I am a sweet little Westie girl named Erin. I have a wonderful life. It wasn’t always so wonderful, because you see, I was a breeding dog. Even though I am only two, I worried about my babies not having fresh water and being in the heat and cold. I did my very best to take good care of them, but I didn’t have much to work with. Now I never have to worry about having puppies again!
When I was rescued, I was sick. I had severe yeast infections in both my little ears. My teeth weren’t very healthy. I had worms. Since I am so small, I seemed to get the short end of the stick most of the time. I only weighed eleven pounds. There was never much to eat and my water had green yucky stuff on top of it. I kept trying to tell the breeder that I didn’t like bugs in my water, but he never understood. The day I left that awful place, I didn’t know what life held for me, but I knew it could only go uphill.
When I made it to the dogtor, I was shaking and really afraid. There were people running around taking care of other dogs and cats. It seemed like a big place. A very nice young man took me under his wing. He didn’t talk like the other people there. I heard someone say that he just moved here from Cuba. He is lucky like me. We both got to go to much better places to live. He got all the nasty, matted hair off of me. He tried not to shave me, but he had to. My coat was just too matted with nasty things. He left me a little bob on the end of my tail and some hair on my face. He told me that he understands how we girls like to look our best, even when we feel bad. The doctor lady and her helpers were so kind to me. I had to stay there a few nights and then the rescue lady took me and my sister to our foster home. She told us not to worry about our bill because she was in contact with a wonderful organization called WestieMed. She said that she was sure the people at WestieMed would want us to concentrate on getting well. The place I went to is called a farm. But this was no run of the mill farm. There was a nice, big house. The rescue lady mumbled something about a place called South Fork that was on TV a long time ago as she drove up the driveway. A pretty lady named Michele came out to greet us. Michele helped pay for me to be rescued. She has lots and lots of animals. Horses, pigs, chickens, guineas, cows, goats, lots of dogs, and all kinds of animals. I laugh to myself cause where her horses live is larger than the breeder man’s house!! Now my foster Mom has decided to keep me because I fell in love with her two little girls. I’m sure they love me back.
I love to run and play now, but when I first got here, I was too sick to enjoy all the amenities. I had something called loose stools and really bad skin irritations. Mom said that I was scared and in poor condition. I love the scrambled eggs she makes for me each morning. I think the good food that my Mom Michele feeds me has helped me get stronger. My chicken friends give them to her every single day like clockwork. She says that I am timid but have the sweetest disposition she has ever seen! My Mom adores me and hates that I had to suffer before I came to her and her family. But that is in the past. Now I run around the yard and play with my chickens and my new dog friends. I don’t exactly know how to thank the kind-hearted people at WestieMed for paying my doctor bills. Rescue lady told me the best way to repay them is to be a good little Westie and always, always enjoy my life. So that is what I am busy doing.
Love and Licks to you, Erin
Erin is one of seven Westies rescued from a puppy mill in Nashville, Tennessee.
Update January 2008:
My little Erin is a wonderful, happy little girl. She is a strange little girl in that for a small little one, she thinks she is larger than life and bulletproof. She would rather be outside watching over her chickens than be inside with the others.
When Erin first came here she was very sick and “terrified” is the only word I can use to describe her. But her Alpha side is here now. She is very protective of her backyard. I often foster dogs here and most recently we fostered four eight-week-old Pyrenees puppies. They weighed almost thirty pounds each but she still bossed them around. When it was time for a little mothering she did that, too, constantly cleaning them and protecting them from even their own shadows at times (yes, they would chase their shadows).
Erin – WestieMed Recipient
But aside from her chewable wormer and a monthly Frontline, Erin is off any medications she was once on. She is every bit the delight I have insisted to everyone that a Westie would be.
I appreciate all you have done. And I still insist that Sherry Moore is the true reason my little Erin is alive today. For if not for Sherry and her “I will never stop looking for Sweetie or helping every Westie I find along the way” attitude, these guys would have never survived their past living situation.
My foster Mom says I’m one of the happiest Westies she has ever met. You’d be happy too if you experienced my life before I was rescued and then helped by WestieMed. I am only four years old, but it feels like I have been having puppies for a life time.
As soon as my ransom was paid to the breeder, my rescuers took me to see a wonderful lady named Dr. Franks. She was so kind to me. Every time she spoke to me, it was like getting a hug made of words. The more she examined me the more upset she got. I heard her tell a helper named Pam that “this breeder should be…” and then her voice trailed off and I didn’t hear the rest. I heard her tell another helper named Ashley what to write on my chart. I don’t know what it means, but I will tell you anyway. She said that my ears had yeasties in them. I wonder if that is why they itched so much. I had a sore over my right eyelid. I had a few tick heads buried in my skin. That caused me to get a blood infection. I have to take pills for fourty-five days to make that go away. I had moderate to severe dental problems. Something was wrong with my patella. Something was wrong with my left eye and it had a yellow discharge. I had a hazy corneal scar. That’s all I can remember. There were several other things, but they were very big words that I don’t understand. Even though my name is Sassy, I wasn’t feeling very sassy that day. I hadn’t felt sassy in a long time. I was always expecting puppies, nursing puppies, or sad because my puppies left me. But Dr. Franks told me not to worry about that ever again, because she would take care of all that and make me feel sassy again soon!
She was right! Things are great now. I am staying with three other Westies in a house with a deck and a big fenced yard. One of my housemates is a foster too and we all get along great. My foster parents are giving us lessons in basic Westie manners. We are learning to sit and stay, wait until being told to eat and going potty outside. I had a problem with potty outside at first, but that’s cause I had a urinary tract infection. I’m much better now and accidents are rare! I am also learning crate training and it’s not so bad. I still cry a little when foster Mom Lynn leaves for work, but I really do well at bedtime. Our Westie cousins here were crate trained, but they are 5 and 6, so they have graduated. I love to have baths in the utility sink. The spray hose feels so good! I love the fact that my wiry coat dries really fast so I can go back and play with all the other Westies. My life is so wonderful now. My biggest concern is what toy to play with next.
