Dunkin was pulled from Garrard County Animal Shelter in Lancaster, Kentucky on 3/29/2012. The ACO was called by concerned neighbors in regards to two dogs left inside a small kennel at an abandoned home. The dogs had been there for some time with no one caring for them…no food, no water, and no shelter.
Dunkin and his canine friend Harley, a labradoodle, were taken to the shelter by the ACO. I pulled them both from the shelter due to Dunkin’s “skin condition” and the threat of him being euthanized due to his poor skin condition. Harley was vetted and adopted immediately.
Dunkin was also vetted immediately due to his skin condition and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started on medication. He was also groomed due to extensive matting and yeast overgrowth on his skin under the mats. He was then neutered and all appeared well with an adoptive mom eagerly awaiting him.
On day two after his neuter, he started coughing and wheezing with extreme difficulty breathing. He was also urinating on himself due to the shortness of breath being so severe when he would exert himself. He was rushed back to the vet the day he started coughing and being in such distress. He was diagnosed with blastomycosis. Medication to treat this disease that is common in the Ohio Valley Region was very expensive.
After all, Dunkin had been through and his struggle to simply breathe, it seemed not right to at least pursue other options for funding to get the life-saving meds he needed. Thanks, WestieMed for giving Dunkin the chance to survive…he sends a big “WOOF, WOOF” thank you. I will keep you posted on his progress and send photos as he recovers.
Update April 28, 2012
Dunkin – WestieMed Grant Recipient April
Dunkin was discharged from the vet’s office yesterday and was given a good prognosis.
He will remain on the meds for a total of 180 days. He will be getting a repeat chest x-ray in two weeks and another urinalysis to determine if the meds are clearing things up.
He has had no coughing since at home and has been very active with toys and in the play yard.
I will keep you posted on his progress.
Thanks again,
Stephanie Fields Homeward Bound Canine Rescue and Rehab London, KY
Update May 1, 2012:
Dunkin is doing better than expected. He loves playing in his swimming pool. He hasn’t been coughing or had shortness of breath at all. I do believe he is on the mend. I will keep you posted.
Stephanie Fields
Update March 2, 2013
Dunkin – WestieMed Grant Recipient
This is the big Dunkin boy now. He is slightly overweight…(but everything at my house is lol). He was never placed up for adoption due to his medical condition. He still takes five different meds due to the damage the blast did to his lungs. He is a fat and sassy big boy. He occasionally starts wheezing so bad I have to give him neb treatments for a couple of days. He is very active, loves to swim with his life jacket on, and often lays in the doggie beds with other injured rescues I take in. It is almost like he is saying “It’s ok…you’re in a safe place and I’ll stay right here with you.” He is a big love bug but has a typical Westie attitude. Thank you guys so much for all of your help. It made the difference between life and death for Dunkin.
Stephanie Fields, Director Homeward Bound Canine Rescue and Rehab London, Ky
In August of 2008, my husband of 26½ years passed away from cancer. He became ill and was gone in three weeks. For the previous five years prior to his passing, he was home every day with our seven-year-old Peek-a-Poo, Bernie. Following his death Bernie suffered from severe separation anxiety, manifested by self-mutilating behaviors of scratching and chewing herself raw, resulting in three months of treatment with Anafranil. I began considering the possibility of acquiring a companion pet for Bernie; however, was hesitant as I was still trying to figure out how I was going to manage with my now limited income. My husband’s military pension and Social Security retirement was greater than my working income.
A co-worker who knew I was considering a companion pet asked if I would be interested in accepting Hallie, a fourteen-month-old Westie. She informed me that Hallie was left with her in hopes of finding her a new home. The individual that gave Hallie to my co-worker told her that she had taken Hallie from her daughter as she was being abused and neglected, to include being housed outside and fed only every other day. She chose my co-worker as my co-worker had taken Hallie’s sister the year before under the same circumstances. My co-worker was informed that although Hallie was healthy except for allergies if she could not find her a new home the owner was going to “put her down”.
