Dudley, renamed “Max”, a five and 1/2-year-old Westie, was rescued from a southern Maine backyard breeder (puppy mill) who had used him to sire litters of puppies. When we met Max, he had never walked on grass, was filthy and unkempt, and had no effect or emotion (other than fear). He did not wag his tail, respond to his name, or know how to walk upstairs, on a leash, or wear a collar. In short, he had not been provided with no love, socialization, or the opportunity to experience life outside of a concrete-floored kennel. Additionally, we were soon to discover that he had not received adequate veterinary care in his five years in the mill either. Heartbroken, we knew that we needed to get him to a vet to see exactly what we were up against.
After a sleepless night, Max stood up all night on his makeshift dog bed in our foyer, we brought him to our veterinarian. After a thorough examination, we were told that he had been badly neglected. His feet were splayed from living on a concrete floor, and many of his teeth would need to be pulled from being fed canned dog food. He would also need to be neutered, have blood work done to check for parasites and to ensure that his liver could withstand the anesthesia needed for dental work, and be brought up to date on his vaccinations. The breeder had been quick to hand over his registration papers; unfortunately, vet records were nonexistent.
Max – WestieMed Grant Recipient
After a few hours of online researching, luckily for Max, we stumbled across WestieMed. We asked for half of the costs needed for Max on our application, crossed our fingers, and waited. In the meantime, with constant love, and a commitment to embrace him into our family, Max has begun his road to rehabilitation.
In the two weeks that we have had him, he has learned to walk on a leash, wag his tail, walk up two stairs, and bark! My daughters claim that they have even seen him smile. After many baths and gentle brushing, a nutritious diet, and bones for his sore teeth, his beauty is starting to shine through. He is indeed a loyal, delightful, handsome little man who has won us all over. His emotional needs are now being met, and he will go in this week for his medical needs. We will keep you updated!
We can’t thank WestieMed enough for helping us to help Max. Your organization is a testament to the power of good people making a difference, through generosity and caring. It has inspired me personally to do all I can to crusade against puppy mills, and use Max’s story to educate others about the abuse and neglect that exist for so many animals. Your financial support has made a world of difference – Max seems to be enjoying his second chance, and we are certainly enjoying him!
Update April 7, 2014
Max – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Max is doing very well. He has acclimated to being a family dog, and is especially adored by my two daughters.
He is fully house-trained, can walk on a leash, comes to his name, can climb stairs, and has quite a “Westie” personality (so we’ve been told.) He gets along great with our Scottie Terrier mix, Annie, and the two of them are inseparable.
Max has not had any problems with his teeth since he had the extractions, and we make sure to give him dental bones to chew. He is healthy in every aspect, and loves splashing in the water at the beach (even on the coldest winter days.)
I have attached a photo of Max. Thank you again for all of your help!
Sophie found her way to Carolina Westie Rescue in late January of 2013. Coming from the northern part of North Carolina, she had quite a trip down to our location in Southeastern NC, in Wilmington. Sophie belonged to an older couple who could no longer give her the care and attention that a little Westie needs. The couple mentioned they had Sophie since she was a puppy. Now, however, with their work schedules being what they were, they did not have much time to spend with her. They also revealed that Sophie was around ten years old and had a “little skin problem”, but was otherwise healthy. During the surrender, along with Sophie’s records, they also gave me some of her medication which included Prednisone, Ketoconazole, and Tramadol. I took copies of what health records they gave me and after the couple filled out a surrender form, Sophie and I were on our way.
Sophie is quite small for a Westie, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in sweetness. She is friendly as can be and she greeted all the other Westies in my house as if they were all long lost friends. She did not seem shy at all or unhappy to be away from her old home or owners. Actually, she seemed to fit right in. Not long after she arrived though, I noticed that under her long, just groomed coat were feet that were black, swollen, bleeding and infected. Her belly was also black and she had a bit of a limp. She also appeared to have an old scar on the top of her head. She was small but slightly overweight. Her chubby appearance made her little head appear even smaller.
The next day I took Sophie to my veterinarian along with her records. My vet looked at Sophie’s past, which only dated back six months. In those records, my vet said that she had an infection in all four feet; and that her previous vet was not expecting a cure and could only hope for management with Cefpodoxine, Prednisone and medicated shampoo. My vet put Sophie back on the Ketoconazole along with Clindamycin and Pharmaseb shampoo. He took a skin scraping, a parasite screening and performed a physical exam. We noticed that Sophie’s teeth looked terrible and decided to get them cleaned at a later date. I wanted to try and get her feet on the road to healing first. My vet felt that by being more consistent and omitting the Prednisone that Sophie would start to improve. He thought that the past diagnoses of Malassezia were correct. My vet also mentioned that Sophie’s limp was from a torn ACL of her right rear leg.
After the game plan was laid out, I was very consistent with Sophie’s meds and baths. She seemed to improve for a time, but unfortunately, she then regressed. I called my veterinarian back and told him that Sophie was not getting better and he said that it would take a long time for her deep Pyoderma to heal. I knew from dealing with Westies that I should have seen some sort of improvement by now. I had been treating her for almost two months and she was not getting better. I then made another vet appointment and took Sophie back for a recheck. The vet did a senior blood work wellness profile and we made plans for a biopsy, histopathology, and culture and at the same time, he would clean and pull the teeth that were necessary. I took Sophie back ten days later to have all this work performed and poor little Sophie had to have six back teeth extracted. They were rotted at the roots. I do not think she had ever had her teeth cleaned.