My spunky personality has drawn many admirers when we have a company or go visiting. Spunky and friendly is a good combination. I heard my foster parents say that. The alpha (foster Dad) has had to work with me a few extra minutes. What does “blonde” mean?
I still have a few problems as a result of my prior living conditions. I am almost finished with my pills, but I think I will always need to use eye drops. I will love WestieMed furever and furever because they made sure attention was given to all my medical problems. I feel like a brand new Westie girl thanks to my rescuers, sweet Dr. Franks, and my new friends at WestieMed.
Love, Sassy Ann
Sassy Ann is one of seven Westies rescued from a puppy mill in Nashville, Tennessee.
Update January 2008: Sassy Ann now named Mimi
Mimi’s eye problem will need drops daily for life…She has chronic dry eye. However, it looks 98% better and she has little to no discomfort.
She has adapted into the family, her Westie sister likes her (my Roxy retains Alpha). When they romp we call it Westie World…a joy to see. Lil Debbie (her Maltese sister), also a rescue, hangs with and follows her.
Mimi sleeps with us at the foot of the bed, if not stretched out between us. In the morning it is lick, lick, kiss, and kiss. She stills loves to kiss. She loves to sit in my lap. She wants love.
The walks on the beach have reduced her weight. She was heavy! I called her my plus size girl.
Her ears have started to turn pink, the yeast being cleared up 90%.
She still tends to have days of upset stomachs even though we have her on sensitive food. Will continue to try to find a healthy remedy.
Just got a new camera, trying to figure it out. When I do, I will have lots of photos at Nashville home and Beach home!
We love Mimi.
Annette & Charlie Pacunas
Update March 19, 2010:
Mimi is still quite skittish. Yelps at the slightest thing toward her. But improving.
Her left eye requires daily ‘bathing’ with saline to clean and drops put in for her chronic dry eye, I fear she barely can see from it.
She sleeps as close to me as she can in bed and loves the beach house.
She loves her two sisters Roxy (Westie) and Lil Debby (Maltese).
On a beautiful Sunday morning in early May, I took my four and half-year-old Westie to PetCo for a new leash. Stanley is not just my baby, but everyone’s baby. When we walked into the store, a woman approached us and told me that a two ad half-year-old female Westie at our local shelter was scheduled to be euthanized that coming week. She was relinquished by her owner due to her skin condition. She told me that I could look her up on the shelter’s website. That evening I looked her up and couldn’t get her off of my mind. I had no intention of getting another dog. I thought I would adopt her and get her well so she could be placed in a forever home. The following day, I left work early and drove to the shelter. I could not believe my eyes! This little girl was so thin. She had lost her hair on all four legs, rump, chest, belly, and even her face. Her paws were so swollen and she had open bleeding wounds all over her body, even inside her ears. I named her Boo because she had “boo boo’s” all over her little body. She raised her head but would not stand up. When the volunteer took her out of the cage, she could hardly stand up, her legs shaking uncontrollably. She didn’t want to be touched, as I can only imagine the pain she was in.
She was taken to Stanley’s doctor immediately. She had to stay there overnight and was quarantined for several days. She had skin scraping performed on four areas of her body. Thankfully, mange was ruled out, though Boo was diagnosed with a skin condition called Malassezia. She was put on medications, nine pills per day. She also has front leg joint issues which will need to be monitored. When Stanley met Boo several days later, it was love at first sight, though Boo wasn’t too sure about Stanley. She was food aggressive and a little rough with the man of the house, though as she started to get stronger, so did their relationship. She gained six pounds in the first two weeks! She can now jump on the bed, and Stanley and Boo are inseparable. They play “racetrack” throughout the house and constantly tackle each other. I can sit and watch these two play for hours. They are so happy together!
Seven weeks have now passed, and Boo is doing very well. The vet bills are mounting, but WestieMed came to the rescue! She had her third vet appointment on Saturday and is now being treated for an ear infection. She has hair sprouts everywhere except her paws, but we are hopeful hair will grow. If it doesn’t, we’ll just nickname her “Socks”. Boo’s food aggression has subsided, and she gained another pound. Stan and Boo sleep side by side, and she even gives Stanley kisses. He is such a handsome boy and deserves to be kissed all the time!
I am amazed that she has done so well in such a short amount of time. She is a completely different dog, and has so much personality. We are still getting to know her, but she surprises us every day. She is sweet, loving, and very determined! Stanley flattens himself out to fit under the sofa. She is trying to learn this trick, but gets stuck every time. She brings so much laughter into our lives. Boo found her forever home with Stanley. I cannot imagine our lives without her. Stan and I thank WestieMed for their support. We cannot wait to share photos of Boo will ALL her hair. Thank you, thank you, thank, you!
Karen & Stanley
Boo – WestieMed Recipient
Update July 2007:
Hi everyone, its me Boo!
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then I must have the biggest soul ever. I’ve been told that in heaven, dogs run free in grassy fields, nap on white fluffy clouds, and are given treats bypassing angels. My Mom takes me and Stanley to my Growlma’s house every morning before work so we can play in her big backyard that has lots of grass, trees, dirt, and fruit. We chase each other all day long and sometimes I pull strawberries right off the plants. She gets so mad because I never leave any for her. There are also lots of squirrels in the trees too, and I laugh at Stanley because he never catches one. I get lots of treats when I’m there cause that’s what Growlma’s do! Mom says I have a fat belly. It grew seven pounds since I was adopted. I am finally at the weight I should be. At night, I sleep on fluffy clouds called “down” and sometimes I can’t find Stanley because he hides under the sheets to torment me. He is one goofy boy! Mom is finally realizing that I am one smart dog. She didn’t know that I can twirl in a complete circle on my hind legs. I had to show her the other night to get her attention. After all the ruckus I caused, she finally got out of bed, and as I was dancing in circles down the hall, I led her to the dry water bowl. Stanley thinks I’m a show-off.