After two days of consideration, I brought Hallie home; I could not stand the thought of having a healthy fourteen-month-old pup being put down for no good reason. Fortunately, although Bernie was apprehensive about this energetic ball of fur the two were playful and seemed to enjoy each other’s company almost immediately. However, on that first night, I noticed that the more active Hallie became, the more she coughed. They continued playing, but when Hallie began coughing Bernie would back off. When Hallie stopped coughing she again would initiate play and Bernie would oblige. At one point Hallie began coughing and gagging, and her breathing was obviously labored. As I was massaging her throat and rubbing her chest to calm her, I soon realized that she was suffering from more than allergies. I could actually feel and hear fluid moving in her lungs. In spite of this, once the gagging and coughing stopped, she returned to play. The following day I took Hallie to my vet where chest x-rays revealed she had pneumonia. She was started on antibiotics and Lasix. As a precaution, Bernie received a vaccine for kennel cough.
On Hallie’s first day alone at her new home, I confined her to the kitchen as her kennel was too small to accommodate her, and she needed to have the water available to her because of the Lasix. The floor was covered with “pee pads”, and I said goodbye to “my girls” as I left for work. Upon my return from work, I was shocked. This loving little girl had “peed and poohed” ALL OVER the place; not only were the “pee pads” torn up, so was my kitchen rug, as well as the chairs and TV, stand to be out of place. It looked like a tornado had struck. It took me the next six hours to clean the kitchen, which included pulling the carpeting up. Hence, her new name”TAZ” (Tasmanian Devil). I also acquired an oversized kennel that same night from my nephew.
Although Taz’s condition seemed to improve somewhat, on her follow up visit to the vet the x-rays showed limited improvement with her lung congestion and antibiotics were continued. Throughout it, all Taz continued her playfulness and showed her winning personality. She never hesitated to go into the vet’s office, always prancing right in with her tail wagging.
On the next visit to the local vet, plans were to discuss a “tracheal wash” in an attempt to identify the cause of the infection. Instead, our vet recommended that Taz be scheduled for an appointment at the Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Clinic (PVS-EC) and I agreed. The antibiotics were discontinued so as to not compromise any tests that the clinic might want to do. Our vet made the referral, and our appointment was scheduled.
However, with the antibiotics discontinued, Taz’s condition began to deteriorate. Her appetite lessened, she became lethargic, her playfulness disappeared, breathing became increasingly labored, and she eventually developed two large open draining sores on her right shoulder area. Unable to get an earlier appointment at the specialty clinic, I took Taz to the Emergency Clinic. Following the initial exam, to include x-rays and blood work, the emergency room vet informed me that test results indicated Taz was “showing many interesting pathologies” and recommended that she be kept overnight so that she could undergo additional testing and palliative care to keep her comfortable; again I agreed. I informed the vet that I wanted to give Taz every chance possible, but I did not want her to suffer needlessly. Taz spent two nights at PVS-EC. She was diagnosed with “blastomycosis”, a systemic fungal infection, endemic to the Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee Valley areas, which was affecting the lungs, skin, and possibly beginning in the bone. Her prognosis was “fair” as with significant lung involvement, additional inflammation in the lung tissue may develop as the fungal organisms began to die within the first two weeks of treatment, which could cause significant breathing problems that would require hospitalization with oxygen therapy and can sometimes be life-threatening. Antifungal medications are typically needed for months to successfully treat blastomycosis.
I took Taz home not only with the hopes that we could successfully treat this precious pup but also with a sense of anger and frustration. Although information regarding this loveable and loving pup was limited, one piece of documentation I received with her was from an emergency vet clinic in Knoxville, TN. It noted she was bought to this clinic due to wheezing, coughing, gagging, thick green nasal discharge, and decreased appetite. The same symptoms I noted almost eleven months later. At the visit in Knoxville, the vet discussed with the owner his desire to rule out kennel cough, pneumonia, etc., but the owner declined to agree to any work-up to include x-rays and blood work. So it seems this poor pup had been fighting this infection for almost a year without treatment. The idea of her suffering for so long broke my heart, and although I was told treatment was long term, expensive, and without a guaranteed outcome, I was more determined than ever to give this little girl a chance for a happy and healthy life, one that she apparently had yet to experience in her short life.
It was obvious that she was a fighter with a spunk. In spite of her health problems she remained adorable and loving, and all she wanted was for someone to love her. It’s obvious she thinks everyone she meets should love her as she greets them with a wagging tail. She has won my heart and has stolen the hearts of all she meets. I now understand the true meaning of the phrase “for the love of Westies”.
Due to my limited income and anticipated cost of Taz’s care, I sought out the assistance of another co-worker in an attempt to locate an organization that could help offset the expenses; WestieMed was found. I held off in submitting an application for assistance, hoping for the best.
