Nemo came to us in terrible shape. He was found as a stray and picked up by animal control. The shelter contacted the owner and his owner said they gave him to another family member. When they were contacted, they stated they did not want him anymore. Nemo was found over 100 miles from his “home”. It was revealed that Nemo was left in a cage for most of his existence. As a result, Nemo had fourteen broken and fractured teeth from trying to chew his way out. This is no way to live!! The shelter asked us if we would be willing to take him on as his skin was a horrid mess, his eyes were infected and so were his ears and were coming down with kennel cough. He was in such bad shape that the shelter thought this two-four year old was a senior! For several weeks, we worked on his skin with medicated soft brush baths and medication. Just recently, we had a complete dental done on Nemo and our vet said that based on the lack of calculus and tarter, Nemo is believed to be around two to for years old at the most. Well, this makes absolute sense because fostering Nemo is like fostering a puppy!! Nemo has been with us for several weeks and already has shown vast improvement. His skin is healing beautifully with the help of medication which he is no longer taking and medicated baths twice a week. His coat is getting thicker by the day and his skin issues were caused simply by neglect. Tender loving care, nutritious meals and a routine he can count on is all he asks for.
Nemo is the sweetest boy around! He gets along with all his foster and resident siblings and does his best to get someone to play with him. He keeps himself entertained by laying on his back, tossing toys up in the air and he loves to eat! He loves the dog park and sleeps soundly in his crate at night and gets run of the house during the day. Nemo will be ready for his very own home soon but the cost to get him this far has been substantial. It can take a lot of money to reverse all the neglect caused by others, but thanks to WestieMed, Nemo has received everything he needs to start a brand new life.
Karen and Kay (Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond)
Update January 29, 2018
Nemo – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Our sweet Nemo was adopted by Paul in May. He looks absolutely stunning and is doing extremely well.
His new dad reports that he loves car rides in his new car seat, walks perfectly on a leash, and he completed obedience school with flying colors. Nemo loves to throw his toys in the air with his nose and catch them without a worry in the world.
Years of neglect came with expensive veterinary bills and we couldn’t have done it without you.
On November 29, 2016, we received a call from a woman who stated that her daughter has a Westie that she wants to euthanize due to his skin problems. She sent pictures of the dog and the neglect was so severe that we asked her to bring him to us the very next day. Wally arrived in terrible shape. He was grossly underweight and every bone in his body protruded through. For a dog his size, he should be about eighteen pounds. His eyes were covered in discharge and he screamed when his ears were touched. He smelled so badly and it was quite obvious this dog had never been bathed. By the time we got home, his car seat was covered in yeasty crust.
Wally was taken to our vet the next day to treat his ears and eyes, blood work and a skin scraping to rule out mites. His ears were full of bacteria, rods, and cocci. His dental was put off for a while so he had a chance to heal and gain some strength. Yesterday, his dental was done and he was found to have many fractured teeth and the roots were rotted and some parts missing.
On top of being incredibly sweet, this little guy is a trooper! He is so appreciative of his baths and absolutely loved getting all the muck scrubbed off. He is looking better and better every day. Someone is going to get an amazing dog! Wally’s care has been costly! Unfortunately, such neglect requires extensive medical care.
Karen Simondet and Kay DeLoach
Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond
Update January 29, 2018
Wally – WestieMed Grant Recipient
It took all of two months to get Wally back to his normal self after such a long period of neglect.
In January, Wally was adopted and joined a family with two other Westies. Wally is on the right.
Though he still has an occasional skin flareup, his Mom and Dad stay on top of his care and as such, he has grown a beautiful full coat.
Zak was advertised for rehoming. I contacted his owner who told me the reason for her getting rid of Zak was the fact he had growled at her granddaughter. From the picture she sent, I could see he had skin problems. I could cope with that and get Zak’s skin sorted. I was told if Zak did not have a new home in a few days he would be put to sleep.
I arranged to rescue Zak so I drove to her place seventy miles away. I was very saddened to see Zak when I arrived. He was in such a mess. He wouldn’t leave my side. He never went back to his owner – he just wanted to be with me.
