Dachary was one of four Westies that were given up to Westie Rescue. They ranged in age from the youngest at four years old to Dachary at nine years young! The rescue was told that the dogs were all “healthy” – this proved not to be the case.
Dachary was in the worst physical condition of the four. Her problems were many. A visit to the veterinarian revealed the following:
Severe long-standing ear infections – ear canals totally closed – hearing loss
Dry eye with permanent scarring on the cornea
Terrible gum infection – missing, rotten, and broken teeth
Skin problems
Tumors on or near mammary glands – possibly precancerous
In the hands of the rescue group of the West Highland White Terrier Club of California (WHWTCC), and with financial assistance from WestieMed, Dachary’s treatment began. While under anesthesia the tumors were biopsied, the ears were treated, and she was spayed. Westie Angels were looking out for Dachary as all the biopsies came back benign!! Her caring veterinarian did the teeth cleaning and extractions at no charge to the California club.
The WHWTCC rescue group thought they would have a difficult time placing Dachary due to her age and special needs involving her ears and eyes but they had TWO families interested in adopting this special Westie. They made their decision and Dachary’s new owners think she is the sweetest dog in the world – even if she is “high maintenance”!
Dachary’s medical bills were quite large. WestieMed was a significant factor in getting Dachary the treatment she needed to be healthy enough to be adopted. The West Highland White Terrier Club of California along with Dachary’s new family would like to extend their gratitude to WestieMed for their generosity.
Dachary – WestieMed Recipient
Update September 2002
Here is a photo of Dachary and her family at “Westie Festie.” As you can see, we are all very happy.
Sincerely Susan S.
Update March 2006
Dear Westiemed:
I sent the message below to Westie Rescue earlier tonight:
I am sorry to report to you that Dachary, who you brought to us in 2000, died Monday from pneumonia at nearly 16 years of age.
Although she was ill for the last few days, she was spunky and Westie-like up to that point. Her passing was peaceful and she was in the company of those who loved her when it happened.
On behalf of my wife, my son, and myself, I want to express our profound thanks and appreciation to Elaine Delgado and everyone at Westie Rescue for allowing us the opportunity to have this wonderful companion for five-plus years.
We loved Dachary very much. There is no way to express fully how much joy, warmth, laughter, and relief from the heartache she brought to us. We are grief-stricken at her loss but will cherish for years to come to the many wonderful memories she provided.
Again, thank you for bringing Dachary to us. A check-in her memory is on its way to you to support your worthy efforts. We hope that the contribution will help others to experience the pleasurable insanity of having a Westie in one’s life.
We are equally grateful to your fine organization. If not for your hard work in restoring Dach to health, we would not have been able to adopt her and have this wonderful experience. A check-in Dach’s memory is on its way to you also. It is nice to see that she is still on your website, and we hope she will stay there a while longer.
Bogey is a two year old, fifteen pound, male Westie that we received on July 3, 2000. He was supposed to be a stud dog in a puppy mill, when the breeder decided that he was not needed and released him to us.
When we received Bogey, his paws were splayed from standing on wire and he had a hole all the way through his left front paw. But, more seriously, he had a raging ear infection that had completely closed his ear canals. We were not even able to get medicine down his ears to treat the infection and there was no way to perform a limited surgery to open those ear canals. So, we decided to go forward with ear resections. An ear resection is the removal of the cartilage in the ear that is closing the ear canal.
When our vet performed the ear resections, he found that the infection had caused the ear canals and the ear drums to rupture. Can you imagine how much torment this little guy must have suffered?
Bogey – WestieMed Recipient
The ear resections were completely successful. After two weeks of twice daily cleanings and strong antibiodics, the infection is gone. Bogey is feeling good and his hearing has been restored.
Bogey is going home to his new family tonight. They are so excited! A few months ago they lost their first little rescue Westie, DeeDee, to kidney failure. Bogey won’t be able to replace DeeDee, but he will make his own mark on their family. He has turned into a happy, healthy little Westie — and he has escaped the horrors of the puppy mill.
Thank you, WestieMed, for helping us turn this little guy’s life around.
Luann Johnson Westie Rescue of Missouri, Inc. Smithville, Missouri
Update July 2002:
We are the adoptive family for Bogey. In August, we will have had him two years. He is now a happy, healthy, active Westie. By the time we brought him home, Luann had him on a recovery mode from his ear surgery. We haven’t had any medical problems with him whatsoever. Bogey has been pretty smart and has been a family project to train. He is now able to: sit, stay, fetch, speak, dance, shake, and lay down on command. The biggest “quirk” is that you can’t turn him over on his back. He totally throws a fit and almost hyperventilates. –Maybe past left-overs from ear infections!!
Bogey – WestieMed Recipient
We have three girls, so Bogey rarely goes without attention. He is spoiled rotten, but loved immensely. We needed him as much as he needed a home, as we had just lost a previous Westie to heart failure.
Thanks for the work you do–It does make a difference!
I took Clovis into foster care on April 22, 2000. Prior to coming to me, he had been in several ‘temporary homes’ in a very short time span. So, he was feeling very insecure. Disoriented and scared, he endured the long ride home snarling and crying. Looking back, I’m not too sure who was more scared – Clovis or me!
Once home, I thought the best way to help Clovis feel more secure was to get him used to his surroundings and into the ‘routine’ of things as soon as possible. Unfortunately, things did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. As those long hours turned into days, it became very apparent that Clovis was suffering from more than just the stress and anxiety associated with his recent change in homes — he had some serious medical problems!
Within a day, I observed increased problems with his skin, the hot spot on his tail, and the ear infections — All of which were already being treated. In addition, he was drinking water excessively, gorging his food, vomiting, had gas & bloating, diarrhea, was dripping urine, had difficulty defecating, sensitivity to the back and tail, and was limping. As the symptoms worsened and his back & leg pain became more prominent, I knew this little guy required some immediate medical attention.
A visit to the veterinarian, with a thorough examination and x-rays, revealed that Clovis was suffering from many ailments. He had severe arthritis and some damaged ligaments — The result of injury/trauma to the back legs, hips and spine many years prior. Since the injury went untreated, Clovis had compensated for the pain by manipulating his spine (he often stood in the shape of a C), and shifting his weight to one side. The manipulation had also caused muscle loss in his left hind leg, which he would hold up or drag at times. Unfortunately, surgery was not a feasible option at that point in time – only long-term maintenance for the pain. The exam further revealed that Clovis was around 10 years old (not 6 or 7 as originally thought), and he had cataracts which had caused some vision loss. As if that wasn’t enough, he also had acute atopic dermatitis, epidermal dysplasia on his belly, legs and throughout his back, and yeast infections in both ears. Although blood tests were required to confirm a diagnosis, the vet believed the urine dripping was possibly related to an infection, and the excessive water drinking was indicative of diabetes or something more serious. Fortunately, those tests confirmed no infection, diabetes or serious diseases! So, this lead the vet to believe that the excessive water drinking and food gorging/vomiting was stress related, and he hoped those symptoms would disappear as Clovis became more comfortable in his surroundings.
Needless to say, all that news was quite overwhelming, as well as the cost of the medication and veterinarian bills incurred. And, Clovis would require further follow-up visits and blood tests to make sure he was responding to the treatments.
Even though I was able to give Clovis the love, attention and care needed to help him heal, I was not in a position to personally cover his overwhelming medical expenses. Fortunately, WESTIEMED stepped in and covered most of Clovis’ medical expenses — giving him a second chance at a healthier and happier life, and adoption!
Since that first visit, Clovis has had several follow-up exams and tests, as well as an emergency visit for an aggravated old head/neck injury. However, I am happy to report that he is doing remarkably well! He is very happy, and he is looking and feeling better each and every day! Although, he will require a life-long maintenance program for his arthritis and allergies, all of his other symptoms have either disappeared or they are currently under control with a good diet and medication.
Thanks to WESTIEMED, and a lot of TLC, Clovis was able to receive the necessary treatment to help him heal, adjust to a pain maintenance program, and have a chance to live out his golden years happy, healthy, and as ‘pain free’ as possible.
Thank you WESTIEMED!
Editor’s note: We are happy to report that Clovis’s wonderful foster Mom in Richmond, Virginia, is adopting him and making him a permanent part of her family. Clovis is one lucky boy!
Update – October 2000:
It has been six months since Clovis joined the family, and I am happy to report that he is thriving and adjusting to his new home, surroundings, and sister Chloe (a seven year old Westie) remarkably well! While the road to recovery has been long and bumpy, Clovis has made tremendous progress both medically and socially.
Clovis’ skin has completely healed, and his coat has finally grown out. In fact, he just got his first “Westie Cut” and looks marvelous! We continue to battle the perpetual ear infection, yet we are making progress. With persistence, the vet believes that we will beat this too! Unfortunately, there is no “fix” for Clovis’ past injuries and the arthritis he suffers with. However, the long walks, daily exercise, massages (his favorite part), and playing with Chloe help to keep him limber and on all four paws! He has not had any arthritis medicine for over 3 months – now that’s great news!
Equally gratifying to watching Clovis heal medically has been watching his social skills change and a new personality evolve. He has learned how to play instead of being a bully, and often shares his toys and food with Chloe. He is not as gracious with his treats — they remain under close surveillance and guarded until every morsel is consumed. Clovis says that he has to “draw the bone” on some things. Even though he continues to struggle with some jealousy – he would be most happy as the only Westie in the family – he is learning that there is enough love and affection to go around!
When everyone says that Clovis is lucky to have found me, I always reply that I am lucky to have found Clovis! He is a very special Westie, and I am grateful to have him in my life every day! Thanks to WestieMed, and all of the other people who have been instrumental in Clovis’ healing!
Clovis – WestieMed Recipient
Update – September 2002:
Clovis could have ended up in another ‘good home’ – One that also provides shelter, nourishment, love, affection, exercise and medical care…but, I like to think that Clovis found the ‘perfect home’ when he came to stay with me and his big sister Chloe.
It has been over two years since Clovis first touched our hearts, and I’m happy to report that he continues to thrive and brings joy to our lives every day. We can’t imagine not having him around!
Today, Clovis is a well-adjusted and happy little man. However, every day continues to be a challenge as I battle his perpetual ear and skin infections, as well as arthritis from his prior injuries. I’m thankful for the times when things are ‘under control’ and when they aren’t…well, I just deal with it. Clovis makes it easy to care for him — He’s very accepting of the grueling routine. Even with very little hearing and sight capability left, Clovis continues to enjoy life like most Westies…playing with his sister, taking long walks, chewing the mail, protecting his food & biscuits, barking at trucks and digging!
I know that Clovis will require ongoing medical care for the rest of his life, but I remain forever grateful to WestieMed for their assistance in helping Clovis with the initial veterinarian care/treatment to get his problems under control. With WestieMed’s assistance, the initial medical care that Clovis received was instrumental in helping to make his ongoing medical maintenance needs more manageable today. Thanks again WestieMed!
Teresa, Clovis & Chloe Showalter
Update – February 16, 2003: – CLOVIS April 20, 2000 – January 21, 2003
It is with great sadness I report that Clovis went to Rainbow Bridge on January 21, 2003. In late November, Clovis began coughing and it was determined that he had a collapsed esophagus and bronchitis. Soon after, the bronchitis turned to pneumonia. Since his heart and lungs were strong, we were optimistic that he could beat the pneumonia with antibiotics and we would be able to treat the collapsed esophagus with long-term maintenance. In the weeks that followed, Clovis’ health deteriorated but he never lost his true spirit and will — He was a fighter to the end.
While Clovis’ time with me was short, he gave me a lifetime’s worth of love, joy, laughter and so many wonderful memories that will live on forever.