Taz’s response to treatment for blastomycosis was mixed. The first three weeks were tough; she remained lethargic and had to be encouraged to eat, most often needing to be hand-fed, along with a nutritional supplement. She again began wagging her little “carrot-shaped” tail, but energy levels waxed and waned, and she would occasionally initiate play with Bernie. All the while she continued to give and seek out love.
After the first three weeks, she seemed to be well on her way to a slow but sure recovery. We had a couple more follow up visits with the vet, indicating a mild improvement in her condition, and her liver was tolerating the medication. She was again playing with Bernie on a regular basis, with increased appetite and energy levels.
Then Taz experienced a rapid onset of open-mouthed breathing. I rushed her to the local vet hospital where she was hospitalized for two days and treated with oxygen therapy. She was discharged with additional medication, a bronchodilator. Again she was playing and showing few signs of her illness, but for the occasional cough.
However, Taz again experienced a sudden onset of open-mouth breathing and was rushed to the local vet hospital and admitted for oxygen therapy. Within an hour of returning home, I received a call from our vet informing me that an appointment was available at PVS-EC the following day. I immediately accepted this appointment and submitted an application to WestieMed requesting financial assistance.
Before I picked Taz up the next morning to take her to our appointment at PVS-EC she received a breathing treatment from the local vet. Following her exam. at PVS-EC, it was believed that her recent episode of respiratory distress was due to aspiration of vomit and an antibiotic was added. Additionally, because Taz’s lungs had not significantly improved, her antifungal medication was changed, and a second antifungal med was added.
Today, Taz’s prognosis has been upgraded to “good”; her quality of life is described as good also.
Taz – WestieMed Recipient
Although treatment is expected to last for at least another six months, with regular follow-ups, Taz has shown considerable improvement. She and Bernie play each day, sometimes for hours at a time. They growl at each other and chase each other around the house, and Taz doesn’t always play fair. Taz is coughing very little now, and it is usually Bernie that ends up panting with her tongue hanging out.
Taz is finally learning to be a puppy. She is fascinated with daddy long legs, she barks at fireflies, tries to catch moths, and is starting to get into things she shouldn’t. Her terrier personality is starting to come through.
With continued treatment and the assistance from WestieMed, I am very optimistic that Taz will enjoy a full recovery and enjoy a happy and healthy life in a loving home that she deserves.
On behalf of Taz, Bernie and myself, we extend our thanks and appreciation to the wonderful folks at WestieMed.
For the Love of Westies, Janine L. Jackson
Update August 18, 2009
Bernie and I took Taz for a check-up today at the Pittsburgh specialty clinic. Good news and bad. Chest x-rays were performed along with blood work to check liver function. Lab results are forthcoming but I anticipate those results to be satisfactory. There is a “continued increase in lung sounds but improved from the last exam”. X-rays show “Diffuse interstitial infiltrates have improved since the last exam. Alveolar pattern/atelectasis of right cranial lung lobe persists relatively unchanged”.
We are to schedule a recheck of radiographs and blood work in three months. “The majority of Taz’s lung fields have improved. She continues to have a consolidation of one lobe on the right side. If this area fails to improve, despite normalization of other lung lobes, we may have to consider removing this lung lobe at some point in the future”. It was explained to me that this lung lobe was similar to being “collapsed” The fear is that if all other lung lobes improve but for this one, that some infection may remain in this lobe, that it will cause a relapse and we will then have to start over from the beginning. So, we continue to hope and pray.
Thanks again to WestieMed for your kindness and support.
For the Love of Westies, Janine
Update September 21, 2009
We went to the vet specialty clinic today for follow up on TAZ’s elevated liver enzyme level. Won’t know the results until tomorrow. However, no signs of jaundice yet, so I guess that’s good. It’s been a tough month with TAZ though. She developed an ear infection with several bacteria involved- we’re now on an antibiotic for that. We need to follow up with our regular vet in three weeks for that. She also went into heat. And her energy levels have been pitifully low as has her appetite. So she is also now taking a high-calorie nutritional supplement. She needs a lot of encouragement to eat, even snacks and people food. But she still is weighing in at eighteen pounds. Tonight she and Bernie played for the first time in a month, only lasted about five minutes, but she showed some life. She’s wearing me out. The next appointment with the clinic is in two months. We’ll let you know of the lab results tomorrow.
