderful Westie named Scooter. I hung my first painting in his house!
Westies have been an inspiration in my art and many pieces were created with a Westie sitting at my side.
I am honored to be a part of WestieMed and thank all who have been so supportive and kind.
My artwork is in collections in all 50 States, Canada, Germany, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and Great Britain. Painting with a variety of mediums, and creating various forms of art, have truly been a blessing in my life.
Please visit Susan’s website at www.susansipes.com/
Ann Kallal

Ann Kallal is a self-taught artist. “I have always had a flair for artistic creation. 2002 found me retired to Florida with my Westie waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
On a whim, I decided to paint her portrait as a decoration for my new home office. My ‘Maggie’ turned out very well and, I, at the age of 60, embarked on a new hobby: painting Dog Portraits.
My Westie is the inspiration for many paintings and she lives on as the name of my Internet shop where my images are featured on clothing, household, and office items. I am delighted when my customers send me their favorite photos of a family pet to paint and customize into a design. My Dog Paintings Portfolio now numbers close to 80 different breeds and learning about the variety of dogs as I paint has been a fascinating journey. Please visit: www.MaggieRossDogs.com
Thank you for the opportunity to give back. I appreciate so much what WestieMed does for our little darlings.”
Anne Huddleston

I am a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio and a self-proclaimed artist from the age of six. I always knew I would be an artist and have happily spent my life and working career in the industry. Currently, I am an illustrator, graphic designer, product designer, and Art Director. Most of my career has been spent in the gift industry creating items for the mass market and some high-end chains.
My first Westie, Toby, entered my life in 1990 and changed it forever! We became inseparable and but inevitably parted ways after 15.5 wonderful years. Shortly before his death, I had already added a second Westie, Tyler, to the mix. Losing Toby and wanting to get Tyler another companion raised my awareness to the world of so many homeless dogs on Petfinder! Thus began my rescue/fostering journey in 2006. Five Westies and numerous mixed breeds later I continue to foster (and foster fail!) and help dogs know they are loved and help give them the life they deserve (especially puppy mill rescues).
Our family consists of myself, Tyler 9, Nikko 9 (puppy mill foster fail) and Misty 5 (foster fail puppy mill rescue). I have currently created a line of Westie yard art and illustrations applied to various items. I am also an animal communicator and work helping others connect with their animals living and passed over. WestieMed came to our assistance with my latest rescue, Misty. She is now happy and healthy and a permanent part of the family (another foster fail!) and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for all the wonderful good works your organization does!
Lara Harris

I am a primarily self-taught artist from Michigan. After teaching 3rd grade for 6 years, I married an Aussie and moved to live first in Cairns and then Sydney for over a year. It was at this time that I was able to start pursuing my art full-time. I actually never thought I could paint, but 3 years ago picked up a brush and have been painting ever since! I paint mainly in oils, but have done some work in colored pencil, pen & ink, and pastel. My favorite subjects include dogs, wildlife, people, and objects from everyday life. Although I do believe some of my ability comes from my mother who is also an artist, I believe it is a true gift from God.
My work is in private collections throughout the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. My work was recently mentioned in Flea Market Style Magazine (Summer 2010).
To view more of my work visit my website at: www.studiolara.com
And my blog: www.paintingapupaday.blogspot.com
WestieMed would also like to express its gratitude for the artistic contributions of:
- Ann Priddy
- Dawn Barnes
- Diane Orange
- Barbara Scotten
If other artists would like to share a little of their time and talent to aid the Westies of WestieMed, please contact us. We would love to work with you!