I took him home and during the course of that evening, Zak became lame and really struggled to walk. I got Zak to s vet the next morning for a health check-up. This is when I discovered how badly Zak had been neglected. His nails were so long they were curling. He had a problem with his testicle and his small body riddled with infection. His gums were so swollen he could barely eat and his teeth were black.
Zak started on antibiotics he was sick when he ate. Zak has now been neutered and had dental work done. Seven (7) teeth were removed as well as two large warts removed from his face. It has now been discovered that Zak may have hip dysplasia. He has an appointment on February 29th with the joint/bone specialist vet so his care will continue. He is now in a safe and loving home for the rest of his life.
Update May 24, 2016
It is with a very heavy heart I have to inform you our beloved Zak whom you helped and we rescued, passed away suddenly in May. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the help you gave us to allow Zak to have the operations. We are missing him terribly.
Molly, age five, spent her life in this decrepit rabbit hutch. She was born into a puppy mill situation.
She was forced to live in cramped quarters with several other Westies. Chicken wire for flooring and rotting wood with chicken wire sides were her home. If she could stand long enough on the chicken wire, she could see the other fifteen hutches filled with other animals.
At night the only warmth she had was the body temperature of the other Westies in her hutch. Many nights were below zero. After several months of negotiations, we were finally able to have the owners surrender all the dogs in these outdoor hutches. We took in five Westies and one Westie-mix. Molly was one of those Westies.
Molly immediately went to the vet. The vet immediately knew Molly lived on chicken wire. Her paws were sore, irritated and inflamed. She also had a twisted nail or two. Molly was severely matted and her fur was filled with flea dirt and just general filth. Her fur is stained due to urine and feces. She had diarrhea.
A fecal exam showed several types of worms and parasites in her system – whipworms, hookworms, giardia, and lungworms. The living situation was filthy.
Her skin was red, had scabs and was also inflamed. The vet prescribed short term use steroids, an antibiotic and some ointment for the paw pads. Additionally, medicated shampoos are needed.
Due to neglect, the dental disease is quite advanced. She will need a complete dental examination and we anticipate that Molly will need several extractions. She will also need to be spay.
The vet also stated that it appears Molly has lost a significant portion of her muscle mass in her rear legs. This was either due to being forced to breed continuously a genetic issue, or a lack of exercise. This issue is still being evaluated.
Molly is very needy for attention. She wants to be touching her foster mother all the time. It was determined that she recently had another liter. Some of her anxiety and feeling unsettled is probably due to early separation from her puppies. It has taken Molly some time to acclimate to her environment. When meeting new people she seems to be very shy, anxious and timid.
The foster mother will be taking Molly to some pet training classes to work with some behavioral as well as socialization issues. We are fortunate to be able to have Molly in our care getting the much-needed vet care and behavioral training. As she learns to trust and feel better, she will be a wonderful addition to a family that will give her the attention she has lacked her entire life.
Westie Rescue Michigan, Inc. wants to thank WestieMed, Inc. for its generous grant to help Molly get the treatment she needs and to heal and find her forever home. Thank you for your good work WestieMed.
Julie Risch
Update August 6, 2015
Molly – WestieMed Grant Recipient
From Jean with Westie Rescue Michigan:
What can I tell you about being the foster mom for this one? So many firsts when she was with us (I have two girls myself and an old guy who is a permanent foster in my home). My girls do a lot of the work in terms of doggie manners, but this girl was sooooo eager for love and affection, she was easy. She was in horrible condition when we got her (another one of our homes gave her a bath before transporting her to me and it took three washes to get her clean — before the bath, she was so dirty that she was a color match for Brent’s car hart jacket, and the jacket wasn’t dirty!). She had ear infections and some really horrible teeth as well as very long nails and sore feet from the wire flooring in her rabbit hutch. All of those issues were fixed with great vet care, a dental (which didn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would be) and some too.
To have been probably the first person who held this little one while she slept was just awesome. She was damp and chilly from her bath and probably a bit frightened. I picked her up and settled her in my lap and she slowly began to relax. Then there was a big sigh and she was asleep. Magical!
