Sophie’s story began in August when she was picked up as a stray and turned in to an animal shelter. She spent several months living alone, surrounded by strange sounds and smells. One day, she was picked up by rescue. The transition to her new life couldn’t have been more stark, as she traded her hard shelter habitat for a soft bed and blanket. Her rescue angel Lori brought her to a beach so she could smell the sea air. Sophie was so tired she fell asleep on the beach!
Sophie spent a few days under Lori’s care and the watchful eye of two Cairn terriers, Jay and Bennett. There were also two other foster Westies there resting before being transported to their new home. Sophie was very quiet at Lori’s house, preferring to spend most of her time resting and watching the goings-on of the other dogs. She wasn’t very hungry either, no matter how tempting the treats were.
Sophie made her way to her foster home. Foster mom Deb made her yummy food and Sophie started eating. In a few days, she was eating three meals a day and chewing yummy sticks. At her first vet visit, she had bloodwork and exam. However, in a few days’ time foster mom Deb felt that something was wrong and took her back for an ultrasound. The bloodwork came back and confirmed that something was indeed very wrong. Her liver values were all out of whack to start, and her kidney function was at 25%. The veterinarian diagnosed a gallbladder mucocele. If Sophie did not have surgery, her gallbladder could burst and leak toxins into the body, most likely killing her.
New England Westie Rescue Network went to work on fundraising while Sophie remained hospitalized. A few days later, she had a two-hour surgery to remove her gallbladder and do exploratory surgery in her duodenum and other parts of her gastrointestinal tract. Doctors removed a meat wrapper (the kind you get on the bottom of your meat at the supermarket) from her stomach. The surgery was a complete success, and after three days Sophie returned home. She is fighting a bacterial infection but making good progress. She has her appetite back and is playing with toys and her foster mom.
Sophie’s rescue was a collaborative effort between two independent rescuers and New England Westie Rescue Network. Our team thanks WestieMed for its generous, life-saving donation in support of dear Sophie’s care. She now has a high quality of life to look forward to, something that every Westie deserves.
Update October 28, 2014

Sophie is recovering very well at her foster home, right now.
She is being treated for ecoli infection from when she ingested the meat wrapper paper, poor girl.
Thank you WestieMed for giving her a donation.
I visited her this past weekend and snapped this picture.
Update July 27, 2015
Sophie passed away from a brain tumor this spring. Our sweet Sophie thanks you for helping her.