I remember the day Mom found me. Dogs remember things like that. I wasn’t happy and my owner abandoned me for something I had no control over. I heard rumblings from the staff that my time is almost up because I wasn’t exactly pageant material. They were talking about my imminent demise (completely oblivious to the fact that I had two and half years of English prior to my arrival). Have you ever come across a broken dilapidated house, but with a little TLC saw its potential? Mom saw that in me. She’s a sucker for black noses and perky ears. My ear infection is gone now, so are the sores. Mom is so excited to see pink ears for the first time that she kisses them. Weird, huh? I’m still taking lots of medications, which seems to be working except on my paws. I can’t seem to leave them alone as they are still hairless because I chew at them, so Mom officially gave me the middle name “Socks”, though she failed to tell me. I read it on my new dog tag.
I am going to the groomer’s next Thursday and Stanley’s going with me so I’m not scared. He hasn’t been since March because Mom has been reoccupied with my hair growth. As you can see, he needs it. Mom wants me to get used to the groomer, and already told them I need my special shampoo so they said to bring it with her. Not much to cut right now, so I’m just going to get a trim. Mom isn’t allowed to use scissors on us because one time she made Stanley look like a Chihuahua. Can you imagine? I already resemble a Llama, so she doesn’t want to take any chances. Mom’s good at a lot of things, but definitely lacks talent in the hairdressing department.
I would have never come this far if I hadn’t found my angels. Growlma spoils me, Big Brother Stanley is at my side all the time, Mom loves us really hard, and Westie Med helped me get the treatment I need to get better. You are my angels, and this must be heaven!
Love Boo
Update November 2007:
Unfortunately, Boo’s progress has turned for the worse from what seems to be “out of the blue”. She was making wonderful progress up until November as she was only being treated for chronic ear infections (yeast). She broke out in what appeared to be hives and boils, and her skin turned beet red, and her paws were swollen triple the size. We rushed her to pet emergency, where we waited for four hours, only to be turned away due to all the emergencies that evening. The following morning, Boo was taken to her regular vet. Another blood panel was performed and the results were high in some areas that were believed to be due to steroids. She was given an anti-inflammatory and an antihistamine injection. She was also put back on Itraconazole, Orbax, Tramadol, Clemastine, and Atopica. The atopica made her vomit even though it was given to her one hour before meals. The only way we found to keep her from vomiting was to administer the atopica at midnight (the alarm was set). Her baths continued every evening with Malaseb shampoo, and her paws are soaked in Epsom salt twice daily for the swelling. The vet commented that there is no explanation he can come up with to explain the hives and boils. Her diet has not changed since July and there is nothing in her environment that has changed. He suggested her next visit be with a dermatologist. After this visit, she improved tremendously, although her belly shows signs of scaring.
Update December 2007:
From all appearances, Boo seemed to be doing very well, up until one week ago. Within seven days, she has managed to pull all her hair from her paws, muzzle, and under her tail. I researched specialists and called upon one yesterday. Since their offices are closed until after the new year, I brought Boo back to her vet today in an attempt to get her comfortable until we get an appointment with the specialist. The same round of drugs was prescribed including an e-collar. Another skin scraping was performed on all four paws which came back negative for mange.
As I write this, Boo and Stanley are curled up with each other on the sofa…sound asleep! It is obvious that this week has taken a huge toll on Boo, and my heart just breaks for her. Our one and only option are to get to the root of the problem so she can be treated properly. We are very anxious to see the specialist. We will never give up on our girl!
Boo – WestieMed Recipient
Update January 8, 2008:
Hi all, it’s me Boo. Today I had my visit with the dermatology specialist, Dr. Alexander Werner. I liked him right off the bat! He scratched my ears and I could tell it took everything out of him to refrain from kissing me. Mom took all my medical records with us including my diary that she has made entries to since my arrival. She edited the diary to reflect just the “medical & diet” facts, which I am grateful for because I really didn’t want my new doctor to hear about my potty training setbacks early on. That would have been embarrassing. I was a very good girl with Dr. Werner and I did not shake at all.
Dr. Werner said I look like I have epidermal dysplasia from previous tests that were performed at my regular vet, which is why my skin is turning very dark, scaly, and has thickened, and Malassezia as the secondary infection. This is what mom believed as well, but my treatment has changed completely. Dr. Werner changed all my meds, ear care, and diet with the exception of the Atopica which I am already taking. I had an ear scraping test done too. My new meds are Ketoconazole 200 mg every other day, Cephalexin 250 mg twice daily, and Atopica 50 mg every other day. My pretty ears will now get Epi-Otic Advance for cleaning every 3-7 days and Betagen Otic drops (six to eight drops) every day for ten days – then twice weekly. My beauty regime consists of Malaseb shampoo and ResiCort conditioner two times a week, Genesis Topical Spray for my paws two times a day for seven days. To help with the paw swelling, I am to have my mom soak my feet in vinegar and water. That can’t be so bad, right?
Dr. Werner also told mom that I must stick to a very methodical and strict diet. I am not allowed to deviate from eating IVD Duck & Potato dry kibble and IVD Duck Canine wet food. For mom to administer my meds, Dr. Werner said to ball up the canned food into little meatballs. No girl likes to be on a strict diet, so Stanley graciously agreed to support my new endeavor by eating the same food so I am not tempted. He’s such a great boy! He’s going to the groomers next week, but I’m not going this time. I have to wait until my paws are feeling better.
I am to keep wearing my baby socks because I’m told they “breathe”, and I have really gotten used to them. It’s much better than the e-collar. I have a follow-up appointment in four weeks and Dr. Werner will have a look at Stanley just for good measure.
Keep your fingers & paws crossed because on top of this fantastic personality of mine, I am truly pageant material!!
