Orbison was taken to the vet by his previous owners with a request to put him down due to his skin condition. The family was moving and said they did not know what else to do. The vet saw that Orbison had a lot of living to do so requested that he be released to them and then reached out Westie and Scottie Rescue Houston for help. We immediately made changes to Orbison’s diet and medical regimen and his skin was improving but we noticed this sweet boy was having trouble navigating the elements of his foster home. A trip to the eye specialist showed that Orbison had cataracts in both eyes and was an excellent candidate for surgery. Orbison is spunky and loves to play with toys. We knew surgery would greatly improve his quality of life where he could enjoy many more years of toys and squirrel chasing.
Orbison had successful cataract-removal surgery on Thursday, June 23 (his 9th birthday!) There have been some concerns with his eye pressure post-surgery which has required additional monitoring, drops, and vet visits but Orbison doesn’t seem to mind. He is a patient little conehead who willingly takes his many eye drops throughout the day and is nothing but smiles at the dogtor’s office for his follow-ups. Orbison has a few more follow-up appointments to go but looks forward to playing with toys, chasing squirrels, and wrestling with his furry friends in his foster home and in his furever home very soon!
Thank you again for your grant to help him.
Update November 6, 2022:

Orbison now treats every day as a new day as he visually explores the world around him. His squirrel chasing game has improved greatly and he now jumps for excitement when you grab his leash. He carefully examines everything inside and out and happily jumps in the car to watch the world pass by his window.
It’s been almost 6 months since Orbison’s cataract removal surgery. While he had some initial concerns post surgery, Orbison has since healed and is enjoying life in his furever home!
We are grateful for the help WestieMed provided to allow us to give Orbison the gift of full vision and improve this goofy boy’s quality of life. Thank you!
Kristen Dohle
Volunteer and Orbison’s Foster Mom
Westie and Scottie Rescue Houston
Update August 15, 2023:

Orbison is thriving is his furever home! He was adopted a year ago, in August 2022, and is the king of his house and still enjoys playing with toys and hunting for squirrels. Thank you to WestieMed for helping our sweet and spunky Orbie see again so he can enjoy his happily ever after!
Kind regards,
Maggie Escriva
Westie and Scottie Rescue Houston