My name is now Linnie because I am loved. I used to be just a number and the only love I got was from my puppies. Despite the fact that I have always lived in a small cage, I loved people and attention. I am a licker and a tail-wagger and when my jailers in Missouri decided I had to go, my rescuers from Westie Rescue Indiana brought me and a lot of my friends here to live a normal life.
My trip to the vet discovered a number of things wrong with me but the most major thing was that I had a bladder stone the size of a hen’s egg that was blocking my urethra so that I was miserable and peeing small amounts of blood mixed with urine. I also got an x-ray to see if I was pregnant. I wasn’t so I got spayed along with my bladder surgery and antibiotics to keep me from getting an infection. I have to always eat special urinary food so I don’t ever get these bladder stones again.
Well, that is about it except that I am waiting for my forever home. Thank you WestieMed for helping with some of my medical bills.
Update April 29, 2010: Linnie is now named Lynn.
Linnie, or Lynn as she is now called, has a great home with her new owner. She is well-loved. I will try to get some pictures.
Update October 22, 2010

Linnie has a perfect home with a wonderful nurse named Judy for her mother. She even has her own nanny who walks her during the day so she never has to be alone.
She loves chasing squirrels and birds (even caught one once), taking walks around the neighborhood and even cons her mom to carry her when she gets “tired”.
She has lost all the ugly brown stains from the cage that she called home for so many years in the puppy mill in Missouri.
She has a light in her eyes that weren’t there before and she lives life to the fullest thanks to WestieMed’s help.