See you all soon, Boo
Update February 14, 2008:
Boo had her follow up appointment today with the specialist. Boo has progressed remarkably well. She has grown fur on her paws including between the pads for the very first time since adoption. Dr. Werner prescribed the same round of medications which will eventually be reduced to a few times a week over the next three to six months. The only problem we have encountered in the last five weeks is keeping the Atopica down. It was suggested that we freeze the pills and she will also be taking Metoclopramide (Reglan) 5 mg to help coat her stomach in preparation for the Atopica (one to two hours before mealtime). Her diet will remain the same for now though we will test other foods in six months to rule in or out “food allergies”. Regardless, Boo will be on Atopica for the rest of her life. She has not had any further ear infections, though she did develop a tumor just below her bottom lip. It is believed to be benign and may resolve itself due to the fact that it started as a small pimple and then metastasized triple the size in three days. Dr. Werner appeared to be very confident that we shouldn’t have to be back for three to six months. But with this good news, it was also made clear that a relapse can happen and they usually do with a vengeance. This is not a curable disease and we will forever be treating her condition.
Boo’s energy has quadrupled, her eyes are bright and she harasses Stanley with a vengeance! My boy is an angel and puts up with all of her shenanigans. Boo visited Indiana Bones & the Temple of Groom today! She received her very first Westie cut and is absolutely beautiful! She was given a Valentines Day bandana and a bow in her hair. She insisted on removing the bow. She is very much a tomboy! To me she was always pageant material, but today she is hands down the BEST IN SHOW!!
Thank you again Westie Med for all of your wonderful support and dedication to this supreme breed!
It is with a heavy heart that my baby girl died April 23rd.
My mother’s gardener put out snail bait without our knowledge or request. A different guy came to maintain the yard in the absence of the regular guy. The fill-in did not know my babies go to mom’s twice a week.
Boo Boo fought really hard at our emergency clinic for two days. She had the best care ever, and we still couldn’t save her. She was treated with Toxiban and the sodium levels kept spiking. She went into cardiac arrest.
I am so heartbroken and three weeks later I still can’t stop crying over my baby girl. I am trying to rationalize why this could happen after all she’s been through. January was really the month that changed everything for her – for us. Boo had quite the following…my entire family and my friends showed up at the clinic. She was so unique and special and she touched our lives like no other. There will never be another Boo Boo.
This picture was taken on April 13th. I miss her so very much.
Update June 26, 2008:
Sending you my “thank you” is long over due. The loss of Boo had really taken a toll and still; when I speak of her or write about her, I get that lump in the throat and the tear drops start falling. Sometimes I wish I can fast forward a year so it stops hurting. But with the sorrow, so much ‘good’ has taken place because of this one special little angel.
One year ago, this little girl pulled at my heart strings. I called her the “throw away dog” because I couldn’t fathom someone dumping her at a shelter because her hair was falling out. I don’t understand how people can be so ignorant, selfish, cruel, and so blind to the fact that these animals feel pain, joy, fear, comfort and love. In all honesty, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but what I did know, is that I made a commitment that would mean the world to this one dog. Her setbacks were my setbacks. Her progress was my progress. I remember when she had her first relapse, I put her in my lap and cried. I spoke to her and apologized over and over again that I haven’t been able to make her better. I also promised her that I would never give up on her.
One year ago I was uneducated in the world of throw away dogs, and how important rescue is. Because of Boo, I became a volunteer for rescue. I am currently fostering a little Westie girl that was picked up from the shelter on Monday. She is grossly underweight, eyes crusted shut, ears swollen shut and covered with ticks. I took her home and worked on her for over three hours. Not one sound came out of her. Not one complaint. She let me warm compress her eyes, clean her ears and pull ticks. She did not resist her bath or blow dry! In fact, she curled up onto my lap as we sat on the bathroom floor with brush and blow dryer in hand. She received vet care on Tuesday, will need drops in her eyes for the rest of her life, and just yesterday has responded to my voice. Yes, she can hear, thank God! She will go into permanent foster care on Sunday where she remain until she has been rehabilitated and ready for her forever home.
I will be sure to let them know that if she doesn’t find a home, then her home is with me.
I have a little boy here too. His name is Howard and he was rescued from the shelter 4 weeks ago. Howard has helped Stanley and me considerably in the day to day activities. He is full of life, a bit on the devilish side, and gives great kisses. I was to have him for one week and deliver him to his permanent foster home. I did make the 80 mile drive, spent the afternoon with his new foster mom; only to turn around and come home with Howard in tow. He belongs with Stanley and me. His adoption is pending, but soon he will be a permanent member of the family.
I received your card and it still sits on my window sill. It will always remain on my window sill for years to come. Sometimes people don’t know what kind of impact they can have on someone else. You had a huge impact on our lives. The emails we’ve shared talking about our dogs, the support and knowledge I received from WestieMed’s website, the money sent to get Boo’s care rolling, the eternal candle and of course, the card. Simple words that meant the world to me.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you have done for us, and continue to do for others.
Love, Karen
Update May 9, 2009:
We are doing well! Stanley continues to be the great ambassador of all the rescues I bring home (he protects them, amazing!) and keeps order in the household; and Howard, the clown that he is introduces toys to them all. It is heaven!
Shortly after Boo died, I called my friend Kay and suggested we start a rescue organization. I found two Westies in my local shelter that were dumped because of their skin issues, so I adopted them. Kay took one and she also found a Westie with Addison’s so she took him in as well. We decided it’s official – we are doing this, so Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond was born. I spent the next several months creating our adoption packages, brochures, adoption agreements, etc. and Kay worked tirelessly on our articles of incorporation and applied and received our 501c3 status. We have also just been added as a rescue partner with WHWTCA. Since then we have rescued thirty-si Westies in less than a year! Currently, I have two skin cases with me; Wesley and Molly, and at any given time, Kay has a pack of six or more in her home. We have had a number of seniors come our way, but it was Perry that made a huge impact. Perry came to us a few months ago at the age of fourteen. He was relinquished by his owner because of his incontinence and it was believed he had diabetes. The shelter was set on euthanizing him, and Kay moved mountains to get him released to us. Not an easy task when an owner tells the shelter he is sick. Turns out he is not sick at all. He is just a wonderful little senior citizen who is living the good life with Kay. No Westie will ever be turned down regardless of age, health, or skin issues, and we are working on bringing awareness to the joy and privilege of adopting seniors.