May God Bless you and yours. Janine
Update September 23, 2009
Good news! Lab results for Liver enzymes came back as normal. Next appointment for x-rays and complete blood work scheduled for 11/16. Appetite still not what it should be, but improving with hand feeding. Activity levels still low but showing some improvement. Unless there is a significant change, I’ll send the next update in November. Thanks again for your assistance.
Greatly appreciated. Janine
Update November 17, 2009
Well, I took TAZ to the vet yesterday for her check-up. X-rays showed that most of her lungs are clear – all except that one lobe, which is still collapsed from lack of air. And her blood work showed that one of her liver enzymes is again slightly elevated, along with her white blood count. We go back in six weeks for more blood tests to check the levels again. The plan now is to continue her meds for three months. Then try to discontinue them. If her infection returns, as it might because some infection may be lingering in that collapsed lung portion, we have two options. Continue her on meds for life, with regular lab work to check her liver enzymes, or have that collapsed portion of her lung removed. I guess that is probably the route we’ll take. They say it’s only about 1/4 of her lungs, and she really only uses about 1/2. So removal of that lobe really won’t affect her much at all. It will save her liver and in the long run. it will be less costly. So that’s the update. I wish I had better news.
Update January 20, 2010
Bernie and I took TAZ to the specialty clinic on 12/30 to follow up on her liver enzymes. They came back as normal. TAZ is doing really well over-all. She and Bernie are playing on a daily basis: chasing each other inside and out, growling and wrestling and teasing each other. TAZ is really learning to play by herself as well. She really likes playing with the tennis balls, tossing them into the air, chasing after them and sometimes even tripping over them. She has become my shadow, following me wherever I go. And if I take a nap on the recliner, she generally sleeps right on top of me. She and Bernie can also occasionally be found snuggling together on the recliner. The hunter terrier comes out in her when she is outside. She will bark like crazy and scratch at the fence trying to get at the squirrels, rabbits, deer, and even the birds. Good thing she is not a digger! And these small animals that she sees and barks at are usually a good 30-40 yards away. She doesn’t often listen to me when I tell her “no bark”, so sometimes Bernie will go out after her and it’s like Bernie tells she had better come in as TAZ will suddenly become quiet, turn around and come running into the house with Bernie. They really have become friends.
Our next appointment is Feb 19th. I’m still concerned with her outcome. She is scheduled for x-rays and full blood work. At the last appointment, the vet suggested that if her x-rays were the same, we would try to discontinue the meds and see if the infection returns. I’m afraid it will as her one lobe remained essentially collapsed, likely still harboring an infection. And then I will have to make that difficult decision of continuing her meds for life or electing surgery to remove that portion of her lung lobe. She still has congestion, sometimes worse than others, but her wonderful spirit still prevails. She is such a fighter.
For the Love of Westies, Janine (and Bernie)
Update March 9, 2010
Well, Taz’s appointment was moved up as she had an episode of vomiting and the local vet put her on Lasix to again clear her lungs. Had a blasto antigen urine test completed. Came back as moderate-high. Which means the blasto is still fairly heavily concentrated. I called today and we have a surgery consult scheduled for 3/22 to discuss possible removal of her lung lobe that is collapsed. There is no guarantee that the surgery will allow her to eliminate the blasto infection, but we are sure that she will not be able to eliminate the infection without the lung removal. I was so hoping the meds alone would heal her. Please pray for her. She is such a wonderful little pup and she has been thru so much in her short 28 months.
Update May 3, 2010
Well, folks, TAZ had her surgery on 4/2/10 to remove the portion of her lung that did not seem to respond to treatment. The surgery was a little more extensive than the vet or surgeon had anticipated. She was in surgery for a little over two hours. Apparently there were some lesions on the lung that had connected to a major blood vessel and to the lining around her heart. However, in spite of that, the lung reportedly separated without difficulty. She ended up staying at the hospital for five days instead of the three they originally planned. Biopsy of the removed lobe indicated old and new inflammation, no evidence of Blasto or micro-organisms were found, but did show moderate chronic neutrophilic bronchopneumonia.
On the 15th Bernie and I took her in for a follow up with the surgeon. He removed her staples and pronounced the surgery to be a success. He did mention that little TAZ was a fighter and had won the hearts of everyone in surgery and the hospital. OF course, that was no surprise- she’s a Westie after all.
