On March 14, 2016, we received a call from a panicked owner who had planned to relinquish Brody to our program the following week. Brody, a three-year-old Westie belonged to the relinquisher’s mother who had recently passed away. According to the owner, Brody was panting heavily, couldn’t walk, wouldn’t eat and overall, seemed unresponsive. She said this happened overnight and she requested the dog be relinquished immediately instead of as planned because she was unequipped to care for the dog. She sent over a video and needless to say, Brody was on death’s door. We had her meet us at our vet immediately and she signed him over to us, never to hear from her again.
Brody remained hospitalized for nine days receiving immunosuppressive drugs to stabilize him. Once he was stabilized, he was seen by another vet for a second opinion and had an MRI done. The consensus from both our vets points to Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis which is an inflammatory disease of the nervous system. The onset of symptoms is usually rapid and without treatment, it is life-threatening. The inflammation results in granulomas, which are clusters of cells that form when the immune system tries to build a barrier against foreign substances. Depending on the location of GME, symptoms include neck pain, a rigid stance, and reluctance to move, loss of function of limbs and loss of vision.
GME is considered to be idiopathic, which means we don’t know why it happens. However, there is also a suspicion that the disease may be caused by an abnormal immune response to an infectious agent. We may never know what triggered his immune system meltdown, but we feel as do our vets that his prognosis is very good and he has made an amazing recovery.
Without immediate treatment, Brody would have no doubt lost his life. To keep his symptoms at bay, Brody will continue on prednisone and Atopica and monitored very closely. Today, he walks and he runs; sometimes dragging his feet but he is one very happy and very lucky little boy! He is goofy, always in the middle of all the action, loves his walks, adores food and is especially fond of his other Westie companions.
It took a lot of time, patience and financial resources to get Brody back on the road to recovery. Thank you so much WestieMed for making it happen!
Kay DeLoach
Update April 3, 2017
Brody passed away on December 3, 2016, in the arms of his adopters. He was with them for three months.
Angus was first found by a lovely lady named Anne-Marie Dimi Marcu. She works in animal rights in Romania trying to stop the cruelty in these shelters. I know of her work through Facebook. She came across the Constantina public shelter and took pictures to show us how bad it was. Lo and behold tucked away and looking scared was a wee Westie.
As soon as he was spotted, Carol Riches from Westies Rescued UK was contacted. Carol put all the gears in motion to raise funds and bring this boy to the UK. Maria got him to a vet in Romania to be assessed for his pet passport. He was in a bad way. He was shaved and then given a bath. He was sprayed with a blue dye antiseptic spray as he had been bitten by other dogs in the shelter.
Once he was sorted out he was ready to go to his foster mum Maria for some much needed TLC. Maria bathed him and administered his medication while we were waiting for him to be transported to the UK. The time came and the start of his new journey began. Angus was put into a crate and transported with other dogs by road from Romania then via Eurostar to Liverpool, UK.
In Liverpool, he was met by his first foster mum Denise. Denise gave him lots of love and care. Unfortunately, Angus didn’t get on with Denise’s two Westies and went to his second foster mum Nicole in Galashiels, Scotland. Again, there was a problem because Angus didn’t like Nicole’s Westie “Jimmy” and it was causing Jimmy stress.
Angus -WestieMed Grant Recipient
It was then I was contacted by Carol Riches as I had fostered before and was a huge fan of Angus. I agreed to take him and two days later I finally had him in my arms. He felt amazing to hold him. He was so soft and gentle considering the life he must have had.
The first thing we did was to have him seen by a vet and get him checked over. We knew his eyes, ears, and lungs were bad, we just didn’t know how much. It was confirmed that Angus has Westie Lung Disease, an ulcer scar in one eye and one unstable ulcer that could rupture at any time. His ears were also very blocked and dirty inside.
While Angus was under anesthetic having his chest X-rays, the vet syringed his ears and this helped get the ear medication to where it was needed. His ears are now very good. He can hear a treat bag rustle a mile away!! Angus is now on meds for his lungs and itchy skin.