This is the reason Boo came into my life. An artist in Michigan; Lara Harris is currently working on an oil painting of Boo for me. It will read “My Girl, My Inspiration, My Angel”.
My name is Jewel. I’m a ten-year-old Westie who has found Nirvana for Westie World. I don’t remember where I was born or who my parents are, but I do know that I spent a long time in a kennel somewhere in Kansas which my new Dad says is “Toto Land”. He told me that has to do with something called “The Wizard of Oz”. I have no idea what he means, but I do know that my journey here to Mom and Dad was something special. I don’t remember how many puppies I had at that kennel – I was there for lots of years so I know there must have been tons of them!
Anyway, after a long, long time – December 2006 in people time – an angel named Meredith came and got me from where I lived that had no heat, not a lot of shelter from the elements (there were holes in the roof and missing boards in the sides of the building) and very little food or water. It was FREEZING COLD (like one degree) and the wind was strong out of the North. Meredith braved the ice, snow, and wind to come and rescue me and my Westie kennel-mates. The weather was so bad and she was terrified to make the drive, but she also knew I was in a really bad place and may not make it if she didn’t come to get me. I got to ride in a car! I never had before. It was SO WARM inside and Meredith made sure I could rest.
Anyway, I wound up in Oklahoma with some very nice people who took care of me for a little while. I’d been bitten in a fight before Meredith came and I had a bloody leg and bloody ears that no one had taken care of. Both my ears and both my eyes had infections and Meredith said she didn’t know when we all last had baths because we didn’t smell too good and when she bathed us, she said she’d never seen so much dirt come off Westies before. These nice people got my leg healed, got my infections cleared up and trained me to sleep in a crate. They took me to someone called a vet and I had something happen to me to me, which I was told meant that I won’t have to have any more puppies. Woo hoo!
Then, one day, Meredith came and got me and took me to a place (motel) in Tulsa and my second angel appeared. Meredith also had another little Westie with her named Penny, who is now my little sister. I didn’t know it at the time, but that second angel is my now my new Mom. My new Dad says her name is Jackie, but she’s just Mom to me. Anyway, Mom drove Penny and me for almost nine hours to a place called Houston, Texas, which is where I live now. When I got there, I saw a really big Westie. His name is Chivas. He is a very big, handsome, and gentle boy of six years. When I got out of the car with Penny, he sniffed and sniffed and we sniffed and sniffed back. Within minutes, we became big friends and now we’re all family!
My new Mom and Dad took Penny and me to their vet to get us checked out. The vet is a very friendly man who looked me over and over. He told Mom and Dad that three of my mammary glands were overgrown because of tumors he thought were cancerous and that the cancer could possibly have already spread to my lungs and liver. Dad said he thought I just had some big breasts – he didn’t know there was something wrong with me until the vet said so. This terrified Mom and Dad and, of course, I had no idea what was going on. The vet said I needed some tests and some surgery if there wasn’t any cancer in my liver and lungs. Mom talked to Meredith and Meredith said she’d take me back, but Mom said, “Thanks for offering, but we’ll see this through. Jewel is family now and we just can’t give her up – we love her.” My heart did a dance when she said that!
Anyway, the vet did some tests and learned there was no cancer in my liver or lungs, so he did surgery to remove the three tumors. The surgery was rather extensive and reduced my overgrown mammary glands to normal (Dad called it breast reduction surgery). I had to wear an Elizabethan Collar (Dad called it a cone head) for two weeks so I wouldn’t pull out all those stitches – there were so many. I did fine with that collar in spite of trying to run around after Chivas and Penny in the back yard with it on my head when I was supposed to be staying inactive, as Mom called it. And now I’m FULLY recovered and run around and play with Chivas and Penny in our back yard all the time. We chase squirrels and I just LOVE living here!
All of this cost Mom and Dad a pretty penny (not my sister… the coin). They have no regrets, though, and I’m very blessed to be here in my new home. I’ve heard that y’all (that’s a new word I’ve learned now that I live in Texas – people here say it all the time) help people who help Westies like me who’ve been rescued. Mom says y’all were very generous to Dad and her and she is so very appreciative. And I am too – THANK YOU, WestieMed, for helping pay for my surgery!! That surgery has given me some assurance that I can be here with my new family for a good while. As Dad says, “Jewel, this isn’t Kansas anymore,” and I’m SO GLAD!!
Update January 15, 2008:
AS OF TODAY, WE’VE HAD JEWEL FOR A WONDERFUL ONE YEAR, ONE WEEK AND ONE DAY and she has progressed dramatically socially and physically (weight gain, which she needed) and is very much an integral part of our household and a great playmate for Chivas and Penny, her Westie brother and sister.
Medically she had no problems resulting from her mammary tumor removal surgery one year ago and we continue to thank WestieMed for helping us financially with her surgery. We did learn this past October that she has an enlarged heart and is currently on 18.75 mg of Furosemide daily to help alleviate the fluid. We pray she will be with us for a very very long time, as we dearly, dearly love her.
My husband took quite a few pictures over the holidays and I’ll definitely email some to you soonest.
How do we know that God exists? One way to tell is if you have ever seen a small child wandering in a department store or on a busy city street without an adult right next to them holding their hand. If you look around you will see virtually every eye of every adult in the area will be fixed on the child and many of them starting to move forward to help…until of course the child’s adult companion shows up and everyone relaxes…I think that is one way that God acts in this world… through the eyes, hands, and hearts of good people here on earth who step forward and do what is good and right for those that can’t help themselves. And that is precisely what has happened to Shadow. It started with Westie Rescue of Missouri when Angie Jamison heard there was a Westie at a shelter in Northern Illinois. She then called Debbie Kolze who lived nearby to see if she could help.
Here is Debbie’s story of the rescue and her and her husband’s excellent and heroic foster care:
“Angie at Westie Rescue told me that there was a shelter in Seneca, IL that had a Westie. He was turned in to them by another rescue transport. When they got him he was full of fleas, ticks, was filthy, and literally nothing but skin and bones and missing large patches of fur. The shelter was very full, and Shadow did not do well there. So after a few days, they shipped him off to a woman named “Lee” who will take in the overflow animals at the shelter since she apparently has a farm or lots of land or something and is willing to help if the shelter needs assistance. Anyway, Lee gave him flea baths and wormed him. She said he wasn’t housebroken when she got him, but she trained him. She said he ate okay but everything he ate was just running out of him.