TAZ seems to have been doing OK over the past four weeks. Her appetite is up and down. She has lost two pounds since her surgery. She continues to show her spunk and spirit. Over the last week or so, she has made several attempts to play with Bernie. The play periods, however, only last a few minutes before TAZ starts to cough and her breathing becomes labored.
Today, Bernie and I took TAZ into the clinic for a follow-up appointment with the internist. X-rays indicated that her lungs to be “the best they have ever been.” There was no indication of any lymph node enlargement or progression/development of any new lung changes. Follow up will depend on results of the blasto urine antigen titers. We are hoping to be able to change to a less expensive anti-fungal med.
It has been a long road for us. I often wonder if I chose the right course for all of us. But, every time I look at that cute little, white fluffy pup, that is always wanting to give and receive love, no matter how bad she seems to be doing, I know I am doing the right thing. There may not be a place in Heaven for me, but there will definitely be a place in Doggie heaven for me.
As always, For the Love of Westies, Janine and Bernie
Update July 1, 2010
As you know, TAZ had her surgery to remove a right lung lobe in April. She recovered quite nicely. A month later her blasto levels went from 8.9 to 2.19!! This month her liver values were checked and were good. As she was doing so well, we switched her anti-fungal meds to Fluconazole, a med significantly less expensive than the Itraconazole.
All seemed to be going well, but TAZ was started on an antibiotic in early May due to an upper respiratory infection. Shortly after, due to limited response, a second antibiotic was added. She was on this regimen for five weeks and the infection seemed to clear up and little TAZ was doing great! She was back to being my shadow. And she and Bernie were playing again: wrestling and chasing each other around the house several times a day. It was such a pleasure seeing her activity levels increase and the two girls again playing with gusto.
And last weekend, we all went on a camping trip with my brother and his family, to include two Boston terrier pups. TAZ went on three walks without any problems and she and Bernie even romped with the two pups in the pet run area. I was so proud of my girls, especially TAZ. She also took it upon herself to introduce herself to her campsite neighbor, a Burmese Mountain dog.
Unfortunately, TAZ woke me Wednesday at 3:15 AM with heavy abdominal breathing. This was followed by occasional open-mouth breathing and three episodes of vomiting. Needless to say, it was off to the hospital at 4:00 AM. TAZ was admitted, remains at the hospital, being treated for pneumonia, thought to be from aspiration. Spent about 24 hrs in the oxygen kennel with IV antibiotics.
Bernie and I visited with TAZ last night and tonight. She has been without the oxygen therapy for the last 24 hours, has begun eating, barking at the other patients, and wagging her carrot tail at the staff. They are going to try to switch her to oral meds tomorrow, and hopefully, we can bring her home over the weekend.
They are suggesting that since she seems to be experiencing so many apparent episodes of aspirated pneumonia, it might be a good idea to explore the possibility of a bronchoscopy to see if her trachea is working as it should when she swallows. If that is the recommendation, I suppose that is what we will do. In spite of the multiple setbacks, the vets still feel she has a good quality of life and is not suffering needlessly.
Still, we ask for your prayers and positive thoughts for TAZ. Thanks much.
For the Love of Westies, Janine and Bernie
Update August 29, 2010
I hope we have finally turned the corner on TAZ. She may have to be on some meds for life, time will tell. She has been on her anti-fungal meds since April ’09 and antibiotics for most of that time, continuously since her lobectomy in April ’10.
She was released from the hospital on 7/3. She still had some congestion at that time. But the good news… They did a blasto urine antigen test during her stay and it came back as a .09!!!, which is essentially considered to be blasto free!!!
Bernie and I took her to PVS&EC for a scheduled follow-up on 7/12. As she has experienced several episodes of aspiration pneumonia, it was recommended that we try a hypoallergenic diet to see if food allergies might be a component of her recurrent vomiting problems. Otherwise, lab results were unremarkable and there was a continued slight improvement with her chest x-rays. We were allowed to switch over the anti-fungal med Fluconazole, about $220 less a month than the Itraconazole. We then went to our local vet, Rainbow Vet, for a supply of hypo-allergenic foods- dry food, wet food, and snacks. TAZ wanted nothing to do with it, But Bernie sure liked it! When PVS&EC called to check on TAZ’s condition several days later, I informed them that we were back on her regular diet.