Angus -WestieMed Grant Recipient
Life was good. My partner and I took him on lots of trips to show him his spiritual home. Angus loves traveling by bus and car. We took him to Loch Lomond near Balloch, the beach, the park and even out to dog-friendly bars. I also take Angus to the care home to see my mum and dad. He loves it and gets lots of cuddles off the residents. He gives my mum and dad lots of kisses. While I’m at the shops, Angus likes being a lookout, staying in the car and listening to football. We also finally met Carol Riches, from Westies Rescued UK. The lady who got Angus to the UK.
On the morning of the 22nd April 2016, I went to give Angus my usual good morning kiss and cuddle. However, he was unusually quiet. When I felt his face it was wet down one side. I realized the ulcer had burst. I rushed him to the vet and he was taken straight away for emergency surgery to remove his eye.
Angus did not let this hold him back. He is now almost blind because of the ulcer in the remaining eye. He just has a slight peripheral vision.
Angus -WestieMed Grant Recipient
We decided to get him back on track ASAP as we didn’t want him to lose confidence. We took him to the park. He loved it!! He is too cute!!
He now is learning to walk with a halo. It stops him from bumping into things. I got him a sign for his lead that says “Be Kind, I’m Blind”. He gets more hugs from strangers than before now. He loves it.
Angus will be going back into surgery on the 20th of May for dental work. His teeth are quite bad because of neglect. A lot needs to be removed.
He will also need a follow-up X-ray of his lungs to see how the Westie Lung Disease is progressing. We’ve been told it’s quite advanced but they need another X-ray in a few months to compare.
I received a call from another rescuer about a Westie that was in a shelter north of Austin. He was found wandering the streets and nobody came to claim him. I was told that while he was at the shelter there was no interest in him and if a rescue didn’t take him he would be PTS (put to sleep). We agreed to take him, coordinated to meet and I made an appointment for this guy at the vet. When I met up with the other rescuer, she said the shelter hadn’t mentioned anything but she thought he had Kennel Cough.
I had already chosen the name Kenner before meeting this Westie. I was taking Kenner straight from this meetup to the vet appointment previously made. It was about a twenty-minute drive which gave me time to listen to his cough. Within minutes, my instincts told me that this was NOT Kennel Cough but probably Westie Lung Disease (Pulmonary Fibrosis).
Between his unknown length of street time and his cough, Kenner was a pitiful sight when he first came into rescue but he had the sweetest disposition and put up no resistance as the vet checked him over. This was the same vet that had treated a prior Westie of ours with Westie Lung Disease and she agreed with my instincts. Sadly, our instincts were confirmed.
We made the decision that Kenner would be a forever foster of Westie Rescue Austin. He has been with us since October 2012 and doing well with his meds. He gets along great with the other furkids in the house. He monitors all activity in the kitchen and thinks the oven exists only to bake dog treats. He can be sleeping soundly in the bedroom but appears instantly in the kitchen when the kitchen light is turned on. Kenner has never been active but does enjoy being outdoors when weather permits (i.e., not too hot or humid). He doesn’t demand attention and will occasionally sit in my lap for a brief spell (and actually seems to beam with pride). Kenner also suffers from ongoing skin issues and heart disease. Recently it became obvious that he was having some issues and his dogtor confirmed his heart ailments were becoming more progressive and now requiring medication.
Kenner is such a gentle soul but as his dogtor says he is a fighter. Sadly, we know he won’t win this battle against Westie Lung Disease but we will continue to love him, bake him dog treats, and keep him happy.
Linda Duncan
Westie Rescue Austin
Update November 7, 2016
I was hoping to be providing a good news update for Kenner. Sadly, he made his trip to the Rainbow Bridge today (11/7). the dogtor is fairly certain it was not Westie Lung Disease but cancer-based on his bloodwork.
I don’t know a lot of history for my Westie but what I do know is sad.
