February 2022
On June 8, 2021, Lone Star Westie Rescue was contacted about a male Westie (Snoopy) surrendered to a Texas shelter due to rectal polyps and prior owner could not afford medical treatment for Snoopy. Gladly LSWR came to his rescue. Soon after Snoopy was evaluated by our vet and received a much-needed dental.
Although, rectal polyps are an infrequent and usually a benign disease, we were informed to monitor him while in foster care because the likelihood of him having issues were high and he’d likely have to see a specialist to have surgery to remove the polyps. Snoopy joined his new foster family and fit right in with his laid-back, easy-going personality and loved every human and pup he’d meet. He loves to show off his toys and breaks all the Westie rules by being a lap dog. Symptoms from his polyps began increasing in severity and more frequent. At that point he was referred to a specialist to have his condition evaluated. After the consult with the specialist, he was put on antibiotics and steroids to help with the inflammation in his bowels and so the specialist would be able to proceed with a colonoscopy and polyp removal.
Snoopy’s colonoscopy revealed more than a few polyps and the decision was made to remove the section of his colon that was riddled with polyps. The colon resection was a step in the right direction for Snoopy even though this procedure would not make him completely disease free, but it would make him more comfortable and help maintain his overall digestive health. Patients that undergo a rectal polyp surgery have a good recovery prognosis. Single polyps usually will not reoccur. Canines that had multiple polyps removed may experience the reoccurrence of the polyps. He was a little trooper with his follow-up visits and his incisions were completely healed by three weeks.
Snoopy is living his best life with his forever family. They are thankful for the care he’s received while in foster care and are understand what it will take to manage any future polyp issues.
Thank you WestieMed for helping Snoopy, a gentle loving Westie in need of rescue!
Update November 6, 2022:

Thank you to Westie Med for helping with Snoopy’s surgery. He was riddled with polyps and his surgery gave him a second chance to have a healthy colon and start a diet and supplements to give him a comfortable and healthy existence.
We are happy to say that he is our foster fail and love him dearly. He is the sweetest boy and his condition is being successfully managed.–
Best Regards,
Kim Fryars
Update August 31, 2023:
WestieMed has been informed that Snoopy is now at Rainbow Bridge. He passed earlier this summer.