We worked with her for about five to six to get her healthy and housebroken and then started looking for a match for her. I thought she would do best as an only dog, but I was also looking for a fenced yard (she escaped from my yard and that was scary, but she was just next door investigating the brush pile). The Moorheads fit the bill and fell in love with her immediately. She’s living the kind of life any dog would envy, totally doted on and loved to bits! She’s had many adventures since being adopted and will have a lovely life. Another happy ending!
Thank you for everything you do for our LWDs and for your help with our Midland Mill girls. We were quite overwhelmed with the bunch all at once, but I am so proud of the work that Westie Rescue- MI does and very honored to be associated with the organization.
From Molly’s foster parents, Terese and Paul:
I think Jean must be sick of reading my Facebook updates about Molly, but I can’t help it! We look at Molly so often, wondering how did this sweet and gentle dog come from the horrific conditions that she had endured at the puppy mill. Seriously, we can take her anywhere, and people of all ages come up to her. Kids who nicely ask if they can pet her get to meet this very calm and sweet Molly of ours. We can take no credit. We haven’t even taken her to obedience school. An elderly lady yesterday said that Molly had made her day. She has been visiting my elderly mother in a nursing home and has been a gem to all the patients and staff.
Right now, we are on a road trip to New England, and she is a very important part of our lives. We keep wondering how were we so lucky to get her!
We also can’t thank the WestieMed for all the care and support they gave to Molly.
Wherever we go, we always give the highest praise to Jean and Westie Rescue of Michigan. We are in awe of the devotion, kindness, and patience you provide to these dogs. So, just know-for every compliment we get about Molly, we say thank you and then mention you guys!
We are so in love with her, and she is so priceless and precious!
Update December 2016
Molly – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Little Miss Molly has a very happy life with her pet parents, Paul and Terese ever since she was rescued from a puppy mill in Midland, MI (and was given wonderful medical care, grooming, and love from Westie Rescue of Michigan as well as WestieMed). She’s been completely ensconced in our lives since April 2015 and has been extremely sweet and healthy.
Molly sleeps deeply through the night – even snoozing until Mom and Dad are all done getting ready first. Once awake, she sticks to her fitness regimen of a bit of doggy yoga followed by four yawns, rises on her hind legs and gives each of us our own personal “good morning” greeting! Once her wake-up routine is done, she does one more stretch and heads downstairs for breakfast. Molly loves her big backyard, where she thinks she’s a huntress in search of her prey. The squirrels’ chuckle at her failed attempts from their branches, while Molly’s content to quietly lie at the base of the tree and stare up at them. Aside from the squirrels, Molly loves to lie in the sun and go for walks with Mom and Dad. In the evenings, she’s content to cuddle under a blanket on the couch, right next to Mom! Molly has been on a few road trips for summer vacation and she learned to like riding in the car eventually!
As Christmas 2016 approaches, Molly, Paul, and Terese would like to thank all the incredible, giving people from WestieMed and Westie Rescue who saved her, cared for her and helped her blossom into the happy, healthy and gorgeous little Westie girl that she is now!