My buddy Barkley was found in Kentucky where he was left tied to a picnic table. When he was taken to a shelter they found that he had been chipped in New York but the chip was never registered. We have no idea how the little fellow got from New York to Kentucky.
When they found him he was not in good shape, coughing and laboring to breathe. The vet said he had an enlarged heart causing breathing problems. He was very lucky that the Westie Rescue of Indiana found him and gave him a wonderful foster mom to care for him and nurse him back to health.
That all happened months before I found Barkley. I had been looking for a Westie to join our family and I knew I wanted a rescue dog. When I contacted Westie Rescue they told me they had a dog with some special needs that had not been adopted. I thought, we all have special needs of some sort so this must be the little guy for us.
We adopted Barkley. He has been such a joy. He doesn’t always feel well and sometimes he can’t play as much as he would like but he is always in a good mood and ready to snuggle up. He is so affectionate and easy-going.
His medical problems are a good bit worse than I originally thought but I am still so glad we got him. He is part of our family and loved by all. Barkley loves to dig holes in the yard to bury his “treasures” and loves to get into the trash. He gets so excited over a new squeaky toy and is always ready for a car ride or to hang out at our kids’ baseball games. Like most Westies (and possibly most Westie owners) he can be a bit stubborn which only makes him more endearing.
My Vet did not give us a good prognosis when she examined Barkley and discovered the extent of his Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. With WestieMed’s help, Barkley was evaluated by a cardiologist and had several diagnostic tests to determine the proper treatment and medication. We are very grateful for the opportunity to get Barkley the medical care he needs.
After doing some research, she discovered that there is a fairly new treatment that might be just what Barkley needs to give many more years to enjoy all the things he loves to do (even getting into the trash) and many more years for my family to enjoy him.
Update January 9, 2018
Sadly, WestieMed received word that Barkley is now at Rainbow Bridge.
Pasha started her journey as a foster in March 2013. She was very withdrawn, three kgs plus overweight, unfit, not socialized, had a severe yeast infection, typical Westie skin problems, wispy and thin hair all over her body, her back was dipped with the weight as she had a big round belly! She also had a severe bacterial infection in her ears called Pseudomonas. Her ears were in a terrible state, the skin inside the flap was very dry and split and the ear canal was nowhere to be seen. She didn’t bark and, as she was withdrawn, she spent her days finding places to hide and staying there until you managed to coax her out, usually for a treat! She had also been on a high dose of steroids.
When she came to live her first foster mum, she was taken off the steroids immediately, switched to a raw feeding diet and saw a homeopathic/holistic vet. Everything was going to be natural from here on in for Pasha.
Her weekly routine consisted of baths every 2/3 days with a natural shampoo and every other day her ears were cleaned with Malecetic Aural and a pinch of Thornit powder.
As the days and weeks went by she grew in confidence. Initially, she didn’t even know how to walk on grass; her daily walk with two other rescue Westies helped build her confidence. She lost weight and started to develop a little ‘Westietude’.
We were following Pasha’s journey on Facebook. In June 2013 we lost our little Westie, Poppy, and we were heartbroken. We made the decision we had to get another little Westie so we made inquiries about fostering Pasha. We met Pasha twice and we got the wonderful news we could foster her.
Towards the end of July 2013, Pasha came to live with us as a long-term foster. We continued with the raw feeding, weekly routine of baths and ear treatment and gave her plenty of exercises. Her skin improved, her hair grew back and she became a happy, contented dog. Despite a setback in December 2013, she continued her recovery until April 2014 when she began to have problems with her ears.
Unfortunately, her ear condition did not improve, even with a course of antibiotics and weekly ear cleaning. As the seasons changed she picked up four ear infections. We had blood tests undertaken, skin scrapings to check for allergies and biopsies taken which showed she was resistant and sensitive to most antibiotics! The decision was taken, after lengthy consultation to undertake a double Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA), which has left her completely deaf. Whilst her vet was performing the operation, he discovered cysts in both ears, one of which was so big and pussy it was pressing on skull causing a lot of pain. She had also become quite aggressive; we believe this was a result of what was happening with her ears.
