Hailey’s family of 8 1/2 years noticed she had been limping for several weeks and was not getting any better so they took her to their vet to be examined. The vet took radiographs of her leg and determined she had a torn CCL (cranial cruciate ligament). The CCL is a connective tissue in the knee that connects and stabilizes the lower leg to the upper leg. Hailey would need surgery to correct the limp.
Three weeks later the owner returned to the vet and requested Hailey be euthanized as they were not able to afford the surgery. Thankfully, the vet did not feel comfortable euthanizing her and knew with the surgery, she would be able to have many more good quality years of life. Hailey’s owner surrendered her and a vet tech at the clinic began looking for ways to help her. The tech reached out to Lone Star Westie Rescue (LSWR) to inquire if LSWR could take her into their rescue program and give her the surgery she needed.
LSWR took her and in late September, she had surgery to correct her torn CCL! After a 12-week recovery period, she came through the surgery with an excellent prognosis and now is back to going for walks in the neighborhood and playing with other pups!
Thanks to WestieMed’s help, LSWR received financial assistance to offset this very expensive surgery. Without this help, a huge financial strain would have been put on LSWR’s funds to help other Westies in need. Lone Star Westie Rescue is forever grateful for WestieMed!
I lost my Westie, Spice, to kidney disease in July 2022. I have had Westies most of my adult life. After Spice passed I was hesitant to get another dog and was worried about getting a dog with health problems as that was quite the journey. However, after seven months of not having a fur baby I realized that I had to get another because my fur babies have always been what brings me the most joy in life.
I was having coffee on a January Sunday morning and one of the sweet vet techs at my vet’s office sent me a pic of Stella Mae. She was at the shelter in New Braunfels. I didn’t know anything about her and the shelter had absolutely no background information or history on her. I knew I had to go rescue her but without knowing if she would be a good fit I reached out to Lone Star Westie Rescue to see if we could bring her into rescue to adopt her. They thankfully said yes without hesitation and told me to go rescue that baby.
I called the shelter Monday to inquire about her. They said they had MANY applicants and didn’t know where I stood in line. The next morning I received a call that I was the first applicant! I knew this was a sign she needed to be with me. I went to the shelter and she gave me a sweet kiss and we instantly bonded.
We got home and she seemed to feel right at home and adjusted to the house perfectly. I did notice she wasn’t drinking much water. She was absolutely filthy but couldn’t have a bath because she had just been spayed. She went to the vet that Monday and all her bloodwork looked good.
Fast forward a week. My dad had a stroke and had to stay with me for three months. It was quite a trying time. When he came to my house Stella Mae was extremely fearful (and still is of any strangers that come to the house). I was not able to care for her and my dad at the same time. So, three lovely human beings in rescue offered to help me and take her in and foster her until I could get her back home.
She had 15 teeth pulled and was spayed. She then started having recurrent UTIs and was treated. After three months of recurrent Urinary tract infections, multiple vet and emergency vet visits she had one ultrasound done that didn’t show any masses or anything of concern. She then had a CT done that also didn’t show anything of concern. Her vet did a vaginal exam and said she had some scar tissue that he thought might be causing the issue with emptying her bladder. He did surgery in May to fix that issue. She recovered from surgery but was still squatting frequently.
He did another ultrasound a week later and saw something small along her bladder wall. He did a urine test to test for bladder cancer. It came back negative. He went in to do surgery again in June and found a bladder tumor that came back as Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC), an aggressive form of bladder cancer. He removed as much as he could but could not get all of it. I was absolutely heartbroken as I just started my journey in getting to know this sweet angel that I believe was sent to me for a reason. She recovered well from surgery but was still squatting frequently. She started on a drug called Peroxicam to help with inflammation and hopefully keep the tumor from growing. The drug can cause some digestive issues and the kidneys have to be watched closely. She will also be under the care of an oncologist to do everything we can to keep her around as happy and comfortable as possible for as long as possible.
We do not know her history, but it is evident this baby has not been loved and was treated badly. The vet said her tail had literally been chopped off. She has major separation anxiety and has extreme stranger danger but is getting better.
In spite of all she has been through she is the most loving, grateful, sweet and adorable baby! I am completely in love and obsessed with her. She is my best friend and has the most hilarious antics and makes me laugh daily. I am so grateful that right now she is feeling good, has great energy chasing lizards, birds, squirrels and geckos in the sunshine every day.
I had become overwhelmed with vet bills and reached out to WestieMed. I am so incredibly grateful that they offered to help which allows me to continue the care she needs. I am researching daily and working closely with her medical team to provide the care plan we possibly can for her. I am so saddened with her diagnosis but am trying to stay present and be in the moment with her and cherish my time with her each and every day!
Thank you to WestieMed and all the amazing human beings I have met through rescue! Thank you for all you do for these amazing fur babies and families taking care of them!
Update August 14, 2024:
I am sad to say I had to let sweet Stella Mae go to the rainbow bridge on July 6th. She fought for 14 months and was doing pretty good until the last two weeks. I am trying to find a new normal but I am heartbroken and my house is not the same.
