July 2003:
Hello, my name is Katie. I am a Westie girl with a sweet face full of spunk and energy. I was rescued in July 2003 by Krista and Everett Krug during a visit to Tacoma, WA to visit relatives in the hospital.
My original family was loving and gave me a good home, however, health circumstances and moving from a large house into an apartment made it impossible for them to keep me. I was sad to leave; however, I now have a great new home with my new Mom and Dad, Everett and Krista, and a new Westie brother, Duncan.
When I came to my new family, I had a large protrusion under my abdomen and another growth on my neck, my toenails were very long, my teeth needed a good cleaning and I needed a good grooming. This all was going to cost a good bit and Krista applied to WestieMed for funds to help cover the medical portion of these expenses. The gracious Westiemed people approved my application and, as you can see – I am now good as new!!
My surgery proved to be the result of a large hernia that we think happened when I was spayed several years ago. My former vet kept telling my first owners that nothing could be done about it and it wasn’t hurting anything. (We won’t mention names here, but I sure wouldn’t recommend anyone to them). Costs for the surgery were also prohibitive. We were afraid that it might have been a malignant tumor, but luckily it was not and I have a long and happy life ahead of me.
I would just like to say that my new Mom and Dad have been in the rescue community for about 3 years now and have rescued several Westies and through working with Heartland Westie Rescue and Westie Rescue of Northern Illinois have placed them in good and loving homes. We, here in Iowa don’t have as many rescues as other areas, but we do what we can and now I am a part of this great group of dogs and people.
My brother Duncan is also a rescued Westie. He likes to think of himself as the “top dog”, but well see about that. I love to play and fetch and follow my Dad around on the lawnmower and come smiling to Mom with green paws and grass on my face. Duncan has just earned his “Canine Good Citizenship Award” and is in his second session of obedience training. I will be going too in the fall. All our neighbors love us and stop by to see us. We have a lot of room to run and play and live on a lake.
I almost forgot to mention my plane trip from Tacoma, Washington, to Iowa where I now live. It was quite an experience. I was carried in a “Sherpa bag” and it worked just great. I was much happier with my head sticking out where I could see everyone. Because of security, I had to stay in my bag – even in the airport, but I was a trooper and made it through. People would pet me and ask about the little white dog under the seat. I think I was a good spokesperson for Westies and for Westie Rescue. Mom and Dad tell everyone about it and what good things we do for Westies in need.
Again, thank you WestieMed for helping me. Let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you. Ill be happy to help.
Love, Katie Krug along with my new Mom and Dad Krista and Everett Krug
Update January 2004:
Katie is doing just fine. She is a real part of our family now.
Her surgery completely healed and has caused no further problems. We have discovered that she has some allergies, but these can be controlled with diet and antihistamines. Her adopted brother, Duncan also has allergies – so this is something that we are used to dealing with.
She is a little girl with a lot of energy – loves to play fetch with her tennis ball anywhere and anytime. The plan for this summer is to fence in a large area of our yard for our Westies to play in. Katie loves to travel with us and has been on several trips. She is great with kids and at Thanksgiving when we had lots of company had a wonderful time being around with everyone.
She can be a very independent Westie and will let you know when and what she wants. Will cuddle on her terms and likes to be “in charge” – something that she and Duncan are still working on. They play together well and their favorite pastime is “squirrel watching” out of our large back windows which back up to woods.
Katie would go into the woods if we allowed, but of course, that is NOT allowed unless we are with her. All in all, she is a very happy Westie. We love her and Duncan loves her most of the time. They do have their disagreements and sometimes need a “time out”. They wouldn’t be Westies if this didn’t happen.
Thank you for your inquiry. I have attached a picture of Katie and Duncan. Katie is the Westie on the right.

Update July 2004:
Katie is doing just great. We have discovered that she has allergies, have had her tested and she currently gets once a month shots – these have worked well. She is quite an ambitious little lady. Katie is very independent and “wants what she wants!”
Our family has nicknamed her “Katie McGillicuddy” after the “I Love Lucy Show of the 1950s. McGillicuddy has Lucy’s maiden name. Katie and Lucy have a lot in common – they are both independent and scheme to get what they want, many times getting into mischief along the way. It fits Katie perfectly – and we wouldn’t have her any other way.

This picture is of Katie in her “summer cut”. It’s easy for Mom and Day to take care of and requires less maintenance for an active little girl.
Katie sends her best to WestieMed and thanks you again for helping with her medical needs.
Until next time, Katie, Duncan, Krista (Mom) and Everett (Dad)