As a result of losing her hearing, she lost all her confidence, withdrew into herself again and started to isolate herself again. She didn’t want to go out for a walk and was very hard to bathe without her becoming aggressive. So much so that when she went to be groomed, she became a ‘psycho’ dog when she sensed the clippers so she is unable to be groomed without being under sedation. We could completely understand this. To go from not hearing very well and in constant pain, to then waking up, unable to hear and in even more pain, her whole world had been turned upside down.
Her journey to recovery started, which wasn’t easy. She was very aggressive, withdrew even more and would snap at our other rescue Westie, Hamish, for no reason at all. We were not going to give up on her though. We kept remembering Pash as she was before her ear problems and we knew she’d come back to us with time as a friend whose dog had the same operation had taken two years to return to herself. Patience and determination is all we needed, and we had lots of that!
We had a behaviorist come in to help us and gradually she started to trust again.
At the end of November 2014, Pasha took a turn for the worse. Her blood sugars dropped dramatically, her legs went all wobbly and we had to give her glucose to bring the blood sugars back up. She kept falling over, her eyes went really gooey and she had a blank look in her eyes if that makes sense. Her skin went really dry and her hair was falling out whenever she shook or scratched. We actually thought we were going to lose her or have to have her put to sleep. She started a low dose of steroids which we really didn’t want to do considering her past with steroids but we had no choice. This was the last resort; if this didn’t work there would be no other choice but to put her to sleep. We were over the moon as she responded really well, her eyes became bright, and she started playing again. She wanted to be cuddled, we were so happy to see her like this.
She has just had a groom where she has had a full coat of fur underneath and it is healthy fur; this the first one. There is just one patch on her leg which she will not leave alone, licking and chewing it when she feels stressed. She barks now, will sit at the back window and watch out into the garden and the trees beyond; she loves watching the birds and animal programs on TV. She is loving her walks and really finding a zest for life again. We still have the aggression every now and then but this is more of a warning than wanting to bite us.
Pasha is a regular visitor to our lovely vet Neil Coode at Brookmead Vets in Cranleigh. She has been to see him two to three times a month, on average, and sometimes weekly. Unfortunately due to all her problems we cannot insure Pasha.
She has been battling for more than a year with a constant ear infection. She is still undergoing treatment as its refusing to heal. She has been on and off antibiotics and now antifungal treatment throughout the year. She has started a course K-Laser therapy which is a treatment that helps promote healthy tissues following an operation, resulting in a quicker healing process. We have just completed one course of K-Laser therapy and have two more planned.
We are so thankful for WestieMed helping Pasha with her treatment. Without your funding, she would not be able to have this treatment. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
All our love,
Debbie, Kevin, Pasha and Hamish
Update June 20, 2016
Pasha – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Following the initial K-Laser the ear flap really started to heal. We went on holiday to Scotland and we all had a great time. Pasha loved it and did lots of investigating round the locks and the woods.
We came back and all seemed OK. Her ear then had a flare-up. Back to the vets we went. Another course of K-Laser. Our vet has since been in contact with the lady from K-Laser who has been in contact with HQ in the States. They have devised a specific program for Pasha called Deep Healing which is every other day treatment for ten days and twice a week for two weeks, then to review and see how the ear is getting on. She also has another infection in the ear which she is on a ten-day course of antibiotics for. Following all this, Neil, her vet, and so are we, are really hoping this will kick the infection so her ear can finally heal. What Neil wants to avoid is further surgery as its not a surgery he can do and Pash would have to be referred to a specialist. He really doesn’t want to do this as he feels it would be more harmful to her and possibly dangerous. We’re hoping and sending her healing that this latest course of action will work.
I have also attached some more pictures as I realized I’d sent collages of pictures – these are to follow.
Thank you once again for your help, without your lovely donation, Pasha wouldn’t be able to have this treatment, thank you.
