June 2003:
On June 9th, Tom Barrie got a call from Dr. Thorne, Dallas Animal Control, Oak Cliff, asking if Westie Rescue could take a six month old abused Westie with a broken leg. While we rescue many dogs which are not in good shape and have various medical problems, we have been fortunate that there have been few abused Westies needing rescue in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. This is the story of “Oliver”, who is currently in foster care in our program.
Oliver was apparently thrown by someone who broke his right rear leg in the process. The vet explained that since it was high on the femur, the only way to repair the damage was to surgically place pins in the bone, then remove them later after the bone had mended. We asked for an estimate on costs. After consulting with the Barries, we decided to proceed, and scheduled Oliver for surgery.
The fact that his medical expenses will be significantly higher than most rescue Westies led us to seek financial assistance from WestieMed. We recently received the good news that WestieMed will contribute more than half of Oliver’s veterinary expenses.
Oliver is now in foster care with Liza Escobar, our current Trinity Valley West Highland White Terrier Club Secretary. At our club meeting shortly after we took Oliver into our program, she said she would take him following surgery later that week. When my wife, Suzanne, and I showed up with Oliver, who was still a bit frightened and very unhappy to have to wear his “Elizabethan collar”, Liza took charge immediately. When she found that Oliver could not eat with his collar on, Liza hand fed him. She found she also needed to remove it when Oliver went outside to “do his duty”, so Oliver could use the time honored method of finding just the “right spot”, by sniffing the entire area. Oliver is having no trouble feeling right at home with Liza, her two other Westies, Sydney and Simon, and her husband, Joey.
Another club member, Sue Aikman, came by, and did some touch-up grooming on Oliver’s head. Liza and Sue have now worked out an exercise program in Sue’s pool, with the vet’s approval, to provide appropriate physical therapy for Oliver!
Oliver could not be getting better care. He is just beginning to use the repaired leg a little, but plays mostly on three legs, tripod style. He has a sweet and ingratiating personality, and greets everyone as though they are a long-lost friend. Liza took so many pictures of Oliver getting his first bath, after his initial stitches were removed, that she had to post them on a website for everyone to view. Oliver is a special little dog who will need a special home.
Thank you, WestieMed, for helping make this rescue possible.
Marvin Katz, Rescue Chairman Trinity Valley West Highland White Terrier Club

July 2003 Update from Oliver’s Foster Mom:
On behalf of Oliver, I would like to express my appreciation on WestieMed’s generous contribution donated to our rescue program to help with Oliver’s veterinary expenses. He is the best behaved & most adorable little guy, who just adores people. I have been very blessed to foster him, he is our first foster puppy. And at this rate, he may not make it out the door ever and become an everlasting family member! Many thanks for all the hard work that you do.
Thanks so much from our family, Joey, Liza, Sydney, Simon & Sir Oliver

Update October 2003:
I just wanted to inform you that my foster mum & dad, along with my westie sister Sydney and westie brother Simon, have adopted me. I love my new home and all my new westie friends that I’ve met. My mum and dad say I am such a very good puppy and I am a very good listener as well. While I was being fostered by my foster mum & dad, everyone that met me wanted to adopt me. After my stitches were removed, I did a lot of swimming at my Auntie Sue’s pool for physical therapy for my broken leg. As you can see, after I swam I was a wee bit tired westie.
I have a huge yard and I run fast! Thanks so very much for the financial assistance towards my surgery and giving me a second chance. I am a special little westie and I found a special home. I also want to say BIG Thank-You to Marvin Katz, our Rescue Chairman and Tom Barrie and especially to WestieMed for helping to make my broken leg better. Below is a picture of my sister Sydney and my brother Simon (I’m the tall one in the middle). I have many new Westie friends like Elliott, Cuffey, Tavish, Bailey and Sparky (Sparky’s a Corgi although he thinks he’s a Westie).