Clancy was one of seven Westies picked up from a breeder. He is a young Westie boy with a bright future. Clancy warmed up to people quickly and now loves the attention of any kind. When running along with a group of Westies, if he sees me, he always veers off and runs over for a pat on the head. He loves to romp and play, but he always wants to be acknowledged by people.
Clancy doesn’t let his eye problems slow him down. He does have problems seeing things at their correct height and some depth perception trouble, but he is always up for anything! Imagine if you had skin and eyelashes growing from the center of your cornea! Clancy is very, very tolerant when he has his eyes cleaned several times a day. Discharge sticks to his dermoid growths and extra eyelashes and hardens quickly. He never fusses when having his 3 eye meds administered twice a day. He is a very good boy and seems to know that we are trying to help him.
Clancy’s eye surgery will remove the dermoid growths from both eyes and they will never grow back. He may need some eyelid reconstruction, but we won’t know that until the surgery is underway. He will always have dry eye syndrome, but it is very treatable with eye drops each day and many dogs have that condition. Removing the dermoid growths from his corneas will allow him to see perfectly for the first time in his life! Removing them will end any chance of the growths slowly taking his eyesight away.
Thank you WestieMed! This energetic Westie boy loves his new life of freedom and will soon be able to see perfectly! He has many wonderful days of living a good life ahead of him.
Sherry Moore
Clancy’s Foster Mom
Westie Rescue Southeast
Updated February 1, 2015
I wanted to let you know Clancy has been adopted. He has gone to live in Pinehurst, NC. He has been renamed Zeke. His new home is only about an hour away from a good animal ophthalmologist. If he needs to be checked by one yearly, per his vet, his family is very willing to take him.
Clancy is having some anxiety issues while settling in his new home. He adores his new family and showers them with love.
Thanks so very much to WestieMed for helping this sweet boy to have the best future possible.
Sherry Moore
Updated September 6, 2015

Clancy was adopted in December 2014. He is settled in and living happily ever after in NC.
Clancy’s name is now Zeke. His new Mom says he is a sweetheart and is already spoiled. He loves to play outside and chase balls. He usually gets to do this several times throughout the day. Mom knows he loves her, but can tell that Zeke is very bonded with his new Dad.
He has a crate and the door is kept open in case a loud noise scares him, he can dart in there and feel safer. WRSE rescued him from a puppy mill and it takes time to get over many of the things that can scar a dog mentally and emotionally. His open crate is his safe place. He enjoys riding in the car and loves going to the family beach house on the NC coast. Zeke has a buddy that lives next door and several dog buddies at the beach.
Zeke will always need eye meds, even though his surgery on both eyes was successful. There is a chance that he could lose the sight in his left eye when he is older, but we are all keeping our hopes up about that not happening.
Clancy/Zeke has filled a hole in his ‘pawrents’ heart. Their previous little Westie family member passed away. He is bringing lots of joy to them and they are his everything. Because he spent his life in a mill, he has a lot of catching up to do in belonging to a family. He is getting more love and attention than he could have ever dreamed of.
Thanks to WestieMed, Clancy/Zeke had eye surgery and is living like a Westie boy should. Thank you to everyone at WestieMed and the donors who support this wonderful organization.
Sherry Moore