In January of this year, we were contacted by Bocci’s owner. She had gotten Bocci as a puppy and he was fine and healthy for years. Then he began having ear infections. She said she worked with the vet for a few years but the infections just kept coming back. Her vet told her the only way to treat him at this point was an ear ablation surgery. She had a baby and was a single mother with a new baby and other children to care for. She contacted us for assistance because she could no longer afford the cost to continue treating him.
Bocci came to us on January 29, 2017. Our first intake exam confirmed the ear infection. That vet referred us to a specialist, who also talked about the ear ablation. Unfortunately, the person that had agreed to foster Bocci was having a difficult time caring for him so we moved him to his current foster home. The distance between the foster homes required us to take him to yet another vet who really felt that they might be able to help him without the surgery. Sadly, it didn’t work and we need the surgery to help finally clear up the infection.
Aggie Latyak
Update January 24, 2018

Thank you again to WestieMed for the help for Bocci.
He is doing so well now. The pain he was always in from the chronic ear infections is gone and he is enjoying life again. The surgery went very well, though it left him with a droopy ear, which makes him even cuter.
Unfortunately, due to his advanced age at twelve years, we’ve had no interested adopters, but he loves his foster home.
He’s having a good life.
Thank you!