Suzy a six-year-old female West Highland White Terrier came into Wag N Train Terrier Rescue on May 4, 2014, from a shelter in Missouri where she had been surrendered by a family member after the death of her owner. The shelter stated that Suzy limped on her left rear leg and was badly in need of a dental with possible extractions.
Upon arrival, Suzy was immediately bathed and the long, matted coat was clipped off. She was matted in places to the skin and had a large amount of feces stuck to her coat underneath her tail. She graciously met the intake coordinator’s Westies and had a good snoop in the yard.
Soon after that, Suzy was taken to Rockbrook Animal Clinic for her dental procedure and x-rays of her hips and patellas to diagnose the cause of her limp. It was discovered that she suffers from degenerative joint disease in both hips and a degenerative disc at the lumbosacral joint. Multiple surgeries would be required or Suzy would need to be on anti-inflammatory medication for the rest of her life. Our wonderful vet, Dr Martin Ramm, suggested an alternate treatment that is relatively new to the veterinary community, stem cell replacement therapy with the goal of giving Suzy a chance at a good quality of life without the use of surgery, drugs, or medications. This procedure has been scheduled for June 19th.

Suzy remains a happy, carefree girl who likes to carry small stuffed toys in her mouth and is happy to meet young and old. We anxiously anticipate her recovery and are optimistic that the procedure will render her able to run, romp, and zoom in the yard without suffering the painful after-effects.
Attached you will find a “before” and “after” photo of Suzy, you can see the transformation that just a good bath and haircut will do! She is a smart and beautiful girl who so deserves to live the rest of her life without pain and suffering.
Janeal Dominico, CPDT-KA
Wag N Train Terrier Rescue
“Tender Loving Care for Terriers in Need”
Update July 28, 2015

Suzy is doing great. I fostered Suzy after her stem cell transplant and eventually adopted her. She is such a spunky little gal.
The vet was able to harvest enough stem cells to inject both her hips and her knee and we have stored enough for one additional treatment should it be needed.
The transplant was successful in that we have avoided surgery. It is an amazing procedure with so much promise.
With exercise, laser therapy and chiropractic adjustments following her treatment Suzy has built up her muscles and become an active happy little Westie with the appropriate amount of Westitude. No more limping, skipping or pain.
It is so rewarding to see the transformation she has made and we have WestieMed to thank for that. Should you need a more technical medical report, please let me know.
Again, thank you for all you do. Not only for Suzy but the many pups you have helped. What a blessing.
Kathy Carlson