“On May 16th, 2006 I went to pick him up. I met Lee outside of Seneca, IL off I-88 at a convenience store parking lot. She handed “Duffy” to me as she had nicknamed him, and gave me a bag with some gravy pouches and some dry dog food. She said I could keep the collar and leash, then she signed the makeshift release form I gave her and drove away.
“Duffy” stood most of the way home in the front seat of my car. I thought he might be a Westie mix, maybe part Collie or Sheltie because he wasn’t very white and his face looked more like a Collie than a Westie. After a while, he laid down but just for a few minutes only to stand up again. I sensed that his back hurt. When I touched his back it was arched up high and I could feel every vertebra from his neck down to his tail. I didn’t like touching him at all, he was just a skeleton, and he smelled. But when he looked at me with the one lone round star in his right eye (he has cataracts that have blinded him), I said to him, “I think you are going to break my heart.” Because I didn’t think he would live another week since he was such a mess.
“I had called my vet before picking him up and had an appointment for later that afternoon. He weighed in at under 13 pounds. The vet said he was full of infections, his teeth, his ears, and suspected internally too. He was given an antibiotic shot and put on a couple of prescriptions for the infections and the obvious pain in his back or hind legs. I was told to bring him back in a week. He went back before that for severe diarrhea.
“After having him one week we took him to the groomer and he surprisingly did look like a Westie, a very very skinny Westie. I hate to say how much I disliked touching him other than his face those early days. When he started to gain weight, I’d touch his face and neck, and as he filled out I could touch his shoulders. He was just so skinny he felt awful. When he finally got to his optimum weight only the very end of the spine could be felt, and a little of his hips.
“I put him on a diet of dry food, that I’d moisten and microwave soft so that he could eat it with his badly infected teeth. I introduced different foods slowly and one at a time to see how he handled them. I knew I had to put weight on him, but slowly, I wanted him to build muscle. I fed him 4 times a day. The dry dog food mix soon was mixed with canned food in the morning and evening, and a snack of something like cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg at lunch and again at bedtime, usually mixed with more dog food. The canned dog food was a turkey-based Adult Science Diet rather than beef or something else. Once he had his dental in June I no longer softened his dry food, and once he got up to eighteen pounds he only ate twice a day. It took him about three months to gain the six pounds. Then it was easy to pet him, pick him up and hold him and love him and not feel like I was hurting him.
“Around the same time he had the dental done, he got a one-year Rabies shot and started his heartworm meds. That was also when he seemed to developed allergies. He was scratching and itching and biting, so he got put on Advantage for fleas, just in case. He has bitten himself till he has bled, “hot spots” they call them, so he went on Benadryl. At one time he was getting three to four different pills a day. He was on Baytril for eight weeks, he was on Rimadyl for pain for at least that long, as well as the Benadryl, and other things along the way. Like things for his ears, he had a couple of ear infections while with us, it seemed to clear up and then come back. Just a note, the Rimadyl made it easier for him to go for long walks and he appeared to be more comfortable while on it. It’s a drug that is not good for long-term use I am told.
“Since he liked to follow us around wherever we went we decided to name him “Shadow” as in me and my shadow.
“That’s Shadow’s story until he was adopted by you on November 6, 2006.” Debbie
Debbie did such great work with Shadow that all my vet could find wrong with him was a couple of remaining skin hot spots and his severe difficulty with cataracts which have essentially made him blind. Shadow has that classic walk of a blind dog in that he walks with his head down and in a very halting, hesitant, and stiff-legged fashion…tail between his legs. Well, we have gone to two of the leading veterinary ophthalmologists in the Chicago area for their opinions and they both have identified a hyper-mature cataract in the right eye blocking 100% of his vision and a mature cataract that blocks perhaps 90-95% vision in his left eye.
Since Shadow has not been neutered, the vets have theorized that Shadow was used as a puppy mill stud and when he could not perform any more he was “thrown away”. From the age of cataracts and their configuration, one of the eye doctors said that the right eye could have formed its cataract from a blow or trauma to that eye as the one on the left seems to be a naturally formed one due to age. So it is easy to see that Shadow was not a pet and was just caged and used for years by his unscrupulous keepers.
I see some further evidence of his background in his behavior around the house now. He doesn’t know how to play, nor is he at all socialized to how humans pet or hold dogs. His world at the puppy mill was one of being used until he was no longer useful with no love or care for any of his needs.
Well, Angie, Lee, Debbie, and I have each in our way tried to shower him with enough care to try to make up for his years of imprisonment. He is much better now, his skin has cleared up, his ears are clean and healthy and he even gets excited and gives lots of tail wags when I come home from work. He’s even striding more bravely on walks and is showing more confidence and poise around the house. He’s a gentle little guy who never barks and never puts up a fuss when he gets his eye drops or is examined at the vets…it’s all new to him.
Now, thanks to WestieMed’s grant, he will be able to have a chance at opening up his world and having his sight restored with cataract surgery. For however much time he has left it is wonderful to think that it won’t be spent alone in the dark, anymore. Now he has friends reaching out to help him and care for him…finally. On behalf of Shadow and all of us who have helped him along the way, thank you very, very much.
Sincerely, George Kase, Shadow’s new dad.
Update January 2008:
t is with an enormous amount of sadness that I must tell you of the passing of my boy Shadow on this past Monday morning, January 28th at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital in Buffalo Grove. From internal bleeding caused by complications of his Kidney disease.
Shadow was truly a lionhearted being. Courageous in everything he did, he never let his blindness nor his weakened muscles stop him in any way. He enjoyed his walks and sniffing as well as just exploring for the fun of it. He liked to lay on his blankie and particularly after a good meal, he really liked to roll around on it with abandon. One hobby he developed in recent months was a particular affection for finding one of the other dog’s bowls during mealtimes for a quick snack before being caught. I can’t say enough about him and how much richer he made my life for the brief time he lived here.
