September 2006:
Duggan (Now renamed Jamie) comes to Westie Rescue from a local animal shelter where we were informed that they had a Westie who had been hit by a car. After a bit of a delay in getting him into the program, the Westie Rescue of Northern Texas (WRNT) veterinarians took the time to accurately diagnose his issues. Clearly, Duggan/Jamie was limping badly and had suffered some kind of traumatic injury – but what?
Several x-rays later and some of the best veterinary minds in Dallas, it was discovered that he had broken his pelvis, not his leg, as had been previously thought. Unfortunately, these kinds of pelvic injuries are exceptionally difficult to heal, are very expensive, and require significant rehabilitation.
While it is the ONLY goal of Westie Rescue to rehabilitate and place Westies, our finances are limited. The difficult pelvis repair surgery was beyond our resources and outside our ability to gain funding to support. Fortunately, an alternate procedure, called a femoral head osteoectomy was available to us. In this alternative surgery, the head of the leg bone is removed, permitting the pelvis to heal. For Westies, there is sufficient musculature to support the leg without the femoral head, and the procedure was within our limited budget.
Duggan/Jamie underwent the FHO surgery like a champ. Duggan/Jamie is using his “bum-leg” more and more each day and is now taking physical therapy at the pool of one of the WRNT Directors. Our little Duggan/Jamie may have caught a “bad break” recently, but he sure came out of this one smelling like a rose.
With Many Regards, John Workman WRNT – Director

Update January 2008: Duggan now called Jamie
Jamie continues to strive and is just a remarkable little Westie boy 🙂
As his mum Darrell says, he’s a very “naughty” boy but she adores him. His mom is so thrilled with him and they keep in close contact with Westie Rescue. Thank you so very much for all your hard work with Westie Rescue. Elizabeth Escobar