TAZ’s condition continued to seem to improve; however, she did continue to have episodes of vomiting. I truly believed that her vomiting was related to all the meds she was taking- 5 in the A.M. and 6 in the P.M. I chose to discontinue the Lamisil, as it was one med that warned that it may cause stomach upset.
We followed up again with PVS&EC for a scheduled appointment on 8/9. Again lab work was unremarkable and chest x-rays again showed some improvement although she continued with a lot of congestion, which apparently was limited to her upper respiratory function. All meds were continued, the next follow up has to be scheduled for November, when her chest x-rays will be repeated and another blasto urine antigen lab will be done.
I am happy to say that TAZ has not vomited since we discontinued the Lamisil. Well, there was the night she tried to eat a toad. Vomited at least 12 times in a 1 1/2 hr time period, poor thing. BUT, she did not aspirate and did not develop pneumonia!!!
She continues with upper respiratory congestion off and on. On 8/17 she did start with abdominal breathing, which again went into open-mouth breathing and a run to the local vet. However, once we arrived, her breathing was pretty much back to normal. We are wondering if she experienced an asthma attack…..
She continues to be my shadow, her appetite remains good, as well as her water intake, she is beginning to cough more when congested-which is good, and she is playing with Bernie several times a day. And after 18 months of daily meds, she is finally taking them w/o a fight. She still enjoys going to the vets, walking in with head held high and tail wagging, but she is now barking at the other dogs that are there. I guess that’s a good thing. And every time I let her out at night, I always have to search for the “toady”. If she sees it before I do, she will back off when I tell her “NO”.
We continue to ask for positive thoughts and prayers for her. Thanks.
For the Love of Westies, Bernie and Janine
Update November 18, 2010
Bernie and I took TAZ to the Pittsburgh Specialty Clinic on 11/1. I do believe there is finally light at the end of the tunnel! Chest radiographs were unchanged. Visible alterations at this time are most consistent with chronic scarring from related to chronic Blasto and lung lobectomy rather than aspiration pneumonia.
She does seem to have chronic upper respiratory congestion, also like a result of her lung scarring and lung lobectomy, but does seem to clear considerably when she is on antibiotics. However, the vet does not wish to continue these meds as she has been on them for so long, we do not want her to become resistant to them. So, I will have to keep a close eye on her nasal discharge. Obviously, if the discharge becomes yellow-green, then we will have to look at restarting the antibiotics.
I also received the results of the Blasto urine lab work. Her Titer levels came back at .061!!!!! Yippeee!!! The vet wants to continue with anti-fungal meds for another 6-8 weeks. But we did get the go-ahead to have her spayed!
I talked to the local vet today. She is scheduled for spaying on 11/23. Initially, they wanted me to bring her in at 7:45 A.M. However, after talking with the staff and consulting with the vet, I am will be taking her in at 10:00 A.M. I will have the opportunity to give her a kiss and a hug and tell her I love her before they prep her for surgery. I will then wait until after she starts to come out of the anesthesia before I leave her to allow the staff to do what they do. Hoping before I leave, I will get another chance to see her and give her another kiss and again tell her I love her. I am happy to be able to finally have her spayed, but at the same time, due to her chronic congestion and impaired lung function, I am also very nervous and worried. We have been thru so much, I would hate to lose her over a “routine” procedure. Of course, she is a fighter and did well with her two hour plus lung lobectomy. Still…
Please pray for her. Thank you so much!
For the Love of Westies, Janine and Bernie
Update November 24, 2010
TAZ had her surgery, but not without complications. She will be spending the night at the hospital as “she is not out of the woods, yet”. First, we had to consult with the internist because she had a rather high WBC count. It was decided it was ok to go ahead with IV antibiotics during the surgery, as her WBC generally does run high. And I guess as is common, since she had recently come out of a heat cycle, things were said to “be gooey and messy” inside. Two vets were doing the surgery, and after they sewed her up inside, there was still some seepage, the further exam showed they had snipped a small section of her spleen. So they closed that up. And finally, when they removed the breathing tube, they noted some slimy substance.. discolored with specks of blood. They are sending that off to a lab for analysis. Hoping with that we may find a reason for her chronic upper respiratory congestion. I was able to see her after her surgery, she was awake but obviously groggy. From the beginning of surgery till I got to see her afterward, it was about an hour. They will call tomorrow with an update, sooner if any problems are encountered. I am pretty much exhausted at this time. Continued prayers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all of your support! I will post any updates as I receive them.