Hi, my name is Canny, it was Cannon but I didn’t even know I had a name. I didn’t know humans did anything for dogs, except give food and water. This is my story of how I got rescued from a puppy mill and found my forever home. You see, I was in this puppy mill all my life and I am eight now. I lived and slept on cement, and was given food and water but I had no idea there was anything else.
One day this wonderful lady with a warm heart and sweet eyes picked me up from where I lived; her name was Judi. There were 4 of us that left that day. Judi took 2 of us and her friend Denise took the other 2. Judi put me in a crate but there was something warm and soft to lay on, wow that was different. Judi was a rescuer. I didn’t know that I needed to be rescued and I didn’t fully understand what being rescued would mean to me.
Judi was shocked when she saw where I lived and said it looked like “the Walmart of Dogs”. She said the “pens” were 4 X 6 and each pen had twenty dogs in them. I just thought that was normal. We went for a ride. Judi was so kind, she gently petted me, talked to me softly, and told me everything was going to be all right. The next day we went to Dr. Zimmer. He made me feel very sleepy. I felt different when I left there but it was still nicer than where I had been. Before Judi got me I had never been to a house. I just stood close to the wall so scared. Then some humans came and took away the little girl that was with me. This made me even more frightened. Then another set of humans came and they were looking at me for a long time while Judi talked to them. Then the female human came over, bent down, put her hand out, and started talking to me. Her name was Jacque and she seemed nice too. She picked me up and we left Judi’s. I can’t tell you how frightened I was.
We went to Jacque and Bill’s house. There were 2 other dogs there but they didn’t look like me, they were shelties. We all got along pretty well and there were a lot of things to sniff. The shelties, Heidi and Colby showed me things we were supposed to do. They showed me where the food was, that there was a special place outside where you go to the bathroom, and where you sleep. Jacque and Bill just kept talking to me and petting me. I was starting to like this place. A couple of weeks later, Jacque called Judi and said she had some concerns about my health. She said we were going to Dr. Zimmer again. Dr. Zimmer looked at me very closely and said I had some very serious problems. I have crusty, yucky eyes with tumors on the upper eyelids, I itch everywhere constantly and my skin is very smelly, my ears are nasty inside and sometimes I bump into things because I can’t see with the crusty stuff that is in my eyes plus I had lost weight. Dr. Zimmer and Jacque looked very concerned. Jacque told me it was going to be all right.
Now I come to the part of my story where Jacque finds Carol Sanger (Indiana Westie Rescue) and WestieMed. Jacque told them we needed help. She did all the things she was asked to do. Then one day I saw Jacque crying really hard at her computer. I didn’t understand but she said WestieMed is going to help plus Carol, a wonderful, kind lady, was going to help us too. Jacque says were are going back to Dr. Zimmer on January 8th and we are going to start with testing. In the meantime, she keeps bathing me every 4 days with this soap that does help the itching and the smell. But I have learned so many things. I get to sleep on very soft blankets, I am starting to learn how to play, and I even get to sleep on her bed when Bill is gone. I have even learned when you smell food, if you stand beside them long enough and stare at them, they might give you a bite! It’s pretty fun here. But the very best part, is I am going to get well. Jacque (I guess I can call her Mom now) says she didn’t know there were people out there that cared so much. When she talks about WestieMed and Carol she always gets tears in her eyes. That’s when Colby, Heidi and me, Canny (I know my name now) go over and make sure she is okay. She loves on us and says everything is going to be all right. I will let you know how things go and thank you WestieMed and Carol for being so generous.
Update May 15, 2008:
Hello All in Westie Land!
It has been a while since I last wrote but so many things have happened, I almost don’t know where to start. Mom and Doc. Zimmer got together and figured out a plan. It is amazing how much better I feel. I can see better, all the nasty tumors on my eyelids are gone and I don’t have that crusty junk in my eyes. My ears don’t make that squishy noise, the pain and the smell is gone. My teeth are clean and I look like a Westie again. I have learned so many new things. I know the word come means to run as fast as you can to Mom. Sit, means to lay my carrot tail on the floor. Wait means to sit longer but eventually, you get to move. If I do these things when I am told….Mom gives me a treat, that’s the best part!
Mom and Dad tell me all the time I am the funniest dog they have ever had. I discovered that rolling on your back, wiggling back and forth feels really good. Mom said she must be missing out on something good since I roll all the time. Someday I will get Mom to try that too, but she said that she would be more careful where she rolls! When I come inside, Mom always says, “Why do they call you WHITE Terriers?” when my back has grass stains and other things I won’t mention.
I found out this white stuff comes out of the sky, I don’t like it, so I scratch the back door and Mom appears. My sister, Heidi, makes the path to go around the back yard when the snow is there and I follow her. Colby, my brother, runs back and forth, jumping and barking. Mom started laughing at me one day and I didn’t know why. She said it was because I kept going around the path that Heidi made when the snow wasn’t there! When I figured that out, I started rolling again.
Some sad things have happened too. In November ’07, my sister started to feel bad. Mom took her to the vet and the tests came back fine. One night, Mom was sitting on the floor with Heidi. Mom had bought big fluffy pillows for us to sleep on. Heidi was laying on hers but she didn’t look good. Mom took Heidi’s collar off so she could breathe easier. Mom and Dad picked her up with the pillow and laid her on their bed. Mom laid down beside her. Mom was just sobbing, but kept petting her and said it was okay to go to Heaven. Then we all knew Heidi was gone. Mom gave Heidi’s pillow to me. I felt sad too. Her collar was on the floor; I went over, picked it up, laid it on her pillow, and then laid on top of it. Mom really cried and said that was the most touching moment she had ever seen. I am sending you a picture, so you can see how I will remember beautiful Heidi.