Holly age thirteen and her bonded sister Hannah age eleven, came into foster care with me through Westie Rescue of Missouri in September of 2014 after their human parents divorced, and they were taken to the local shelter and left. Holly and Hannah both had skin issues and needed to be totally shaved, both were also in need of dentals and had between them needed a total of fourteen teeth removed. Holly upon entering rescue was noted to having heavy yellow staining to her tail and hind legs with constant squatting to urinate noted. We knew that for Holly to have such heavy staining to her hindquarters she must have had a long-standing untreated UTI or possible bladder stones. WRM provides excellent care for Holly with extensive blood work and x-rays to try and determine the specific of Holly’s problem. X-rays showed no stones and urine analysis showed a typical UTI. Holly immediately went on antibiotics and improved with no signs of infection after her antibiotic where finished. A short two weeks later Holly presented again with symptoms of a UTI and again a urine annalist and x-rays were done with no stones noted but infection present in her urine. A double dose of antibiotics was prescribed for Holly and once again she improved quickly. Holly and Hannah by this time had been with me their foster mom for two months with no interest from anyone in adopting them. I have fostered more Westies then I can count over the years and have loved and wanted to keep each of them, but always knew in my heart that their forever families were out there somewhere waiting for them and it was for me to help them on their journey to finding their forever families. Till Holly and Hannah arrived. WRMS policy is to never separate a bonded pair and I knew in my heart that they were mine. I adopted Holly and Hannah on the first of November and all seemed well till the next day! The day after adoption Hannah and Holly both presented with health issues. I will at this point set sweet Hannah aside, to share about Holly. Holly once again presented with signs of a UTI. Test, x-rays, antibiotics. Repeat this scenario two more times. Holly’s vet decided that Holly had possible bladder stones that were not showing up on x-rays and would need an ultrasound done to determine if stones were indeed what was the underlying cause of Holly’s persistent UTIs. I live in a rural area and so a two-hour drive to the nearest vet specialist in St Louis, who could do an ultrasound was scheduled. Taking an unpaid day off from work for me and my husband was necessary to get Holly to the specialist for her appointment. The specialist immediately felt that Holly presented with more confusing symptoms than just a bladder stone and set to work requiring an extensive blood panel, ultrasound and a sterile urine sample (taken by inserting a needle into her abdomen to acquire the clean sample needed.) The results of her ultrasound showed no stones in her bladder and the specialist determined that Holly had been born with a fold of skin that partially covered her vulva. Through the years the skin had become thicker and heaver covering more and more of the vulva. The skin would not allow all of her urine to be eliminated from her bladder, would gather and breed germs, that then travel into Holly’s bladder creating the ongoing constant problem of UTIs. Specialist office visits, ultrasound, sterile urine samples taken, totaled over $800 and the missed days from work all creating a hefty amount, that would have been financially draining for us and now Holly faces surgery to correct the problem which will be the only way to ensure the UTIs that she has been plagued with all her life stop. Holly’s surgery estimates are given to us as being at $1,000 and up. Thanks to WestieMed we know the problem and will be able to provide Holly with the surgery needed. Holly is scheduled for surgery after the first of the New Year. Unfortunately while dealing with Holly’s issues we have also been dealing with her sister Hannah’s health concerns. Hannah has been diagnosed with fast-spreading bone cancer. Since Holly and Hannah are so very bonded we feel that it is in Holly’s best interest to see how things go with Hannah, and how Holly adapts to her life long companion being gone from her life. We will be monitoring Hannah closely and when the time comes that we feel she is ready to go, we will be with her to whisper in her ear to tell her what a good girl she is, that she is loved and we will walk her across the Rainbow Bridge. We are told it will not have her much longer. Our concern is that surgery may be too much of a hardship on Holly so quickly and so WestieMed has been kind enough to grant us extenuating circumstances to see how Holly does and postpone her surgery for a while if needed. I do not regret adopting these two precious girls as my own. Short though their time with me has been, I love them dearly and they have enriched my life. We would have moved heaven and earth to get them whatever care they needed but our thanks to WestieMed will never end for having to not concern ourselves with the finances of how we could manage it all. Because of WestieMed and their generous supporters and donators we can focus on loving and caring for Hannah with whatever time remains with her and making sure Holly has the best care possible as she goes on in her life without her best friend.
Sue Alley
Update January 29, 2015
I wanted to let WestieMed know that Holly passed away. She had developed some sort of neurological disorder over the past month that we were trying to determine the cause of when she became paralyzed and was in considerable pain. I am crushed. Thank you to all at WestieMed for the financial support for Holly. Oh, how I wish we could have fixed her. It just was not meant to be. I would not have traded my short time with her for anything.
Little MoJo lost his home when his owners brought him to the San Pedro Animal Shelter. They felt that MoJo was “too high maintenance”, cost too much to groom and complained that he was always constipated. This was a very sad day because not only did they dump this very sick little boy, they took home another dog from the shelter. We picked him up within just a few hours of him being dropped off at the shelter.