Best wishes, Debbie, Kevin, Pasha & Hamish x
Update May 20, 2017
Pasha – WestieMed Grant Recipient
I thought I’d send you an update on how Pasha is getting. OMG, how she has changed.
November last year she had a healing session from a friend. She asked us to keep her collar off in the house and only use it for walking her. Well, that change has worked, her ear is completely healed and she is trusting herself that she doesn’t hurt and wow, she has changed. She’s happy, she’s playing, she’s trying to get her stepbrother Hamish to play as well and when their on their walks she will often now run around like a headless chicken, she’s loving life. It’s so lovely to see her happy, she makes us laugh and cry.
We just want to say another massive massive thank you to WestieMed for your kind donation, without it she wouldn’t have been able to fight the infection and have the laser treatment, a combination of this and taking the collar off have really made the difference, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I’ll send some pictures of our recent trip to Scotland. We all climbed up Cairngorm mountain, a total of 1600 feet, we thought it would tire them out, oh no, they both had a snooze and then wanted to go for a walk.
Thank you again.
Debbie, Kevin, Pasha and Hamish
Update September 3, 2017
Pasha – WestieMed Grant Recipient
I’m afraid I’m writing with sad news. On Monday 21st August, we had to say goodbye to Pasha. On Monday 7th August she had a stroke, she was recovering really well, and we were informed if she recovered over the next two weeks she would be ok.
In the second week, we were given the all-clear to take her out for a walk in her stroller, she’d also pulled her ACL. She had a lovely walk that Sunday and enjoyed the pub. That night she had another stroke and was in a bad way, we made that horrible decision. Her vet came, agreed with us and also wonders if she might have had a brain tumor, we’d been thinking that for over six months.
She’s home with us now in her heart casket and I have her fur & ashes in a heart pendant.
Thank you so very much to WestieMed for your help when we adopted her.
I had always wanted a dog but my mother was allergic to animals. When I was only seven, my cousin had won a puppy as a prize at a Coney Island carnival game. He gave it to us. The puppy was in such bad shape we called him Underdog. Because of the conditions, he came from, he didn’t have a chance. He lived exactly one month and died of distemper. As a little girl, I was crushed.
The vet said we had to wait six months for the virus to die in our house and suggested we look into a West Highland White. We drove to the end of Long Island. The breeder would not let us touch the dog except through a towel. The puppy was female, and for some reason, my dad wanted a male, but he went back in, bought the female puppy. My mom immediately said we should name her after the Queen, and Lizzie I became the center of my world.
There has been a Lizzie II and Lizzie III over the course of my lifetime. Each “Queen” reigned with her own unique and cherished quirky attitudes. And NONE were told they were too short or little for their oversized, commanding personalities. All would perch on the top of a sofa or surface watching, protecting and surveying their kingdoms.
In Florida, Lizzie III was joined by a rescued mixed breed with only hours to live. She intuitively knew the rescued dog needed to be watch and cared for. When Lizzie III passed away, I still had my rescue and fostered other rescues, but I always yearned for another Westie.
I had become disabled, and I could no longer afford to go to a breeder, and even the Westie mixes were adopted out so quickly. I had accepted the idea that my Westie days were over.
I kept doing my general rescue work and left it in God’s hands.
One day, for no apparent reason, and for the very first time, I browsed the pet ads on Craig’s List. Having experienced the heartbreak of Underdog, I knew I would never go to some backyard, or worse, puppy milled Westie. I was thinking, why was I looking and stirring up my feelings of heartbreak again.
And then, posted under the wrong category, was an adoption ad for a youngish female Westie, found abandoned in a field. Unfortunately, leaving a dog in a field is not uncommon around here when people do not want their pets anymore. The woman who found her had checked for owners, but also knew to leave a dog in a field, was a sign that it was intentional.
She had a three and half-year-old daughter, who really liked the dog, but soon after finding her, she had to move to an apartment that did not allow pets. Her daughter was heartbroken. She wanted to find a good home but needed one quickly. She did not want to drop the dog off at a shelter.