Mom is sending her favorite picture of me; she takes them all the time and makes videos of me. The picture here was when I had my first official grooming. I do look pretty cute. Mom says I am getting more playful and I come out to greet people when they come inside. Plus I stand up at the side of the bed and I get loved on all the time. Dad tells me I am a popcorn freak. As soon as I hear it pop, I run to the microwave and then follow whoever gets the bag. She always says that we have all been smitten by the Westietude!
Mom found this article on the internet. She wanted to include it because she wants others to know that animals bring so much joy to humans lives. She says she is so lucky to have me and I am her little angel.
Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Owner
Dictated by the pet. 1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. 3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being. 4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. But I have only you. 5. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me. 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it. 7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones in your hand, and yet I choose not to bite you. 8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long or my heart might be getting old or weak. 9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too will grow old. 10. On the difficult journey, on the ultimate difficult journey, go with me, please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Because I love you so.
Well that’s what has been happening in CannyLand. I will write more when I can and let you know how exciting my life is now that someone really loves me.
Update August 3, 2010:
I was the forever Mom for Canny in 2006. I will be writing Canny’s final chapter as I had to put him to sleep on July 7th. I will send you the rest of Canny’s story.
Mac first came into our rescue network in January 2000 as a five-year-old owner- surrendered Westie. The family had adopted him in 1999 from the local shelter where he had been dumped by a former family due to snapping at a child who withheld a treat. The second family had him for a year, during which Mac developed aggression toward the husband, and also some allergy issues. That family surrendered him to me in January 2000. Mac settled in with me and my other rescues.
In Feb. 2000 I was contacted by a retired woman who was ready to adopt again after losing her previous westie in 1999 due to old age. She was given Mac’s history and was willing to give him a try, since she was a widow with only an adult son who came by infrequently. She felt she could deal with Mac’s allergies since her former Westie also had allergies.
Over the ensuing years, Mac continued to have allergies, especially ear infections, one right after another, which his loving adopter treated as best she could with the country doctors she had access to. Mac was even taken to Texas A & M for ear scoping and underwent two major surgeries to clear out the ear canal of infections and blockages during 2004.
But the problems have persisted, although only in one ear. The last surgery was abruptly ended when the vet encountered a “bleeder” and could not get beyond the blockage. It was recommended that Mac undergo a complete ear canal ablation, which meant removing the ear canal, and the tympanic membrane, and closing the ear completely so no further contamination or buildup of fluid would occur. The cost of the proposed surgery was far more than Mac’s adopter felt she could handle, so she contacted Westie Rescue/Austin and surrendered Mac back into our rescue program.
Mac is otherwise a healthy, affectionate 10-year-old Westie gentleman. While in the care of his surrendering owner, he got over his fear of men and became a curious, outgoing Westie again. Mac gets along great with the other rescues we currently are sheltering, although I can tell he misses his “Mommy” as he looks at the door she departed from.
On 10/21/2005, Mac’s ablation surgery was performed, and he is recovering nicely. He looks a bit funny with his one side all shaved, but hey, he’s cool with it! He did not like the E-collar but stoically endured it while his ear recovered. Mac and I are grateful to WestieMed for their assistance. The surgery did cost quite a bit, more than we normally can handle with our rescued Westies, but WestieMed came through to help this loving and affectionate Westie, who has been through a lot of changes over his life. He is now ready to settle down once and for all times in a final, loving home of his own.
Thank you so very much, Barbara Ott Westie Rescue/Austin, TX
Misty is eight years old and was owner surrendered to Westie Rescue/Austin when her former family felt they could no longer deal with her medical needs since she is an Addison’s disease dog. She was not receiving her medication on a regular basis and would “crash” before they remembered to get her back to her vet for her next shot. The costs of her shots were more than they wanted to absorb, too.
So the family contacted Laura in Shreveport (Louisiana Westie Rescue) asking for help. Laura was full, so she put out a request for a new rescue/foster home for Misty and the Austin, Texas, Westie Rescue program had space for Misty and a foster home that already has another Addison’s Disease Westie!! Misty had the perfect foster home just waiting for her.
A transport network of eight volunteers brought Misty from New Orleans, on Saturday, the 27th of August, just ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Katrina, to her new foster home in Austin, Texas. Misty arrived weary but ready for her new adventure.
Westie Rescue/Austin turned to WestieMed for help and assistance with Misty’s medical situation, and WestieMed has been wonderful to underwrite Misty’s health care as she is being treated and monitored for a stabilizing condition. Misty’s prognosis is positive.
Misty has now been evaluated by her new vet and is on a regular maintenance regime that will keep her at her peak of energy. Misty and her new foster sister, Nessie, are having the times of their lives playing together, under the watchful eye of Nessie’s mom, Linda. Soon Misty will be ready for a new forever home.
Update, March 2006:
Dear WestieMed,
I wanted to give you an update on Misty. I adopted her and she is doing great!! She adapted instantly to her new name, Christie.
Christie’s new Vet insisted on examining her the first day here and planned Addison’s treatment and appointments. Before Christie got her first scheduled shot, she began to crash and was rushed to the Vet. They acquired the Percorten injection from an emergency clinic and monitored her all day. Since October, Christie has been successfully treated for serious bladder and ear infections, cysts on her head, and Addison’s disease is under control. The Vet calls me regularly to remind me of appointments and just to check to see that all is well. The Vet’s being so talented, thorough, caring, and five minutes away has been the best I could hope for my new girl!! They have also given me a discount on Christie’s treatment because she was a Katrina dog.
As her medical condition has improved, Christie has become more and more playful, affectionate, and beautiful- her hair is thicker, softer, and whiter. And Christie is closer with my other three dogs- her two Westie sisters, Gracie and Maggie, and brother Nicholas. As of March 1st, Christie is very happy and loved!!!
Thank you so much, WestieMed and all of the people that came through for this wonderful girl!!!
Update March 13, 2011:
I adopted Misty in 2005 after her rescue from New Orleans and WestieMed’s care. Very, very sadly my Christie (Misty) died in December. I am grateful for the time that I had with her. She was very special and handled her Addisons, ACL surgery, cancer, and other medical problems with the best attitude and gave back every day. Thanks again for the care you gave her before I adopted her.