August 2006:
My name is Suds. I have such a story to tell you. I was bought by a family to be a companion to their children when I was a wee puppy. I did not understand yet that people can be so cruel. The children had not been taught that I had feelings and felt pain when they pulled my hair and slung me around. Finally, they threw me off a washer and the pain in my leg was terrible. I hurt so bad and I couldn’t walk.
My family took me to the Anderson Animal Hospital and Dr. Pam Helm looked at me and told my family that she thought my hip may be dislocated, but probably my leg was fractured. The only way to be sure was to take something called x-rays to be sure. Everyone was shaking their heads. I didn’t know what was going to happen and I just couldn’t get away from the pain. Then I heard my family say they couldn’t afford to spend any money on me and wanted the doctor to euthanize me. I saw the look on the Doctor’s face and I knew that must be bad. I’m just a baby, I want my mom again. Dr. Helm told them she would take me into the hospital if they would sign papers to give me up. All I knew was I was scared and I didn’t know who I could trust. My family signed the papers and left me there. I was terrified of the smells and the sounds, but the doctor kept touching me, telling me it would be okay. Then the doctor gave me some medicine and my leg didn’t hurt so bad and I took a nap. Oh, it felt so good to rest!

On Monday, all these strange people came to the hospital. They petted me and called me by name, but I didn’t trust them. I was afraid they would hurt me too, so I huddled in the back of my cage to stay away from them. Stephanie and Patrice kept saying they would find me a home and that’s just what Stephanie did. My new parents came to see me and everyone was so happy. Then they took the x-rays of my leg. Oh my, everyone looked so sad and worried. I heard them say major orthopedic surgery, long aftercare, pretty expensive. Was this bad? Why won’t they explain it to me? Does my new family not want me? I heard Dr. Wooden say to my new mom, “We want you to take Suds and I will split the cost with you and we will keep him here till his leg is healed so your other Westies don’t hurt Suds.” Everyone smiled again and my new mom cuddled me up. I think I like her. My dad is kinda gruff and calls me his little man.
When I woke up from my surgery, Stephanie and Patrice were there to touch my face and tell me it was okay. They told me my leg was all fixed and they were going to take care of me till I went to my new home. Patrice told me that WestieMed was looking at my situation and wanted to help me be sure I found my forever home by helping Dr. Wooden and my new family pay for my surgery. I think that is a good thing!
It has been a week since my surgery and I feel GREAT! I’m not sad anymore and my new mom and dad visit me every day. They even brought my new Westie sister, Tsunami Sue to meet me yesterday. She kissed my nose and I wanted to play with her. They told me I would have to wait to do that. My mom feeds me treats. Life is good. I have so many people to thank. Dr. Wooden for his kindness and generosity. Dr. Helm for saving my life and all the staff at the hospital. But most of all I want to thank WestieMed for coming through and helping pay for my surgery. I know that all these people really love me and have made it possible for me to be exactly what I am, a wee Westie boy with the tenacity of a terrier and more spirit than can be contained.
Thank you all, Suds
Update January 2008: Suds now called Fergie
I am so happy to report that Suds AKA Fergie as he is now known, is doing WONDERFUL. He is a much-loved member of the Ost Family of Pineville. They dote on him and he has two Westie sisters that adore him also.
He is properly spoiled (in such a good way) and has just done remarkably. No evidence of pain or residual damage from his injury. He loves his mom and dad, but also loves us at the clinic and also his “beautician” who grooms him on a regular basis.
This is such a success story and I am so thankful to you all for stepping in and helping him. The Ost family also extends their gratitude! I will see if I can get Carol to email me some recent pictures of him with his sisters. They take regular photos for their album.
Your organization is phenomenal to work with.
Thanks so much,
Patrice Lasiter