Wilmington, NC isn’t a very large city. But, we are fortunate to have a canine dermatologist who visits from Raleigh twice a month. I called and made an appointment with Dr. Barbara Atlee, the dermatologist. The appointment was two weeks out. That would give us time to have the culture and biopsy results before seeing her.
Sophie’s lab reports came in a few days before our appointment to see Dr. Atlee. Her culture results stated that she had Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. This staph was also Methicillin-resistant. This meant that every antibiotic that my vet and the previous vet treated her with did absolutely nothing to stop the infection. However, we now had a list of antibiotics that would successfully treat her infection. Her antibiotic list was very short. One of the antibiotics that Sophie’s staph was sensitive to was Zeniquin and a topical antibiotic called Mupirocin. The Zeniquin proved to be hard to find and expensive, but I found it. Sophie’s biopsy stated that she also had Demodex. We put her on a course of oral Ivermectin to treat that.
Sophie – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Sophie had her appointment with Dr. Atlee, the dermatologist, a short time later. Dr. Atlee examined Sophie, then looked over all of her records and labs and concurred with the diagnoses and protocol. Dr. Atlee also supplied me with a two-page “Treatment Sheet” to follow, which is always helpful. It consists of a detailed protocol to follow to get Sophie well and happy.
I believe that now little Sophie is on the road to healing. Her feet still have ulcers, but are not as swollen. She hates to take her oral medication but is always a trooper when I treat her feet with Mal-a-Ket wipes and Mupirocin ointment. I put her Ivermectin in her food and, as she always loves to eat, she wolfs it right down. Speaking of that, we now have Sophie down to a respectable weight; and her cute little face is in proportion with the rest of her body.
This year has been very hard for Carolina Westie Rescue. We took in three senior owner surrenders almost at the same time. All three had heath problems. Thankfully, two have found their forever homes. Sophie still has a long road ahead of her, but now I think we are on the right track to getting her well.
Thank you WestieMed for your offer to help with Sophie’s medical bills. The Westie community is fortunate to have an organization such as yours.
Sydney Christian Carolina Westie Rescue Wilmington NC
Update January 13, 2014
Sophie is doing well now and is still with us. I will soon get back with you with pictures and an update on her health.
I can never begin to express our gratitude or come close to letting WestieMed know how thankful we are that they have been there for us.
The day before Easter, a shelter in southern-most New Jersey notified me that they had a Westie and wanted me to take him. I said yes, of course, and I got Whitey on Easter Sunday. The shelter told me that another Westie Rescue group had declined to help Whitey before they called me, so I was his last chance.
Whitey had a retained diseased testicle which was the source of most of his troubles. That testicle was grossly enlarged and resulted in a lump the size of an orange hanging off his belly in the groin area. His skin was covered with deep dime-sized open, oozing sores all over his body, legs, tail, and head. This was a result of the hormones from the abnormal testicle, and a staph infection had also taken over his poor body and his skin. He also seemed to feel sick and was lethargic and not eating well, he had a Malassezia condition, and a great deal of flaking and dry matter was coming off his skin. In addition, his dry eye had not been treated and his eyes were infected, and his sight is almost entirely gone (it seems like perhaps he can see shadows out of one eye). He had an infected ear as well, and his teeth were in bad shape; many were so rotten they would break off when gently touched. My veterinarian performed emergency surgery the day after Easter, removing the diseased testicle and the rotten teeth; the vet cleaned his remaining teeth, not for cosmetic purposes, but in hopes that this could spare him a need for future dental work.
Whitey remains on antibiotics and anti-yeast medication. His prognosis is excellent: his skin and his spirit are healing well. He is a friendly boy who likes people and other dogs; he also likes to go for (short) walks and is not intimidated by the fact that he cannot see. He is also housebroken. I hope to find him a home with a loving owner who will continue his health care regimen and give him a good long life.
Lisa Curry Garden State Westie Rescue
Update October 15, 2013
Whitey is doing well. He’s over his infections and he looks and feels better in all regards. He was adopted to a very loving home close to where I live so I get to see him sometimes.
My name is Lucy. I’m thirteen years old and for most of my life, things were great. I was the pampered and cherished baby of an elderly man and was treated like a Queen. But one day, everything changed. My beloved man died and his wife wasn’t able to cope. People took me away from the plush indoor city life I had been living and drove me to rural Arkansas. I was tied to a stake outside in the heat. My beautiful fur disappeared as fleas and mites attacked my delicate skin, and I got a sunburn, too. A neighbor saw me and told the people to take me inside or she would call animal control. They put me on a porch and fussed when I pottied there. I ended up back outside most of the time. Although things looked bleak, I tried to remember my human, Papa. I waited for him to come and save me, but he never did. Instead, he sent some angels from far away to help me!