Just called the vet. Was told is “doing ok” and they “just took her out to pee and she did ok”. So hopefully, the plan to bring her home tomorrow is on schedule. Expecting a call from the vet tomorrow sometime after 8:00 A.M.
Update November 25, 2010
TAZ IS HOME! Vet says she is doing great. Still seems a bit lethargic, but I guess that is to be expected. She does not seem to be in any pain or discomfort, is not paying any attention to her incision, so no collar of shame at this time. They said this morning she was up and wagging her tail at everyone. When the techs changed shifts, they let her out of her kennel and she played with them a little. Gave them all kissies. Of course, they said she was a sweetheart and a good patient. When they brought her out for me, she was prancing, head high, and tail a-wagging! But of course, no kissies for mommy…:( Follow up appointment scheduled for 12/2, although she does have self-dissolving sutures. Hopefully, they will have the results of the culture of the goo they got from her breathing tube and we can put her on some meds that may help to eliminate her chronic upper respiratory congestion.
Update January 10, 2011
Taz – WestieMed Recipient
After TAZ was spayed on 11/24/10, we got the results back from the analysis of the gunk that was recovered from her breathing tube. It came back identifying the presence of three different bacteria. The vet switched her off the Clavamox and we started her on Keflex and Erythromycin in an effort to defeat the bacteria, as she had been on the prior for ages and we were thinking that maybe the bacteria were becoming resistant to the Clavamox. At present, she is finishing up on the Erythromycin.
Bernie and I then followed up with a scheduled appointment at PVS-EC in Pittsburgh on 1/3/11. We had blood work done along with another Blasto urine test. Unfortunately, her WBC remains high. The good news is that after three weeks of being off her anti-fungal meds, her blasto antigen titer level remains at .061, which is considered to be negative for blasto. The vet wants to check her blasto levels again in three months. If her titer levels remain in the negative range, we will be done with monitoring for blasto unless she develops new symptoms to suggest a relapse.
The vet feels she will always have a high WBC, with infection being caused by chronic inflammation due to the lung scarring from the blasto and her lobectomy. Continued treatment with antibiotics is not recommended due to concerns of her developing resistance and then the antibiotics not working when really needed. So we will be back to monitoring her nasal discharge, food intake, and energy levels to determine if and when antibiotics are needed.
So, all in all, I guess the good news with regard to her blasto is tempered with the fact that she will always be battling the infection.
However, she has proven to be a fighter through it all. Her overall quality of life is good. She continues to give Bernie a run for her money. She has started to play with toys, sometimes with Bernie, sometimes with her self, and sometimes even with me. She and Bernie continue to have wrestling matches and she chases Bernie around the house- often with Bernie crawling under the love seat with TAZ sitting atop the seat, watching like a vulture for Bernie to come out. She has even on occasion given Bernie a few warning growls. She continues to show unabashed enthusiasm when she meets others or it’s time to go for a ride. Even when going to the vets or the groomer. She is definitely a sweetheart, wanting to give kissies to all but me… Maybe someday I will get that kiss from her…
For the Love of Westies, Janine and Bernie
Update April 15, 2011
Feb 26: Hey folks, for those of you following TAZ’s status, we took a step back today. She had been doing really good for some time now, all things considered. Well in the last couple of days, she began to develop quite a bit of congestion along with her little snotty nose. Energy levels were down a bit, but her appetite remained good. she was very congested this A.M., I tried several times to get her to cough by coupaging her chest without success. After breakfast, took her and Bernie in for scheduled grooming.
Well, when I went to pick them up, I noted TAZ was experiencing heavy abdominal breathing and open mouth breathing. I called the local vet and informed them we were on the way. The vet that saw her was new to the practice and unfamiliar with TAZ’s history. Took x-rays and blood work along with oxygen therapy. Blood work ok but WBC high, nothing really unusual, they say her WBC will always be high due to the inflammation from the scarring in her lungs. On the x-rays, the left lung looked very clear, but right lung cloudy. He also suggested the heart looked a little enlarged. He wanted me to take her to the specialists at PVS-EC to determine if an echo was needed of her heart. However, because he did not see any signs of CHF, and a vet once before mentioned an enlarged heart and other vets, to include the internist at PVS-EC, discounted this, I opted to keep her at the local vet to be treated in oxygen kennel with antibiotics and whatever else they feel appropriate for the moment, to include possible consult with PVS-EC.
