Christie is a five-year-old breeding dog from the Central Valley of California. She was kept in a warehouse. When she failed to get pregnant the last time she was in heat the breeder handed her over to a lady that finds rescues to take former breeding dogs.
Christie came to Westie Rescue and Placement of Northern California (WRAP) on August 23rd, 2017. She was in heat. We kept her in a quiet environment for several weeks allowing her to adjust to life in a home. At first, she was reluctant to come out of her crate even with the door open. When her paws first touched grass she didn’t know what to do. We focused on housetraining, learning to go up and downstairs, walking on a leash and social skills with dogs and people. Christie is very bright and has picked up on these tasks very quickly. More focus continues to be needed on social skills and trust-building. She is timid and continues to shy away from touch.
Christie needed a full workup due to poor medical care. She visited the veterinarian on September 5th for shots and a general physical and blood work. On September 7th, 2017 she was spayed (no longer in heat), her teeth were cleaned, treated for hookworms, and she had six extractions due to bad or damaged teeth. She also received a microchip. On September 21. 2017 she made a follow-up visit to the Veterinarian. We are hopeful that Christie will be adopted by her foster in the not too distant future. Her progress has been remarkable and we anticipate she will go on to live a full and happy life. She is house trained, walks on a leash, seeks out her foster for petting and contact. She sleeps in the big bed with her foster Dad and Westie sister. She is starting to play with toys and her new sister, She is good in public with other dogs and people. She is becoming more trusting every day.
We are grateful to WestieMed for the support they provide to rescue organizations that enables us to help more dogs than we might otherwise be able to help. Christie thanks you too.
Barbara Mordy
Westie Rescue and Placement (WRAP)
Update June 2018

Remember Christie?
She’s the puppy-mill breeder girl, rescued last August by Westie Rescue and Placement of Northern California.
Christie was scared of everything and didn’t know even the most basic things about living indoors with people to love her.
Well, not anymore!
Now she loves to be petted and plays with toys enthusiastically. She even rolls over on her back sometimes while playing tug with her Dad and she’s a good fetcher too. She sleeps in the big bed with her Dad and older sister Terry. And, she even relaxes for a while in Dad’s lap when she’s in the mood to let him pick her up and put her there. She’s one smart cookie!
This is all thanks to WestieMed and their generosity in helping to get the medical care she needed