Meanwhile, my sad story had been relayed to some people in Knoxville, Tennessee, who started a campaign to save me! Brian and Debra Douglas told a friend named David Bolton who told another friend named Patsy Stair, who set things in motion. Soon, a miracle would happen—I would be rescued! On June 17, 2012, the Arkansas people loaded me in their car and drove for a long time. The car stopped, and they gave me to two sweet ladies. Their names were Diane Vann and Patsy Holt. They were from Alabama and they had driven all the way to Arkansas to save me! Once I was in their loving care, I knew things were going to be okay, and I never looked back.
Diane and Patsy H. drove to Nashville, Tennessee, and handed me to Patsy and David Stair. I said goodbye to the Alabama ladies and laid down on my new blanket in the front seat between David and Patsy. I love men so much that I scooted as close to David as I could.
When we got to Knoxville, Patsy cleaned up my face. My eyes had lots of hard stuff under them and I held still while she soaked it off. She talked softly to me and I noticed she was crying. I wanted to say, “yes, I look bad right now, but I trust that you will take care of me.” She brushed my teeth and used a warm cloth on my poor raw skin. The next day, she took me to a sweet groomer named Tania, who made me feel great. Then she took me to a pet store, where she bought me some fancy food, some treats, a toy and a pair of pink pajamas to cover my sunburned skin. At last, I was being treated like royalty again!
Then Brian and Debra Douglas met us, and once again, I was whisked away to another adventure. Because my skin was so bad, they took me to a dogtor where I lived for a few weeks. It was okay, but I wanted to be part of a family. Little did I know what was in store for me next!
Brian and Debra had been searching for a home for me, and one day, their friend, animal advocate Carmen Trammell, found the perfect place! Another car ride took me to a pretty house with a fenced back yard in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A nice lady named Kaye Wimberly answered the door accompanied by her two rescued Yorkies and Westie girl. I could tell right away that this was a castle fit for the Queen I was, so I plopped in the middle of her bed and refused to move! I was home!
Luckily, Kaye knew all about Westies and their skin issues, and she took charge right away. Her other dogs wisely realized that I was special, so they let me be the boss.
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
By the time I got to Mama Kaye’s house, my skin was black, crusty, and oozing puss and blood—not a good situation for a Queen! I cried when I moved because it hurt so much. Kaye took me to Jackson Square Animal Clinic, and they diagnosed me with demodectic mange, cellulitis and bacterial pyoderma. They started me on antibiotics and shampoo therapy. Then, they found out that I had chronic renal insufficiency, low-grade anemia, and proteinuria. They put me on a Hills K/D Canine food, enalapril, and oral vitamins. Whew! Lots of big words for such a little dog to remember, but I was just glad they were taking care of my skin and my kidneys!
To help my skin get back to Diva condition, I am shampooed three times each week. Mama Kaye isn’t physically able to do it, so she takes me to the dogtor’s office and they give me the spa treatment. My skin is improving and I’m even growing back some of my gorgeous fur. I love playing with my toys and my fur siblings. Mama Kaye says I always will have a loving home with her!
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
While I was being pampered and doctored, Diane, Patsy, Brian, and Debra were busy raising money to pay my dogtor bills. I became a FaceBook celebrity! Lots of donations were received, but it wasn’t enough to pay for my baths and medicine. I’m pretty high-maintenance, you know! Diane contacted WestieMed, and Mama Kaye sent them my information. They even talked to the dogtor to be sure they understood what I am going through and what my future needs would be. Not surprisingly, the wonderful people at WestieMed thought I was worth saving, too! Because of WestieMed, I can be healthy and happy for the rest of my life! If I could, I would send kisses, licks, and sniffs to everyone who has helped me. I can’t help thinking my human Papa sent all the angels disguised as strangers to take care of me.
Update February 8, 2013
Just to let you know that Lucy is doing well. She has a little eye infection but it is clearing up fine. She also has problems with skin lesions occasionally, so she is on antibiotics off and on. I’ll send a picture later.
Update July 11, 2013
Lucy is doing pretty good. She hasn’t had any skin lesions lately but is still licking her feet. She went to the groomers today, so I’ll try to get a picture of her in the next day or two to send to you. She is still on her special diet and medicine but seems to be doing good.
She is definitely a little diva. In fact, if she decides she wants some water in the middle of the night she starts barking until she wakes me and the other furry animals. She has me trained already. She is really a sweet girl.
I’ll send some pictures later. I really appreciate all you have done for her. It was such a shame what happened to her, but I’ll make sure she has a good life from now on.
Update February 10, 2014
Lucy is not doing very good right now so she and I could use your prayers.
Lucy was doing pretty good until and a few weeks ago. At that point she started sleeping more, not playing with her toys, and not eating as much. Then she started losing weight. I took her to the vet last week and we did so more blood work which had several items for the kidneys in the red line (i.e., not doing as well). She has also lost about three lbs. from her last visit and her teeth were really bad. We had put off doing a cleaning because of her other problems but decided that it may be part of the losing weight problem. So, Lucy had a dental last Wednesday and the vet had to remove nine teeth. I felt so bad that I had not done her dental earlier. Anyway, she has not eaten much since then and I have had a real problem getting her to take her medicine. So I took her back to the vet today. She had lost an additional 4 oz., so the vet kept her overnight and probably for a few days to give her iv’s, antibiotics, and check her blood work again to see if any change in the kidneys. I am making her some chicken and rice to take t her tomorrow. I know she really loves the people’s food and the vet agreed that we needed to get her eating again and then go back to the kidney diet. The chicken and rice should help her some.
