December 2006:
Hi, my name is Canny, it was Cannon but I didn’t even know I had a name. I didn’t know humans did anything for dogs, except give food and water. This is my story of how I got rescued from a puppy mill and found my forever home. You see, I was in this puppy mill all my life and I am eight now. I lived and slept on cement, and was given food and water but I had no idea there was anything else.
One day this wonderful lady with a warm heart and sweet eyes picked me up from where I lived; her name was Judi. There were 4 of us that left that day. Judi took 2 of us and her friend Denise took the other 2. Judi put me in a crate but there was something warm and soft to lay on, wow that was different. Judi was a rescuer. I didn’t know that I needed to be rescued and I didn’t fully understand what being rescued would mean to me.
Judi was shocked when she saw where I lived and said it looked like “the Walmart of Dogs”. She said the “pens” were 4 X 6 and each pen had twenty dogs in them. I just thought that was normal. We went for a ride. Judi was so kind, she gently petted me, talked to me softly, and told me everything was going to be all right. The next day we went to Dr. Zimmer. He made me feel very sleepy. I felt different when I left there but it was still nicer than where I had been. Before Judi got me I had never been to a house. I just stood close to the wall so scared. Then some humans came and took away the little girl that was with me. This made me even more frightened. Then another set of humans came and they were looking at me for a long time while Judi talked to them. Then the female human came over, bent down, put her hand out, and started talking to me. Her name was Jacque and she seemed nice too. She picked me up and we left Judi’s. I can’t tell you how frightened I was.
We went to Jacque and Bill’s house. There were 2 other dogs there but they didn’t look like me, they were shelties. We all got along pretty well and there were a lot of things to sniff. The shelties, Heidi and Colby showed me things we were supposed to do. They showed me where the food was, that there was a special place outside where you go to the bathroom, and where you sleep. Jacque and Bill just kept talking to me and petting me. I was starting to like this place. A couple of weeks later, Jacque called Judi and said she had some concerns about my health. She said we were going to Dr. Zimmer again. Dr. Zimmer looked at me very closely and said I had some very serious problems. I have crusty, yucky eyes with tumors on the upper eyelids, I itch everywhere constantly and my skin is very smelly, my ears are nasty inside and sometimes I bump into things because I can’t see with the crusty stuff that is in my eyes plus I had lost weight. Dr. Zimmer and Jacque looked very concerned. Jacque told me it was going to be all right.
Now I come to the part of my story where Jacque finds Carol Sanger (Indiana Westie Rescue) and WestieMed. Jacque told them we needed help. She did all the things she was asked to do. Then one day I saw Jacque crying really hard at her computer. I didn’t understand but she said WestieMed is going to help plus Carol, a wonderful, kind lady, was going to help us too. Jacque says were are going back to Dr. Zimmer on January 8th and we are going to start with testing. In the meantime, she keeps bathing me every 4 days with this soap that does help the itching and the smell. But I have learned so many things. I get to sleep on very soft blankets, I am starting to learn how to play, and I even get to sleep on her bed when Bill is gone. I have even learned when you smell food, if you stand beside them long enough and stare at them, they might give you a bite! It’s pretty fun here. But the very best part, is I am going to get well. Jacque (I guess I can call her Mom now) says she didn’t know there were people out there that cared so much. When she talks about WestieMed and Carol she always gets tears in her eyes. That’s when Colby, Heidi and me, Canny (I know my name now) go over and make sure she is okay. She loves on us and says everything is going to be all right. I will let you know how things go and thank you WestieMed and Carol for being so generous.

Update May 15, 2008:
Hello All in Westie Land!
It has been a while since I last wrote but so many things have happened, I almost don’t know where to start. Mom and Doc. Zimmer got together and figured out a plan. It is amazing how much better I feel. I can see better, all the nasty tumors on my eyelids are gone and I don’t have that crusty junk in my eyes. My ears don’t make that squishy noise, the pain and the smell is gone. My teeth are clean and I look like a Westie again. I have learned so many new things. I know the word come means to run as fast as you can to Mom. Sit, means to lay my carrot tail on the floor. Wait means to sit longer but eventually, you get to move. If I do these things when I am told….Mom gives me a treat, that’s the best part!
Mom and Dad tell me all the time I am the funniest dog they have ever had. I discovered that rolling on your back, wiggling back and forth feels really good. Mom said she must be missing out on something good since I roll all the time. Someday I will get Mom to try that too, but she said that she would be more careful where she rolls! When I come inside, Mom always says, “Why do they call you WHITE Terriers?” when my back has grass stains and other things I won’t mention.
I found out this white stuff comes out of the sky, I don’t like it, so I scratch the back door and Mom appears. My sister, Heidi, makes the path to go around the back yard when the snow is there and I follow her. Colby, my brother, runs back and forth, jumping and barking. Mom started laughing at me one day and I didn’t know why. She said it was because I kept going around the path that Heidi made when the snow wasn’t there! When I figured that out, I started rolling again.

Some sad things have happened too. In November ’07, my sister started to feel bad. Mom took her to the vet and the tests came back fine. One night, Mom was sitting on the floor with Heidi. Mom had bought big fluffy pillows for us to sleep on. Heidi was laying on hers but she didn’t look good. Mom took Heidi’s collar off so she could breathe easier. Mom and Dad picked her up with the pillow and laid her on their bed. Mom laid down beside her. Mom was just sobbing, but kept petting her and said it was okay to go to Heaven. Then we all knew Heidi was gone. Mom gave Heidi’s pillow to me. I felt sad too. Her collar was on the floor; I went over, picked it up, laid it on her pillow, and then laid on top of it. Mom really cried and said that was the most touching moment she had ever seen. I am sending you a picture, so you can see how I will remember beautiful Heidi.
Mom is sending her favorite picture of me; she takes them all the time and makes videos of me. The picture here was when I had my first official grooming. I do look pretty cute. Mom says I am getting more playful and I come out to greet people when they come inside. Plus I stand up at the side of the bed and I get loved on all the time. Dad tells me I am a popcorn freak. As soon as I hear it pop, I run to the microwave and then follow whoever gets the bag. She always says that we have all been smitten by the Westietude!
Mom found this article on the internet. She wanted to include it because she wants others to know that animals bring so much joy to humans lives. She says she is so lucky to have me and I am her little angel.
Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Owner
Dictated by the pet. 1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. 3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being. 4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. But I have only you. 5. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me. 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it. 7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones in your hand, and yet I choose not to bite you. 8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long or my heart might be getting old or weak. 9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too will grow old. 10. On the difficult journey, on the ultimate difficult journey, go with me, please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Because I love you so.
Well that’s what has been happening in CannyLand. I will write more when I can and let you know how exciting my life is now that someone really loves me.
Update August 3, 2010:
I was the forever Mom for Canny in 2006. I will be writing Canny’s final chapter as I had to put him to sleep on July 7th. I will send you the rest of Canny’s story.