Of course, if they call later and strongly recommend taking her to PVS-EC ER, I will take her. My plan right now is to talk to the local vet who is most familiar with her history, ask her to review the x-rays and possibly consult with PVS-EC and go from there. I imagine an echo will be done at some time in the future.
I do hope I made the right decision today in leaving her at the local vet.
Update March 1, 2011
TAZ is home!!!! She spent three nights in the oxygen kennel. They say when they brought her out this morning, she was ready and rarin’ to go. They always say she is a sweetheart, one of their best patients, and a happy puppy. “Sweetheart” and “Happy puppy”- two of the many reasons I will continue to do all I can for her. Poor thing has had such a hard life. Without checking records, I think this is the fifth time in two years I have had to rush her to the vet for respiratory distress. So that is five hospitalizations, at least, for respiratory distress, one at the time she was diagnosed with blasto, another when she had her lobectomy and an overnight stay after her spaying. And that doesn’t count all the vet visits in between. In spite all of this, she remains a sweetheart, a happy pup, and shows no fear of going to the vet, always walking in with head held high and tail a waggin’.
They still don’t know what caused the recent episode of respiratory distress. We are awaiting the lab report to determine if she has had a relapse of the blasto. She had been doing so well, down to 4 meds twice a day. She is now back up to 7 meds twice a day. In addition to the theophylline, Pepcid, cough tabs and Benedryl, Lasix, Baytril, and Keflix have now been added to her regimen.
She still has a lot of wet upper respiratory congestion, but she is now coughing, which is good. She was definitely happy when she saw me and Bernie tonight, and happy to come home. Since dinner and meds, she has been sleeping. Which sounds like a good idea to me.
Between work over the last couple of weeks, TAZ’s hospitalization and other issues, if I had a tail I’d be chasing it!
Oh, and the vet most familiar with her case reviewed her x-rays. She did not feel that there was any enlargement of the heart. She did mention that it appeared “something” was “pushing” her trachea up a bit. Unable to see anything on the x-rays that would cause this.
Update March 3, 2011
Blasto titer levels: NEGATIVE!
Update April 14, 2011
Well, folks, another set back for my TAZ. Another episode of respiratory distress tonight. At 9 P.M. she suddenly developed abdominal and open mouth breathing. I gave her her meds and she soon showed some improvement in that the open mouth breathing resolved but the abdominal breathing continued. I was hoping that too would resolve itself. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Instead, the open mouth breathing resumed. Another trip to Rainbow Veterinary Hospital-Mobile Vet, our local vet. The left lung sounded clear, no airflow heard in the right lung. As they did not want to stress her anymore, it was decided to place her into the oxygen kennel immediately and given some meds. They will do x-rays in the morning. I will let you know additional info as it is received. Once again , thoughts and prayers are requested and appreciated. Thank you.
Update June 9, 2011
I just want to let you know that I had to TAZ to vet yesterday morning due to another episode of respiratory distress. So far she is not showing any signs of improvement.
I’ve been on the phone today with vets from Rainbow Veterinary Hospital & Mobile Vet and Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center. Rainbow is recommending I take TAZ to Pittsburgh, where the plan would be to evaluate her to see if she is a candidate to be anesthetized for a bronchoscopy and biopsy of the lung tissue, to see if whatever is causing this particular episode can be treated. To take her there, we would have to set up an oxygen kennel in my car. And due to her lung condition, there is no guarantee that she would survive the surgery. There is nothing that can cure her condition, except for perhaps a miracle, it is all scarring from the blasto, which was successfully treated. And with each episode of respiratory distress, there is likely additional scarring. And due to the scarring and chronic inflammation that it causes, these episodes will continue until one day her little body will no longer be able to handle the strain. I am afraid it is coming close to making the decision to send her on her way to Rainbow Bridge. I am hoping they can get her well enough so I can bring her home for a while and send her off from here, as our vet does house calls. Of course, if they can turn this episode around completely, we will just wait for the next one. I will keep you posted. Bernie and I are going to go visit TAZ now.
For the Love of Westies, Janine L. Jackson and Bernie
Update June 21, 2011
Please send positive thoughts and prayers for TAZ. I just spoke to the vet. She will be here in approximately 1/2 hour to send TAZ off to Rainbow Bridge. Godspeed little one! I will surely miss you but I can no longer justify watching you suffer. You will have a great time at The Bridge. I love you, sweetheart!