So, please keep Lucy in your prayers. She is such a special baby and I think she will come out of this. The kidney blood work was not extreme last week so hopefully, we can get it back under control again.
I don’t know what I would have done without WestieMed and everyone’s help. She is a special little girl and I want to give her the best I can — she deserves it.
Thanks for everything. I’ll keep you posted. Kaye
Update February 15, 2014
I got a good Valentine’s Day gift last night. I got to take Lucy home from the Vet. She has had a pretty rough week but was beginning to perk up a little. Thursday I was really worried because her blood work was elevated (in the red for the kidney functions) higher than earlier and she would not eat. We decided to give her something for an upset stomach and that has helped. She is now eating (hand-fed by the vets, the vet staff and me). She has been a real Diva on giving her pills at the vet and at home. I could use a stiff drink after giving her medicine and sure Lucy would love one too, but no luck for either of us. Friday evening she was feeling a lot better and even standing up in the crate. She definitely was ready to go home, so she got her and my wish.
The vet has added another medicine to help the kidneys. She now is on Azodyl (which eliminate toxicants and helps the kidneys), Enalapril (heart and kidney), Clindamycin (antibiotic), something for upset stomach, Pet-Tinic (vitamins) and Recovery RS Dog food. I have been hand feeding her chicken and scrambled eggs, but the little Diva has to be tricked. I have to get her up the bed with the other dogs, give each dog a bite or two before she will eat her bites. Then I give her more bites, as well as the others. DOES SHE HAVE ME TRAINED. It doesn’t matter I’ll do whatever it takes to get her feeling better. Once she gets back to eating well, I’ll put her back on the kidney food.
I’ll keep you informed on Lucy’s progress. Kaye
Update February 18, 2014
I’m sorry to say that Lucy passed over the Rainbow Bridge last night. I really appreciate all WestieMed did for little Lucy. You really made her life extend a little longer. She was in the Vet hospital all last week and I brought her home Friday when she seemed to be doing better. She quit eating on Sunday but her kidneys were still functioning. Monday she took a real turn for the worst and passed away that night.
Thanks again for giving me time with my sweet little Lucy. Kaye Wimberly
Update February 27, 2014
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
I will continue to donate to WestieMed as long as I can. You do such wonderful work for Westies. I was so blessed to have Lucy and grateful for your help.
I thought you might like to have a picture of Lucy.
Lucy really loved her babies (toys) and would carry them from room to room particularly when it was time for bed. Her favorites were Lamb Chop, baby Lamb Chop and Santa. I don’t know how she did it, but she could get al three in her mouth.
On February 27, 2012, we lost our beloved Schnauzer Gwen. She was only ten years old when we lost her after two episodes of kidney failure. Her loss was great for my husband and me. She had filled our lives with much love and fun.
After about a month, we knew that we missed the companionship of a little dog very much and desired to rescue someone needing a home. We spent the next month searching for a new friend. We wanted a terrier of some type. Westie Rescue of Maryland found what sounded like the perfect dog for us. He had been picked up in Prince George County in Maryland, taken to a shelter and then fostered in a home.
We thought we were getting a Schnauzer/Westie mix about four years old. After getting our new friend, Sullivan, we found out he wasn’t exactly the dog we thought he was. We thought Sullivan was four years old, had had two teeth removed and was being treated for an eye infection. As it turned out, after speaking with the initial vet that had examined Sullivan after he had been rescued, he was closer to eight years old, had actually had fifteen teeth removed and was one week away from having his eye enucleated if the eye infection that he was being treated for didn’t clear up.
The following Monday, we took Sulli to our veterinarian who we have used for over ten years. She met us in the lobby and immediately said, he’s got a bad looking eye. Our vet confirmed the eight -ten year age and wanted us to see the eye specialist as soon as possible. By the end of the week, we made the trip to see Dr. Corcoran, the ophthalmologist.
The ophthalmologist told us that the eye infection was so severe and the cornea so damaged that he actually had no vision in the eye. It’s difficult to know what caused this condition. He either did not have an eye duct in the eye or the one he had didn’t work. After years of neglect, the eye is like leather and in jeopardy of repeat infections and problems. She recommended a $1200 surgery to remove the eye. In the meantime, we took Sullivan home and continued on the antibiotic drops and the steroid drops twice a day.
After a week of contemplating how to proceed regarding the surgery, we decided it would be best to have the eye removed. By this time, we were bonded to Sulli and he to us. We felt we were handed a big bill for him, but then someone told me about WestieMed and how they might assist with the costs of his surgery.
The following week we took Sulli back to Dr. Corcoran, to have the eye removed. However, she called me after putting him under anesthesia and said that upon viewing the eye, it seemed slightly better. He seemed to have some peripheral light going into the eye. She felt possibly getting the drops regularly and better nutrition might be helping. She did not expect a complete reversal of the damage, but he could see light and dark in the eye. So, we decided not to take the eye out.