MoJo was taken to our vet where he had to be sedated in order to shave him down. The mats embedded his skin, but as our vet always does, they left his head alone. Everyone knows not to shave our Westies’ heads! A complete blood panel was performed and aside from an upper respiratory infection, ear and eye infections and obvious dental disease, he was sent home with antibiotics, eye, and ear meds until his dental could be scheduled at a later time.
Over the next few days, we noticed a lump that would come and go at the right side of the base of his tail, but his appetite was healthy and within a few days he started playing with toys and the other dogs. Two weeks after arrival, his dental was scheduled.
On the morning of his appointment, he did not seem to feel well, so in keeping with our appointment, we planned to get him to the vet and change his dental appointment to an observation stay instead. As we headed off to the vet, MoJo became violently ill on the ride there. He was examined, blood work was redone, he was hospitalized and put on fluids. His blood showed his ALT levels were off the charts and he was diagnosed with a Perineal Hernia. Surgery had to be put on hold until we could get his levels back to normal, but in the meantime, his hernia was getting worse. He struggled to potty and cried each time and we were constantly pushing it back in. We ran a third blood test several weeks later and his ALT levels were back to normal and he has been cleared for surgery.
Mojo – WestieMed Grant Recipient
During surgery, his surgeons spent the first hour trying to control blood vessels. It was obvious when they opened him up that he’s had this for a very long time. This problem is rarely seen in castrated males and it’s a bit of a mystery as to when MoJo was neutered but we do know it was recent as his stitches were still intact. Our vet also discovered a mass lump above his rectum adhered to his rectal tissue. It was not attached to his anal glands which is good news! His colon was herniating as was the fat from the prostate. This fat was necrotic so they cut it all out and the decision was made to leave the lump because it has so adhered to the tissue and this being a delicate surgery, to begin with, the chance of fecal incontinence with is always a risk with this type of surgery so a needle biopsy will be done at a later time. While he was under, an enormous about of debris cemented onto his teeth was removed. MoJo is recovering as planned and has come home to heal.
We are so happy that we rescued MoJo and with the generous sponsorship from WestieMed, MoJo had a surgery that he should have had a very long time ago. This is just the beginning of a wonderful new life for this very sweet boy.
Karen Simondet
Westie Rescue of OC & Beyond
Update December 6, 2014
Mojo’s bladder is full and it can not be expressed. We may be looking at either a urethral obstruction or tumor or inflammation. We will do an x-ray. We were prepared to move ahead with his treatment, but his little body shut down and sadly Mojo passed away.
Suzy a six-year-old female West Highland White Terrier came into Wag N Train Terrier Rescue on May 4, 2014, from a shelter in Missouri where she had been surrendered by a family member after the death of her owner. The shelter stated that Suzy limped on her left rear leg and was badly in need of a dental with possible extractions.
Upon arrival, Suzy was immediately bathed and the long, matted coat was clipped off. She was matted in places to the skin and had a large amount of feces stuck to her coat underneath her tail. She graciously met the intake coordinator’s Westies and had a good snoop in the yard.
Soon after that, Suzy was taken to Rockbrook Animal Clinic for her dental procedure and x-rays of her hips and patellas to diagnose the cause of her limp. It was discovered that she suffers from degenerative joint disease in both hips and a degenerative disc at the lumbosacral joint. Multiple surgeries would be required or Suzy would need to be on anti-inflammatory medication for the rest of her life. Our wonderful vet, Dr Martin Ramm, suggested an alternate treatment that is relatively new to the veterinary community, stem cell replacement therapy with the goal of giving Suzy a chance at a good quality of life without the use of surgery, drugs, or medications. This procedure has been scheduled for June 19th.
Suzy – Westiemed Grant Recipient
Suzy remains a happy, carefree girl who likes to carry small stuffed toys in her mouth and is happy to meet young and old. We anxiously anticipate her recovery and are optimistic that the procedure will render her able to run, romp, and zoom in the yard without suffering the painful after-effects.
Attached you will find a “before” and “after” photo of Suzy, you can see the transformation that just a good bath and haircut will do! She is a smart and beautiful girl who so deserves to live the rest of her life without pain and suffering.