On June 8, 2021, Lone Star Westie Rescue was contacted about a male Westie (Snoopy) surrendered to a Texas shelter due to rectal polyps and prior owner could not afford medical treatment for Snoopy. Gladly LSWR came to his rescue. Soon after Snoopy was evaluated by our vet and received a much-needed dental.
Although, rectal polyps are an infrequent and usually a benign disease, we were informed to monitor him while in foster care because the likelihood of him having issues were high and he’d likely have to see a specialist to have surgery to remove the polyps. Snoopy joined his new foster family and fit right in with his laid-back, easy-going personality and loved every human and pup he’d meet. He loves to show off his toys and breaks all the Westie rules by being a lap dog. Symptoms from his polyps began increasing in severity and more frequent. At that point he was referred to a specialist to have his condition evaluated. After the consult with the specialist, he was put on antibiotics and steroids to help with the inflammation in his bowels and so the specialist would be able to proceed with a colonoscopy and polyp removal.
Snoopy’s colonoscopy revealed more than a few polyps and the decision was made to remove the section of his colon that was riddled with polyps. The colon resection was a step in the right direction for Snoopy even though this procedure would not make him completely disease free, but it would make him more comfortable and help maintain his overall digestive health. Patients that undergo a rectal polyp surgery have a good recovery prognosis. Single polyps usually will not reoccur. Canines that had multiple polyps removed may experience the reoccurrence of the polyps. He was a little trooper with his follow-up visits and his incisions were completely healed by three weeks.
Snoopy is living his best life with his forever family. They are thankful for the care he’s received while in foster care and are understand what it will take to manage any future polyp issues.
Thank you WestieMed for helping Snoopy, a gentle loving Westie in need of rescue!
Update November 6, 2022:
Thank you to Westie Med for helping with Snoopy’s surgery. He was riddled with polyps and his surgery gave him a second chance to have a healthy colon and start a diet and supplements to give him a comfortable and healthy existence.
We are happy to say that he is our foster fail and love him dearly. He is the sweetest boy and his condition is being successfully managed.–
Best Regards,
Kim Fryars
Update August 31, 2023:
WestieMed has been informed that Snoopy is now at Rainbow Bridge. He passed earlier this summer.
Halley’s story began in August 2018 when she joined Lone Star Westie Rescue. Her human mom had become ill and could no longer take care of Halley and her housemate Gracie. There was really no place for them to go so the family contacted LSWR and we welcomed them with open arms.
Upon her arrival, Halley went to Josey Ranch Pet Hospital for her initial exam. Halley was a little underweight, suffered from skin infections, hookworms and needed a dental. Her right eye had an ulcer and caused some concern and our vet suggested an exam with the veterinary ophthalmology specialist. She started her eye medicines and settled in beautifully in her foster home. She loved her new routine and was especially fond of her foster and resident Westie friends.
Halley needed to gain some weight and be on antibiotics before we could proceed with her dental. Her dental exam date arrived but it was postponed because her bloodwork proved her protein levels were too low and other alarming factors caused her dental to be delayed. Halley’s foster mom, Ann Loggins, dedicated and gave Halley all the care she needed and a few weeks later Halley was finally cleared to have her dental.
In the meantime, her eye was responding to the eye medicines for her eye ulcer while we waited for her upcoming ophthalmology specialist appointment. On September 4, 2018, Halley awoke with her right eye closed shut and she was rushed to our vet Dr. Baber and she quickly called Dr. Kenneth Pierce (Veterinary Eye institute) to alert him that Halley had a future appointment but that she needed to be seen that day.
Dr. Kenneth Pierce diagnosed Halley with a corneal ulceration which, if not treated correctly and quickly, can lead to blindness and even loss of the eye. Her ulcer had healed but the cornea was very thin and weak. Dr. Pierce recommended a Conjunctival Pedicle Graft Surgery (CGS) sooner rather than later. He stated Halley’s eye could rupture at any time, for any reason. Our options were to save the eye or remove it. He said Halley needed to wear a cone at all times and to make a decision very quickly as to which route LSWR would take We had to move fast, to save her eye because with Halley being her own donor, the surgery had a better outcome. She had surgery on Friday 9/7/18.
Halley with her new family.
Recap of this surgery is a strip of her own eyelid tissue would be removed from her right eye (bad eye) and the live tissue “patch” would be partially layered over her eyeball. The strip would be a considerable size. He believed Halley was an excellent candidate for this surgery with very good results. Even with this surgery, Halley would be visually compromised similar to a human having a blind spot in the eye. You can’t see through your blind spot but can see around the “patch”. LSWR agreed to save her eye and proceed with the surgery.
Halley’s foster mom, Ann, doted on her and watched every move during Halley’s recovery after the surgery. Ann was so committed and dedicated to her after surgery care that she stayed at home and did not accept any work at all to ensure Halley was cared for. Halley had several post-operative exams and she received excellent rechecks. The conjunctival graft had healed and was well incorporated in her cornea. The peripheral cornea also started to clear as there were less vascularization and edema. Halley will continue to be on two eye meds for the remainder of her life, but we are so happy to report she has a new family. LSWR’s previous adopters, Jim & Teresa, with their Westie Sasha, read her story and just knew Halley was meant to join their family. And they were so right!!