Sullivan – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Sulli, is a sweet, appreciative and loving little guy. He has become very loyal to us and we to him. He is good at expressing himself verbally too. He has a low-level growl that he uses to get our attention; especially when he wants his head or belly rubbed. The first time we had him groomed, he was so proud and felt so good, you could just see it in his walk. Sullivan loves taking walks and we easily cover two-three miles a day. Sulli spent a good part of the summer in the mountains of NY at our camp. He learned to smell, as he didn’t seem to have any interest in smelling when we first got him. He loved chasing the chipmunks in our yard and going for boat rides. He had no interest in swimming or getting in the water though!
While Sullivan still needs his eye drops twice a day, he is mostly cooperative about getting them. We need to continue the treatment for the next year and then once again be evaluated by Dr. Corcoran. We wanted a younger dog, but he seems to keep up with our activities most of the time. He is lucky in that my husband works out of the house and I am home much of the time. He likes having someone with him. He is a healthy boy and in spite of the rough time he had for a while, he is doing quite well now.
Thank you for your interest in Sullivan. Mary Fitzgerald
Update January 7, 2013
Since I last wrote, we have had to take Sullivan to the vet for intestinal issues, but a change in diet has helped a lot.
Sullivan continues to get the eye drops and does alright with seeing most things. Some times his depth perception is off, but he manages.
Thank you again for your assistance with Sullivan and his vet bills.
Sincerely, Mary
Update June 20, 2013
Sulli just came from the groomer today and is quite handsome. I don’t have a photo download right now, sorry. Sullivan is doing well and is definitely my dog. Try as he has, Sulli doesn’t want my husband near him if I am around. This and his need to hoard over his food, make us believe he had a rough time in the past.
He is very comfortable and enjoys being with us at the lake we spend time at in the summer.
His left eye still gets drops twice a day, which seems to prevent the infections. He is so good about getting them.
Overall, he is doing great and we enjoy his company!
In March eight dogs were rescued from a Missouri puppy mill. Foster homes were needed. We, the WHWTSOC, offered to take four of the dogs into our rescue program.
With the transport help of eighty-five (85) people, Geno, Penny, Maya and Connie arrived in Connecticut.
They were tired and very timid. They were vetted the very next day and found to be infected with giardia and treatment was immediately started. Two days later all were examined and blood work was done.
Geno had very high liver enzymes and was started on antibiotics and liver supplements. He was scheduled for an ultrasound and needle biopsy. It was determined that he did have a form of hepatitis, and possibly a bile duct blockage. Medication for this was started. A repeat blood panel showed the liver enzymes were coming down but not significant enough to do a dental or neutering. His other blood work improved to normal. Geno, whose appetite was poor, improved rather quickly once on medication. He is quite loveable but very close to his sister. He loves attention and will interact with his foster mom.
Penny, other than a limp and in need of dental work, was x-rayed with no clinical findings. She had her teeth done and was spayed. She is more outgoing than Geno or Maya. She would only eat out of your hand or off the floor.
Connie is the most outgoing of the four. Rather pushy when it comes to getting attention. She was losing some fur and when spayed, she still had some milk so it was obvious that she had recently whelped. A thyroid panel showed no problems as did all her routine blood work. She had her teeth tended to also.
Maya was very timid and would not come out of the crate and hid behind her two sisters. She only eats if no one is watching her. She had been shaved to the skin because of matting. Her physical exam showed extensive dental disease and required nine (9) extractions. She was spayed two weeks later. Still timid but she is coming along nicely.
All four love being outside on grass although at first walked very gingerly. They are learning how to walk on a leash, Maya is not so eager to give it a try.
Connie and Penny have found new forever homes and Maya hopefully will be going next week. Geno will not be available for adoption until he is completely healthy.
The new adoptive parents know they have their work cut out for them as these little fur kids still need to completely trust and experience the joys of a newfound life out of the living hell they were living in.
Our expenses were quite considerable and with the help of WestieMed we were able to give the four the care and treatment they deserved.
Emily was surrendered to Waccamaw Animal Rescue Mission (WARM) by the family of her deceased owner in early May of last year. According to reports, she was in deplorable condition and obviously had been through some rough times. When she was turned over to WARM she had very little hair (likely a result of neglect and abandonment) and her skin was in terrible condition. Her teeth were also in very bad condition. After several months at WARM, she was listed on Petfinder. The Petfinder notes indicated in part: “After being on a strict diet and premium food at WARM her hair is now growing in and she is going to be a real cutie…She was born around 2002, making her about 8…is still full of life and is so friendly and just loves everyone who comes to see her…is up to date with routine shots and spayed/neutered”.
Emily’s situation came to my attention while I was searching Petfinder for a special needs Westie that I could perhaps sponsor in memory of Duchess. Duchess crossed the Bridge on Feb. 16 after a six wks battle with kidney failure/gall bladder disease. Contact was made with WARM and a visit with Emily scheduled for July 27th. WARM had focused on Emily’s hair/skin condition, giving her lime-sulfur dips, baths, and good food. She had a full coat at the time of my visit, and the uneven growth reflected her hair loss had been substantial. Emily was a very loving, happy little girl. She would stand up on her hind legs and just smile! Emily was being housed in a crate, going out for leased walks. WARM had recently taken in a large number of dogs and appeared to be at capacity. While out for the visit, we noticed Emily was urinating quite often so an appointment was scheduled for her to see the vet. The application process was started and arrangements made for contact after Emily’s trip to the vet. I was touched that after all Emily had been through, she still was loving and trusting of me. Emily’s bloodwork and urinalysis checked out ok during the vet visit on the 29th, and although she did have diluted urine there was no sign of diabetes or crystals, etc. I received an e-mail telling me “Emily would be delighted to go with you to a new and loving home.” I drove to Conway on August 5th to complete the adoption process and bring Emily home. She was on a precautionary low dose of Baytril and a followup will be done by her new vet.
Emily quickly settled into her new home, becoming best buds with McDuffy (four years. old Westie mix) and seemingly felt right at home. She does her share of trying to rid the neighborhood of squirrels and cat by barking at them, loves her squeaky toys, and enjoys a nap on the sofa after having a bowl of kibble. She and McDuffy play chase, “squeaky” keep away, and toy “take away” (pre-ACL activities). Mandee, seventeen-year-old blind Chihuahua, just tries to stay out of their way. After settling in, we focused on health and beauty issues. Grooming was first and then vet followup on 8/16. Her right ear had a deep infection, was cleaned, treated and was put on Tribrissen 120 mg. Rechecked 8/30, clearing up. She went in on 10/4 for her dental, heavy tartar but no extractions needed, gums irritated and Clindamycin 23 mg. prescribed. She came out with pearly whites and smiled at me to show them off. Yeah – health and beauty goals met!
2010 was a tough year for little Miss Emily, losing her family, home, having several severe health issues, being moved into group housing and then on to a new home. She is such a courageous girl, never complaining, just goes with the flow. With a new forever home and her health issues taken care of, we hope for a better New Year.
On Jan. 5, Emily was sick with vomiting and became dehydrated. Her bloodwork was good, fluids administered, Cerenia and bland food for four days and all was well after several days.
Emily – WestieMed Recipient
On Jan. 18, Emily injured her left back leg while running after a squirrel, was not able to put it down at all. Off we go to see Dr. Suggs again – Emily really likes him and always smiles at him – this is a good thing as we have been seeing him often! The examination revealed an ACL injury with surgery recommended and scheduled for the following morning, Jan. 19. The ACL was torn completely, was surgically repaired and total recuperation may take as much as four to six months. Emily came through the surgery just fine, had a recheck on Jan. 31 and went in to get stitches removed on Feb. 7. After a thorough exam, Dr. Suggs feels the knee is healing as it should. Miss Em is slowly beginning to use the leg. She will continue to be on restricted activity and leash walks for a while yet. The next recheck is on Feb. 21.
And through it all, Miss Em continues to smile (and try to kill the green frog squeaky toy)!
I am so very thankful, WestieMed, for your assistance with the medical bills incurred for ACL surgery – that is such a tremendous help. It is indeed a Godsend to me! Emily, McDuffy and I are also very appreciative of the help you have given to Westies through the years. As evidenced by the stories posted on your website, you have made a huge difference in the lives of many!
May God Bless you and yours.
Update February 23, 2011
Emily is beginning to use the repaired leg a little more this week, primarily at a slow walk, walking on it a little. She went for a recheck on Monday, Feb. 21. The doctor was pleased she has begun walking some on the leg. He said the knee is still “tight” but there is a loss of muscle mass in the leg, We are to continue leashed walks for exercise to rehab. and call him in a month (unless a need arises for earlier contact) to update him on her progress. Emily continues to be a happy, loving little girl and is still giving the green squeaky frog toy a trouncing!
Update March 13, 2011
Many thanks to WestieMed for providing funds for Emily’s surgery. She is an adorable little girl and deserves the best life possible. I have enclosed a picture of Emily after trouncing the fearsome frogs! She is still limping but she seems more active.
Thanks again and God Bless.
Update January 1, 2012
Emily sends wishes for a Happy New Year to you, the staff and volunteers at WestieMed. Hoping you have a wonderful year. Thanks again for the help with Emily’s medical expenses. She is doing well, seems to have fully recovered from the ACL injury she had in January 2011. She had a relatively short bout with allergy problems in the fall. A round of medications and change to Earthborn Coastal Catch food appears to be working. She is truly a blessing – always happy and such a wonderful companion. She continues to work towards making our neighborhood a cat-free squirrel free environment!!!! May God bless WestieMed, the staff, volunteers and the little ones seeking help. I pray God will provide in abundance …….
I am an independent rescuer through the WHWTCA. Blind diabetic Mason fell into my lap one day in late September 2010. He was abandoned at a county shelter in southern New Jersey, with no information about his history. The shelter easily adopted him out since he is so sweet, only about six years old, cute, and housebroken, to boot. But when he collapsed a few days later, the new owner returned him. At that point, a kindly shelter worker, at his own expense, took Mason to a local veterinarian who diagnosed Mason with diabetes. That was when the shelter asked me to take him into rescue, knowing how difficult it was to adopt out a dog with diabetes.
Mason’s insulin dosage has taken some work to figure out and unfortunately, even with a “rescue discount” his expenses have mounted quickly. This was particularly true the first week when the vets and I were still working out what his proper insulin amount was, and Mason suffered one serious “crash” in that time. Thankfully, diabetes now seems to be stabilized with a modest dose of insulin, and his blood glucose is monitored daily to avoid further unexpected problems in that regard.
But Mason’s medical issues don’t stop there. He still needs some major medical work, including extensive dental extractions, investigation of whether his sight can be restored, and further examination of some of his other symptoms. But without all the initial work to get his diabetes under control, these future issues would be out of the question financially, and Mason might not even be with us today. I am hugely grateful to WestieMed for stepping in with a generous and badly needed financial contribution to Mason’s bills, which allows me to continue caring for him. He is worth it. He is a sweet, friendly, well-mannered fellow who doesn’t mind his insulin shots and doesn’t seem at all bothered by not being able to see where he is going. In fact, his favorite pastime is to fling his squeaky-toys up in the air – and then search for them! While he does that, I continue my search for his forever home: I know there is someone out there who will be able to accept and love this sweet little boy despite his medical challenges.
I was contacted by a Westie owner on Oct 5th. She informed me that her dog groomer had a shampoo girl that worked at the salon and also worked as kennel help in a puppy mill half time for income. The woman (Mary) was homeless and lived in her car.
She told the salon owner that animal control came and issued a summons to the mill that they had to downsize from seventy dogs to thirty dogs in ten days or be closed down. The woman started to dump her dogs. Two of her Westies had given birth about six wks prior and she was going to dump the older breeding bitches who were about five years old. She was going to dump them in the woods. The mill breeder gave Mary the two dogs to dump in the woods, and Mary wound up taking them to the grooming salon asking for help. They called me and I picked them up. Both dogs were in bad shape, (Kimmie/Lesley) and the vet bills for both were $1131.67. Both girls have the best personalities and are very social little butterflies. Always happy and smiling.
Both had severe yeast infections and needed dental. Kimmie was the worst, and she had a severe skin infection and required dental and extractions, spaying and an x-ray of her leg. (Lesley was in much better shape). Kimmie does not use her right back leg. She currently hops around on three legs. She has a severe luxated patella but I think its kind of not even able to go back in the socket at this point and we suspect a cruciate ligament. The vet will not know more until she cuts inside
Karin Parish Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue
Update November 1, 2010
Kimmie had her surgery and it was unsuccessful. She had such severe cartilage damage, and bone spurs, and other damage that it could not be repaired. It was hard to see on an x-ray – but once the surgeon got inside, she said it’s comparable to If you knee broke and the tissue around it tore and you have your knee flexed and it healed that way for years to the point where now the bone density is so thick, you really can’t do much about it, its permanently affixed that way. She can balance on it, but she is never going to use it. The upside is that she isn’t in pain and we don’t have to amputate it. My vet is going to find time to write a report up, but everything was fast and furious this weekend, and she didn’t get to that part.
A few weeks ago we had a phone call from our local shelter about a purebred Westie named Sugar, who was turned in by her owner. She was about three and a half years old, according to him, and he gave no reason for no longer wanting her. He did say, however, that he had paid a lot of money for her and, since she had not been spayed, he wanted to sell her papers to whoever adopted her from the shelter. The shelter manager told him that would not be allowed and that, furthermore, all dogs adopted from the shelter are required by law to be spayed or neutered.
We made an appointment at our vets and went to pick her up at the shelter. Her vaccines were not up to date and no heartworm preventive had been purchased for a couple of years. We were concerned that she would be heartworm-positive. And she was very thin with no flesh over her ribs.
When I arrived at the shelter the manager was walking Sugar outside on a leash. It was very obvious that Sugar was in distress as, in spite of constant squatting, she could not urinate but a few drops at a time. We realized that her medical needs were urgent. When we arrived at the vet clinic, Sugar continued to squat and this time we were able to see that her urine was bloody. Dr. Foster examined her, brought her vaccines up to date and ran a heartworm check which thankfully was negative. She also had intestinal parasites. But, she suspected bladder stones and the x-rays confirmed the presence of three very large stones which had been causing her distress and had put her life in jeopardy. She had surgery the following morning after spending the night at the clinic on IV’s. We knew she was finally in very good hands and was going to get the medical care she needed. We had asked if it would be possible to spay her at the same time as when the stones were removed and Dr. Foster said that if she could, she would but that it depended on how extensive bladder surgery was going to be.
Dr. Foster called that afternoon to say that Sugar was doing well and that she had been able to spay her at the same time. We were able to pick Sugar up the next day. She had removed three bladder stones that were as big as walnuts. She gave us two of the stones and sent one to the lab. The results came back indicating that they were struvite stones and that she had been suffering with them along with a bladder infection for several months. Her bladder was really rough from the stones and it will take a while to heal.
Sugar arrived at her foster home on pain meds and antibiotics with instructions to keep her quiet and only leash walk her. She will have to be on a prescription diet for the rest of her life and have periodic testing to be sure stones aren’t forming again. Her appetite has returned and she is finally beginning to feel a lot better!
Sweet Sugar is recovering very well and she is a wonderful happy little girl who gets along with her foster mom’s dogs. She wants to play but we are still on ‘play hold’ until she is fully healed. We do roll a ball for her to catch, but not too far, and she thinks that’s great for now.
We look forward to placing this cute little girl who deserved so much more than she got, in a home where she will be loved, can cuddle with her new family, and be properly cared for, for the rest of her life. We will be very careful to make sure that happens!
We would like to thank WestieMed for their help in enabling us to bring this little girl’s health back to where it should be. And with your help, we will be able to get the dental work done for Sugar’s gingivitis which she desperately needs!
Pam Brown
Update May 21, 2010
Sugar – WestieMed Recipient
Great news! Sugar was adopted today!
Her new mom came down from DC to meet her and we all decided it was a perfect match. Sugar will be living with 2 male Scotties.
Susan, her new mom, has a live-in housekeeper so she will seldom be without human companionship.
I’ve attached a photo of Sugar with her new mom, Susan.
Pam Brown
Update May 29, 2010: Sugar now named Marin
Hi everyone! I renamed Sugar Marin because all my “kids” are Ms — Madison (whom I lost last year), Monroe, and Morgan. Marin didn’t know her name was Sugar so she does not seem to mind. I haven’t found any words she does know, actually, including the all-time favorites: dinner, cookie, outside, sit, down, come. We had a challenging week because of this and the fact that she is quite possessive of me and not really great to my two Scottish terriers. She’s pretty aggressive with them, and they had a pretty sedate, calm life before she arrived. My oldest Scottie — Monroe — is eight and a half and a distinguished older gentleman. He’s not happy with our new addition at all and earlier this week, for the first time in his life, he somehow slipped under the fence and showed up on our neighbors’ porch, essentially saying, “I’m moving out; may I come to stay with you?” Fortunately, they called.
We had a breakthrough last night when I realized that Marin is very much like a puppy, regardless of her three and a half years. She doesn’t know any rules or have any manners, chews my fingers like a puppy, and runs wild. So, I have decided to treat her like a puppy who needs to start at the beginning with training and strict rules.
Today we had our first vet appointment; overall she’s in good shape and her gingivitis is not as bad as I thought it would be; they suggested we wait a couple of months before we put her under to get her teeth cleaned and thought that wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately, she also had some white blood cells show up in her urine, so she still has a UTI or bladder infection. We have another course of antibiotics and “cranberry” pills to make that better; she does not seem in distress, however, and her previous surgeries are all healed nicely. Some other good news is that the vet thinks there’s a good chance that she does not have to be on the prescription food for her lifetime because the bladder stones were likely just from an untreated infection; we’ll keep her on the special food for a couple of months more and then re-evaluate.
It was a full day for Marin because she also had her first groomer appointment with our groomer (a lovely woman who breeds championship Scotties and used to groom the former President’s dogs — Barney and Ms. Beazley); she was patient and gentle with a nervous little girl who didn’t want her tail or feet touched. She does not look so wild anymore; she actually looks exactly like my precious Madison, which endears her to me more. She’s actually a very sweet little girl, and, although she just doesn’t know what to do, I can see that she would very much like to do the right thing and wants to be accepted.
There will be more challenges, but she is now part of our family. She has hundreds of toys to play with and gleefully dives into the toy box all the time to try them out. She has her own comfortable, safe bed in my room and has started to play in a healthy way with my youngest Morgan. She and Monroe were even chasing each other around last night; she runs like the wind. She’ll be okay.
Thank you all for your help and support.
Update September 5, 2010
I adopted Sugar (now named Marin) in May. She had severe bladder stones when her previous family gave her up, as well as gingivitis. She was on antibiotics for several months after I picked her up, but her bladder infection is all gone now, and her gingivitis is cleared up due, according to her new vet, a healthy diet. She has gained weight, which she needed.
Sugar – WestieMed Recipient
She is also settling down into her new home, and she seems very pleased to be a member of our family, which includes two Scottish Terrier brothers. They play well together and go on long walks with my housekeeper, who also takes loving care of them.
Marin is asleep on the foot of my bed as I type this evening, where she likes to sleep “bottom to bottom” with my youngest, Morgan. He only tolerates that but it’s very sweet to see.
I am attaching a photo of Marin with her new afghan, especially crocheted just for her by my sister.
Thank you for taking care of our girl before she came to us.
Sugar – WestieMed Recipient
Update April 5, 2012
WestieMed and a rescue group in Virginia saved sweet Marin’s life before she came to us, and she has been on a really healthy, happy track ever since. She has not had a health crisis in the almost two years since then. She is incredibly energetic, and she loves everybody, including her two brothers, Scottish Terriers Morgan and Monroe. She sleeps in her bed in my office while I work, and has lots of toys (which she loves) to play with.
Marin’s spirit is definitely indomitable, and we love her very much. Susan