Lainey was relinquished to an animal shelter because her owner was getting a divorce. Our very good friend who is the animal control deputy of the shelter alerted us to Lainey’s situation. She was listed as a 12 year old, but her microchip was registered so we had a birthdate on her. She is a precious 14.5 year old senior lady.
Lainey was covered in fleas and her backend was urine stained. The shelter cleaned her up, treated her for fleas and we picked her up the very next day. During the drive, she lost control of her bladder. Once we got her home, she drank buckets and buckets of water. Over the next 24 hours, Lainey continually drank water and urinated. The poor little girl would also urinate while she was asleep. It was heartbreaking and she was getting baths several times a day.
Lainey has had several vet visits in one week! We treated her ear infections, ran her bloodwork, and urinalysis and sent it out for culture. Her bloodwork did not have the markers for cushings, but with her extended abdomen and water consumption, we ran a dexamethasone suppression test to check for cushings syndrome. The test did not reveal cushings, so we set up an abdominal ultrasound with an internist. Lainey faired pretty well and does not have any masses. One kidney shows an old blood clot so we submitted bloodwork to evaluate for evidence of hypercoagulability. One test evaluated her overall clotting abilities which shows that she has a tendency for clot formation. The second test evaluated for the presence of clot breakdown part which is an indirect way of saying that she is having ongoing clots in her body. These tests tell us that Lainey is at risk for blood clots or strokes so we have started her on a blood thinner medication.
Since Lainey’s tests have not produced a diagnosis, we are treating her for Diabetes Insipidus. There is no test for this except by process of elimination. We started Lainey on Desmopressin acetate which is the treatment of choice for central diabetes insipidus. Her symptoms have dramatically improved and we are keeping a log of the amount of water she consumes. There is room for improvement so her dosage may be adjusted. We will continue to monitor her electrolytes and her first retest shows her electrolytes are normal so this is great news. We have increased her medication and will retest again in 5 days. She will also be retested for cushings down the road.
To get Lainey to this point has been costly. But as it turns out, her owner relinquishing her to the shelter was the best thing for Lainey because she now has received the help she so desperately needed. She already feels better and her true Westie-ness is starting to shine through!
Karen Simondet – WROC
Update September 28, 2022

Lainey continues to do well. We started Lainey on Desmopressin acetate which is the treatment of choice for central diabetes insipidus. She just had her follow up vet appointment and her prescription was refilled at the same dosage. The biggest change in her life is her new home! Lainey was adopted by Rick and Debbie and shares her home with two other westies. Her story is truly a happy beginning!
Karen Simondet – WROC
Update May 31, 2023:

At 15.5 years old now, Lainey continues to thrive in her new home with Debbie and Rick. With a new puppy in the home, Lainey is active, plays with the puppy and is doing so well! Debbie and Rick are staying on top of her condition and no modifications have been needed.
Lainey was such a great save! And we are so thankful to WestieMed for helping her get there!
Karen Simondet