Janeal Dominico, CPDT-KA
Wag N Train Terrier Rescue
“Tender Loving Care for Terriers in Need”
Update July 28, 2015
Suzy – Westiemed Grant Recipient
Suzy is doing great. I fostered Suzy after her stem cell transplant and eventually adopted her. She is such a spunky little gal.
The vet was able to harvest enough stem cells to inject both her hips and her knee and we have stored enough for one additional treatment should it be needed.
The transplant was successful in that we have avoided surgery. It is an amazing procedure with so much promise.
With exercise, laser therapy and chiropractic adjustments following her treatment Suzy has built up her muscles and become an active happy little Westie with the appropriate amount of Westitude. No more limping, skipping or pain.
It is so rewarding to see the transformation she has made and we have WestieMed to thank for that. Should you need a more technical medical report, please let me know.
Again, thank you for all you do. Not only for Suzy but the many pups you have helped. What a blessing.
We had recently lost our beloved seventeen-year-old Cairn terrier, Tesla and thought that our fourteen-year-old Westie, Sully, would be okay with being an only dog. After just two weeks of depression, we knew that we needed to bring another terrier into the family. We went to for the third time in our lives to look for an older Westie, Cairn or Scottie we could adopt. There we found ‘Snowball’, soon to be Fiona. We knew right away she was the one for us just from her description: a female ten-twelve years old Westie pulled from a kill shelter somewhere in western Kentucky, described as active in the yard, chasing anything that was in her territory, okay with the foster Westies and loving with her people.
We filled out an application and two weeks later Fiona came for a visit. Things went well with Sully. We asked about her health and were told she was a healthy dog, and she seemed to be other than a skin fold sitting on her lower back at the start of her tail, and her tail which seemed permanently curled under her body. Despite being told we’d need to wipe the pouch out once a week, we decided the two dogs got along well enough, and she liked us too, so she stayed for the week. During that time, she stole our hearts! She gave Sully exactly what he needed to start eating, playing and sleeping through the night again. She gave us all the love we could take! After just three days with us, we decided to adopt her, contacted the rescue to let them know, and scheduled a veterinary visit for Saturday morning. We knew going into it that she had the skin fold, her tail was curled under and she was very itchy with allergies. We were not at all prepared for what the vet would tell us.
Veterinarian Dr. Nicole Harris met Fiona and began her examination. She knew immediately that Fiona previously had a broken back. This was confirmed on x-ray minutes later, and by determining that she had no feeling in her tail. Dr. Harris said that she most commonly saw this type of injury from when a cat, more often than a dog, had been swung by its tail or been run over by a car. Also, Fiona was diagnosed with a horrible case of demodectic mites – confirmed with scrapings off of her back feet and heels. And to top it off, she has probably never had a dental cleaning.
The vet advised us to eradicate the mites and ear infections first, and then to address the tail and skin fold removal. The tail removal being essential to Fiona’s future health, since the way the tail is curled under her body, the fecal matter gets on the tail and then right into her urethra. We spent three months killing off the mites with dips and pills and twice-weekly two-shampoo baths – all of which Fiona took in stride! She is such a sweetie and during bath times we really bonded.
Despite asking the rescue for help with some of the medical costs they have avoided us and will not respond to any contact via phone, email or even Facebook.
We found WestieMed out of pure luck or karma. A friend of mine posted a link to a dog magazine on Facebook, which led us to, which had a listing of breed-specific medical help organizations. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw the site for WestieMed. We read everything then went ahead and applied for assistance following Wendy’s lifelong motto of “I’ll ask – the worst someone can say to me is no.” We are scheduling her surgery to happen within the next couple of weeks and cannot wait for her to be fully healthy! Although we miss a wagging Westie tail on her, we know that she is happy in our home as she shows it us continuously, coming more and more out of her shell every day. Especially while protecting her yard from birds, squirrels, and even the local woodchuck!
A sincere thank you to all those at WestieMed and its supporters, Wendy, Lonnie, Sully & Fiona Eubank
Update July 14, 2015
Fiona – WestieMed Grant Recipient
To WestieMed – thank you so much for your help with Fiona. She is such a wonderful little creature. We just love her to no end! The surgery removed her tail as it was dead, and left her with a little cottontail, so we still have to clean her bootie once a day to make sure no-poo gets where it shouldn’t cause a UTI.