I called her. So did apparently half of Tampa Bay. She was annoyed because I called her while in the shower and abruptly ended the call. I was discouraged and let it go.
Three days later, I gave her another call without any expectations. She was nicer, told me about how she found her, her daughter’s heartbreak, and the immediacy of the situation. Having fostered before, I offered to foster her dog and she could bring her daughter over to visit and play with the dog whenever she liked. I also told her that if her living situation changed, she could have her dog back. It seemed to be a very workable answer for everyone.
When Lucy showed up, my heart melted. She was a little small, underweight, confused but completely a Westie! She charged into my house, past me, my other dog, and her temporary owner to get the layout and discover the nooks and crannies. To my joy and surprise, she did not have skin problems! They left and “Sweetie” became Lucy, and Lucy was in charge! The women brought over a daughter whenever she mentioned “Sweetie” and this went on for a while.
Lucy was not spayed, had no history or exact age. She had no training and was way too old not to have been potty trained. After more than a year, I could not imagine returning her, but I knew I would as agreed. We have some low-cost clinics and services here and I had her spayed, took care of her shots and put her on heartworm meds as it is so prevalent in Florida. As her foster mom, I could get many of these services at low to no cost.
Around Christmas, I learned that mom and daughter were moving out of state and that Sweetie turned Lucy had her forever home! I could not imagine sleeping without that little nose poking out of the pillows above my head.
In Florida, flea and vermin are out and about early. I knew I had to get her Trifexis for fleas and heartworm and other parasites, but I still have another rescue and the costs were out of my ability to pay. I was not letting her go out for the past few weeks, because the situation is so bad in Florida. Now we have Zika. Who knows if that will affect pets?
I tried calling manufacturers of pet medications, and the groups that helped with vaccinations, but these medications were never included. By chance I found WestieMed. I hated not letting Lucy out but I could not risk it. Our flea season started about 6 weeks ago. Then I got a letter from WestieMed that I was approved! I am so appreciative and so happy that Lucy will be able to get out to the Dog Park, Dog Beach and run around without risking her health. And now all of us can enjoy the sunshine together!
Lucky was an owner surrender. His owner bought him from a pet shop and became tired of him being a “nasty dog”. She admitted she worked long hours and would leave him crated for over ten hours a day where he would pee and poop all over himself and she was tired of cleaning him.
When Lucky Dog Rescue got him, his coat was yellow from pee stains and his teeth were horrible. He was very sweet and loving but is a little testy with dogs always doing a deep growl/grumbling sound. He was taken to the groomers and given three baths…they said they even bleached his coat. With all that he still remains an off white/cream color. He also saw the Vet and was found to be in great health but a little overweight and he got his first teeth cleaning and luckily…no pun intended…his teeth were ok.
Recently, he injured his leg while playing and had to undergo ACL knee surgery for the right leg… he had already undergone the same surgery in the other knee but this one seems a little harder for him to handle as his balance is a little off.
He is now being cared for by my family and has bonded with my 3 boys, 2 of whom are mildly Autistic…they refer to him as “Lucky Puppy” even though he’s 10 years old. Hopefully, this is the end of his troubles and he’ll live a long and healthy life full of love.
Thank you for helping Lucky!
Update October 3, 2016
Lucky – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Lucky’s surgery went well but his recovery was a difficult one. He became extremely agitated with his cone, his bandages slid down and caused swelling and refused to eat. We removed the bandages and cone and he began to eat but quickly turned and pulled out staples. We took him back and he was re-stapled. His therapy was going well but he was still in lots of pain so he went back to see the surgeon.
It seems he possibly had some nerve damage causing him to turn his leg a bit inward and the muscle atrophied a bit so he leans his weight on his left side. Considering his age and difficult recovery we declined any further surgery and he is on pain management as needed.
Lucky – WestieMed Grant Recipient
He was placed in a foster but it seems he’s dog selective. He growls and snaps at other dogs if they get near him so he came back. Since I have senior dogs he seems to be fine with their energy and definitely loves my boys…I think he knows they have issues of their own and somehow they understand each other.
If he chooses to live out his years here, that’s fine…he’s a great guy and total love bug. I have enclosed some pictures so you can see what he went through but no worries as now he’s just fine.
Thank you once again so much for helping this sweet old boy.
Update May 18, 2017
Lucky is doing great! The leg took longer to heal than expected for some reason. He was very stiff and had lots of tenderness so he got lots of Massage Therapy and is running around like normal now.
He’s very cuddly and loving and demands attention by nudging you with that nose and he does a cute little tap dance when he’s waiting for you to feed him the kids really like it.
I guess you could call it love at first sight, at least on our part. We wanted to add a dog to our family after recently adopting a rescue kitty. Morty was captured as a stray on March 24, 2016, without any identification or indication of ownership. He was taken to Foothills Animal Shelter in Golden, CO and placed in a holding area. It was determined that he was about three years old, a Westie/Lhasa mix and was not neutered. That is all we knew about him but he was patiently waiting in his cage while other dogs around him were barking and trying to get attention. By March 31 we were told that someone had placed a hold on him. My husband wanted that little dog so we asked to also be added to the hold list. April 1st the shelter called to tell us the potential adopter had changed his mind and could not take Morty after all. We rushed over to Foothills and had a meet and greet–the bond was immediate. In the interim, two more people inquired about adopting this handsome fellow, but he was ours! We also did a “cat test” at the shelter to see how Morty would react to our own kitty. He didn’t pay any attention to the cat. It was a much different story when we got him home and he and Jessie faced off. We are still working on that little arrangement!
Morty was a dirty little doggie and had just been neutered the day before we brought him home. He was hurting and uncomfortable but never grumpy. Then we noticed the huge lump on his right flank. He was at our vet the next day where he got an e-collar to prevent licking his surgery sight, which was looking pretty nasty. They also gave him antibiotics and a mild tranquilizer to ease his discomfort. The vet did a needle aspiration on the mass and said she didn’t see cancer cells but the cyst contained bacteria and should be removed. Cost estimates of $658 to $1000 on top of hefty adoption fees, licensing, outfitting, food, toys were a little overwhelming but we wanted to do the right thing for the newest member of our family. Adopting rescue pets is not for the faint of heart, there is no history and your pet cannot tell you what they have been through. You have to feel something in your gut to help make this important decision.
Enter WestieMed on my Internet search. I submitted my application and a photo per requirements. I was amazed to hear from the organization only two days later. They needed another photo of Morty’s ears and tail to help determine the breed mix. Less than a week later we got word that our application was APPROVED and a grant would be made. We were so relieved.
Morty is a loving, entertaining, energetic and happy dog who has found a place in our hearts. His feline sister is still deciding! All of us are grateful to the WestieMed Board for their financial help. Now, on to that surgery.
Gratefully, The Duman Family Gill, Audrey, Jessie, and MORTY
Update May 9, 2016
From the Duman Family: “Morty had his surgery today and is doing well. It was possible due to your gift. With that big cyst off his flank, he will be more handsome than ever!”
Pickles unique story comes to us from a family with a long history of Westie rescues! Pckles is a dedicated service dog who sticks by his handler’s side to signal for help if needed due to her life-threatening heart condition.
Pickles was diagnosed with Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca, (KCS) also known as dry eye. This condition results when the tear ducts no longer produce tears resulting dry, itchy inflamed eyes (imagine a dry eye with sand in it) the inflammation causes a buildup of mucus that covers his eye, blocks his vision and if left to sit too long would create sores on his eyelids. Up until now, his owner had been able to manage it with meds & constant flushing of the eye, but the inflammation was beginning to starve his eyes of blood-flow and causing progressive blindness.
The request for help became urgent after Pickles walked into a branch that caused a cut near his right eye & in his panic to get away he nearly fell in a storm drain! “Watching him go through this breaks my heart,” said his handler who lacked the funds for the much-needed treatments Pickles needed. She noted that “he’s so full of life and losing his sight is crushing his soul, he’s getting more anxious and fearful of what he can’t see (including the two cat’s he lives with)”.
