Tolley the senior westie – His story didn’t start so well. He was found by a Good Samaritan that discovered him tied with a rope around his neck in a vacant lot, out in the cold with no protection. She cut the rope and immediately took him to the shelter. Because he was a stray he was kept at the shelter for two weeks. Unfortunately, while there he developed an upper respiratory infection. He was put on antibiotics by the shelter veterinarian. During his stay at the shelter the employees commented on what a sweet boy he was while there. We know how stressful and scary a shelter can be for Westies and it is amazing how sweet he was the entire time.
Once we were contacted about him being we sprung into action and with the help of several volunteers Tolley made a four hour journey to his new foster home.
Unfortunately, after less than 24 hrs he ended up at the vet. He stayed for a few days but wasn’t getting better and was transferred to the Veterinary specialist hospital to be admitted for more aggressive treatment. He was diagnosed with severe pneumonia and he was struggling.
It has been an ordeal and it’s not over yet. It has been over week and he is still hospitalized. It has been discovered he has a heart murmur that will need further evaluation once he can get over this pneumonia.
Every doctor and technician we speak to starts each conversation with how amazing this pup is. He has the will to survive with everything he has endured all while wagging his tail and wiggling his entire body when he sees people walk into his room. This little senior boy deserves to live out the rest of his days happy and loved. We are so happy so many people are stepping up to give this pup what he needs.
Susan D. Massey
Director, Westie Rescue SouthEast
Update January 4, 2023:
Tolley is perkier, eating very well (once I started to feed good ole kibble) and taking his meds which are pretty high powered. I had a long talk with my regular vet, who saw him FIRST. So next Monday he will do another Xray and exam. Since he has the ORIGINAL XRAY to compare to also!!! Please pray that those lungs are clearing. I am also doing Courtage (percussion) and added cool humidity to the small powder room he is in. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. This is a long process I am finding out.
Thank you for your support!!
Update August 14, 2023:
This update is from Tolley’s adoptive family.
Following the mass removal at MedVet on March 10, 2023 and a dental and growth removal also at MedVet on May 4, 2023…he is doing great. He has been identified with Westie Lung Disease.
Update March 9, 2024: