October 2003:
Hello everyone my name is Pearl. I feel lucky to be telling my story. My birthday is March 15, 2001. I am just over two and a half years old. I was sold from a Petstore when I was twelve weeks old. Lots of people wanted to buy me as I pranced and played in my cage.
My new family said I was adorable they called me Sara. I lived with them for exactly three months. I was a frisky puppy but one day my front legs became hot and stiff and my jaw felt heavy and my head seemed bigger. One morning I woke up and could not eat my kibble anymore but my family did not notice. I tried to tell them…they finally figured out something was wrong when I stopped growing. They took me to the Vet and did all sorts of tests and the Doctor shook his head. I felt tired and weak and worn out.
I fell asleep after my appointment and woke up back at the Petstore. My new family had returned me! My feelings were so hurt. They did not want me and somehow I was not cute anymore. I overheard the people there saying that I could not be sold again. I was sick and alone.
I had not waited too long in my cage when a woman came for me. She was a stranger but I was glad to go. I said good-bye to my puppy friends and we left. I was weak. I only weighed six pounds and I was six months old. My new person took me to the Vet but she later told me that I was sick and nobody was quite sure how to help me. She made me feel special. She made homemade chicken and rice in the blender with tasty puppy milk for me. I ate six times a day. When I was too sick to eat she would encourage me with steak and hamburger bits. I had to learn how to eat without opening my mouth. You see I have a disease that won’t allow my jaw to open. It also made my legs burn and ache and my head swell.
My person would soak in the tub with me with special salts and talk quietly to me. She gave me baby aspirin and cortisone tablets. I never wanted to give up and she knew it. She called me her little fighter. She phoned lots of Veterinarians and talked about me and my problem a lot. She named me Pearl in honor of a well known local animal rescuer. I felt proud of my new name and my new place. I had been rescued by Friends Forever and I felt loved.
After one solid year of special care and baby food, I finally felt better. I was bigger and stronger and started to play. I remember the first hole I dug in the yard. My person seemed thrilled. I am embarrassed to admit how much I want to bite my cat friends. They know I can’t and they tease me. I have been spayed which was a big deal because my mouth still does not open but 1/8 of an inch. I made out fine. I have had shots and seen many Vets but nobody has been able to help me open my mouth. My person thinks this is a real benefit when clipping my nails. I don’t.
My person has found a Vet who can help me. I am so excited. She is very kind to me. Her name is Dr. Hunt. She has made me feel better with her magic machine that she puts on my jaw. I am hoping to be a Westie that can deliver a swift nip or two to my cat buddies before long!
Pearl has Craniomandibular Osteodystrophy (CMO) which is a devastating inherited disease. She is currently undergoing therapeutic Ultrasound treatments at University Animal Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina under the care of Dr. Christine Hunt. This innovative treatment using sound waves may result in Pearl being able to open her mouth. Pearl is fostered by the President and Founder of Friends Forever, Lucy Boette. Pearl’s treatment is being funded by a grant from WestieMed.

Update: October 2006:
Hi. My name is Pearl. Maybe some of you remember me. WestieMed helped me a few years ago. You see I have Craniomandibular Osteodystrophy (CMO). Basically, I can’t open my mouth very much. Westie Med provided me the opportunity to receive therapeutic ultrasound and acupuncture to see if my mouth could open. And it worked, a little. I was so happy, I stuck my tongue out all of the time, and boy, did I enjoy my food.
Lately, I haven’t been feeling well. I’ve lost some weight and just don’t feel like running around. All I want to do is stay in my cuddler, my teeth hurt. The vet says I have severe tooth decay and it’s causing all sorts of problems. My doctor has me on antibiotics and wants to do a major dental invasion as soon as I can gain some weight. My people have been feeding me several times a day and I think that I have put on a pound or two. If this keeps up, I may lose my girlish figure!
WestieMed is going to help me get my mouth cleaned up. I am so grateful for WestieMed. I can’t wait to feel good again. Thank you WestieMed.
Update November 2006:
Pearl is such a sweet fighter! She had 18 diseased teeth removed. It was a long-drawn-out deal and her mouth and tongue were very swollen. She had to be on morphine but is now a million times better. She can put her tongue out of her mouth and lap her food for the first time ever. Her poor tongue was worn down from pushing on her front teeth for all these years. Dr. Hunt advises that the remaining teeth will continue to decay and have to be removed over time but everything is very stable and good after the recent dental work.
She will be able to continue gaining weight. She has gained over two pounds since I first wrote to you all. She yips and barks and generally happy now. I am so grateful for all you have done to help us with her. She has a new lease on life now for sure!
THANK YOU so very much on behalf of Pearl. WestieMed has made a world of difference in her life…in fact, I think she is poster pup material!
All my best, Lucy
Update November 17, 2008:
My name is Andrea Borden and I adopted Pearl in December of 2007 from Friends Forever and you helped Pearl in 2003. I just wanted to thank you for helping Pearl and giving her the opportunity to live. She is my heart and I truly believe without your help she may not have been here today. I also wanted to thank you for all the Westies that you have helped. You are truly an amazing agency that stands for a wonderful cause.
Andrea Borden