Bailey was born on 4/22/16. He came into rescue on 4/28/17 at a little over one year old. He was bought in Nevada at age eight weeks for an eleven-year-old girl to care for and train. That did not happen and the dog was kept in a crate most of the time while the girl was at school and in her bedroom the rest of the time. Finally, the parents and grandmother intervened and contacted Westie Rescue and Placement of Northern California (WRAP). Bailey came to WRAP dirty and with severe matting and bloody diarrhea. The family insisted there was no history of diarrhea. Bailey had not been to a veterinarian since getting his puppy shots. He was completely untrained but was social with people and dogs.
Westie Rescue and Placement of Northern California (WRAP) received Bailey on April 28, 2017, and that same day he was taken to the veterinarian who did an exam and routine blood work and a heartworm test. Blood work was essentially normal. The heartworm test was negative. He received Rabies and Bordetella vaccinations. Bailey was underweight at 11.8 pounds and was given Flagel for diarrhea. On April 29, 2017, he was treated prophylactically for worms. Bailey was microchipped on May 9, 2017, and tested for parasites (which was negative). Bailey’s diarrhea persisted. Bailey was moved to a home in the Sacramento area on May 15, 2017. He saw the veterinarian on May 17, 2017, for ongoing diarrhea. Another parasite test was done which was also negative. The exam was done and he was put on chicken and rice. He began throwing up along with diarrhea. He returns to the veterinarian on May 19, 2017, and was placed on a special hydrolyzed diet. Bailey was eating ravenously most of his time in rescue. However, diarrhea persisted even with the new diet. The home Bailey was in was unable to keep him so on May 20, 2017, he was moved to a foster-adopt home. Diarrhea persisted. He went to a veterinarian on 5/23/2017. He was removed from Flagel and placed on probiotics and another anti-diarrheal. He was put on a special diet of gastrointestinal food. Bailey returned to the veterinarian for a follow up 5/30/17. He received heartworm and flea medicine. On June 3, 2017, had formed stools for the first time. Baily’s gastro-intestinal problem appears to have finally stabilized. Veterinarian wanted to wait four weeks to neuter to ensure diarrhea was no longer an issue. He was able to be neutered on 6/19/2017. He had an undescended testicle.
Bailey has thrived in his foster-adoptive home. He is a very sweet and loving boy. Gets along well with people and dogs. He was professionally groomed (which was donated) and is a lovely, handsome boy. His adoption is pending on 6/29/2017. Bailey enjoys living on the coast and his daily beach walks.
The support of WestieMed will enable us to help other dogs like Bailey and find them wonderful care forever homes. Thank you for your consideration.
Barbara Mordy
Update January 24, 2018

Bailey was adopted by his foster parents who nursed him through most of his intestinal problems. He’s a very happy boy and is the apple of their eye.
He lives on the coast and takes daily trips to the dog park and to the beach. He gets along well with people and with other dogs.
Bailey continues on a special diet and takes probiotics to help maintain his digestive health. He recently had a short bout of diarrhea again but the Vet was able to quickly manager it.
Here is a photo of Bailey on New Year’s Eve this year.
WRAP and Bailey thank you as do his parents for WestieMed’s help in getting Bailey’s medical issues under control.
Barbara Mordy
Westie Rescue and Placement (WRAP)