Pickles needed help and it was clear he could wait no longer so his handler set out to get him the care he needed. This is when they found a very promising treatment option using pickles stem cells. The treatment involves the removal of pickles own stem cells and re-implanting them into his eyes which has been shown to cause the faulty cells to regenerate and become functional again.
Currently, this procedure is being done at two universities (neither of which was near Pickles) and it has had very promising outcomes with eight out of twelve dogs having full remission and the remaining four having significant improvement. Luckily for Pickles, his handler was able to find a local vet willing to perform the procedure but it would be costly.
After trying to raise funds on her own, Pickles handler turned to WestieMed with this unique story.
As of now, he has undergone his first phase in the treatment and is responding well. After just two days, he’s showing signs of improved functioning in one eye.
Thanks to WestieMed for helping to fund his treatment.
It’s expected that Pickles will go on to live a long, happy and healthy life, working each day and positively touching the lives of everyone he meets.
Update November 17, 2016
Pickles eyes have had some improvement, (not as much as we had hoped for) but at least now, the medications that had stopped working for him are actually working again which is a godsend.
Otherwise, he’s doing well, he seems to be more comfortable overall.
Thanks again for your assistance in helping him. We GREATLY appreciate it.
Amber became a companion and close friend to me for the past two months. Amber is so affectionate, full of so much love.
One day while going about my ways on the street a complete stranger came up to me and said she is getting rid of the dog and asked if I wanted the dog. I asked why don’t you want the dog, what is wrong? She responded she can’t have her in the building where she lives. During this time a million thoughts came to my mind but the one thing resonated was how can I rescue this dog with sadness in her eyes, looking ungroomed. She looked like she wasn’t taking care of. I couldn’t walk away and leave her not knowing what this person would’ve done with her. The fear of not knowing if she would be abandoned on the streets would rest on my mind. So I took her knowing I am on a fixed income.
My sadness came two weeks later when I noticed Amber was hopping and holding her right back leg up. I took her to the veterinarian and found out she has Legg-Calve-Perthes disease that can only be corrected through surgery. If not done quickly inflammation can cause problems to her other leg. My heart was broken not being able to come up with the funds to help my little Amber.
I am thankful to WestieMed for reaching out acknowledging by giving animals a second chance to stay healthy and live a normal life.
Thank you kindly.
Sincerely, Millicent Spence
Update April 2, 2016
Amber – WestieMed Grant Recipient
I just wanted to give you an update on my little Amber. She had the surgery on March 31, 2016, and spent the night at the hospital but is back home and recovering fine. I can’t thank you WestieMed enough on how grateful Amber and I feel. Without you, it wouldn’t be possible. I am sending a picture of her back home. She has to stay off the leg for a while and the collar stays on for two weeks. But I am happy that she will soon be out of the pain and suffering. Thanks so much!!
Millicent Spence
Update October 3, 2016
Amber – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Hi WestieMed family,
I am so pleased to tell you Amber is doing ok – better than before surgery! I was told by the doctor that I would see significant improvement within three-four months. Well, it’s been five months and every now & then I see her slightly limping on the bad leg! She runs around on it though! To my understanding I thought after the surgery she would’ve picked up much more moving on her foot without a limp, but I guess it’s taking her more time to heal completely! But she is doing ok.
I want to thank you so much for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
Update May 18, 2017
Amber – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Amber is doing ok but not 100%. She still hops on off the right leg that she had surgery on more when she just had a shower are something to activities she will hop off that leg.
I don’t have the funds to her to another veterinarian facility to get checks up to see if the issue with her leg wasn’t addressed are what did the veterinarian surgeon did at the time to correct the issue she had, but it takes money to do so I am disabled and don’t have the funds to really do so.
Hoping something comes up to help so I can take her to get checked out but for now, she is running around and has happy as can be.
I so thank you for assisting in helping Amber with her surgery expenses