Fiona lost her Westie brother a year ago to lymphoma. After very careful consideration we had her meet an older Scottie and they got along so well he came home with us. Jack is an eleven yr old Scottie, from the TN Scottie Rescue. He lets Fiona run things and they are both quite happy with that arrangement.
Fiona is doing quite well, although allergies are tough this season, our vet is helping us get through it! She is such a little princess – a true terrier princess!
We would never have been able to get her all the medical care needed without WestieMed to help. We are forever grateful!
Wendy Eubank
Update January 24, 2018
Unfortunately, Fiona passed away in July 2017. She was approximately seventeen -eighteen years old. In the end, she had lymphoma and was blind. But thanks to your grant four years ago, she was happy and healthy. We miss her.
Duchess arrived at Westie and Scottie Rescue Houston in July 2013 after her two moms died; the first when she was 3 1/2 years old and the second, her original mom’s sister, four years later. Because she is diabetic and blind from cataracts caused by diabetes, no other family members were willing to care for her. Daily insulin injections and the cost of insulin, along with caring for a blind dog, were overwhelming for them. After seven weeks in a kennel at her veterinarian’s office, the family released Duchess to WSRH. Her first stop was the intake house, where she was introduced to the resident pack and other fosters waiting for new homes. Duchess also was put on a healthy diet of grain-free food and was taken to see WSRH’s vet, Dr. Keith French at Bear Branch Animal Hospital. When Dr. French finished his initial exam and blood work, he implanted a microchip and a video of the procedure was shared on Facebook. To watch the video click here.
Duchess had always been an only dog so understandably was a bit overwhelmed with all the action and new dogs around her. She was able to maneuver around the dog room after a few days there but demonstrated her love of “caves” by crawling onto an open shelf in a cabinet. This became her daytime safe area. Fortunately for Duchess, it was only a week before first-time foster parents Dewayne and Cathy took her to their home. Although blind, she quickly learned to navigate the furniture in their house and established cave areas under furniture where she could hide after meals to try to avoid her insulin injections. This has become a game for her; lead Mom and Dad on a hunt for Duchess in her caves.
One discovery in her new foster home is that Duchess is a barker; when she is unsure of her surroundings when she can’t find the toy she dropped when she wants a playmate, the barking begins. Duchess has a strong prey drive and spends hours daily “looking” for squirrels along the backyard fence. She and her foster brothers run along the fence line while the squirrel runs along the top. When the squirrel is gone, the boys go into the house but Duchess continues to run along the bottom of the fence, barking. She likes to play with squeaky toys or toys with bells in them, however, when she drops the toy, the barking begins while she tries to find it.
Duchess and her foster brothers, two Westies and a Schnauzer mix, frequent the local dog park where Duchess is happily playing with smaller dogs. She tries to follow her foster brothers but they always run too fast for her to keep up. While the dog park has lots of open spaces for her to play, Duchess runs into fences and has fallen into the shallow pond. Duchess is socialized with other dogs, but her vision loss makes meeting new dogs difficult for her. When new dogs approach her too quickly or bark near her, she becomes frightened and looks for Mom or Dad to pick her up.
After monitoring Duchess’s blood sugar levels, Dr. French suggested that Duchess might be a candidate for cataract surgery because her diabetes was under control so he referred her to Gulf Coast Animal Eye Clinic. Dewayne made an appointment and took Duchess to see Dr. Jim Swanson who started her on a regimen of twice-daily eye drops to control swelling behind her corneas. After a month of this treatment, Dr. Swanson approved Duchess for cataract surgery and agreed to waive half his fee of $3600. With the help of WestieMed paying the remainder of the surgical fee, Duchess will soon be able to see the squirrels she loves to chase.
Duchess will always be diabetic but cataract surgery will make her more adoptable and allow her to lead a fuller, safer life. We are very grateful for WestieMed and all of its supporters for the assistance provided to Duchess and the other Westies who need extra help in getting them ready for forever homes.
It seems the holidays, more than any other time of year, remind us to be grateful for the blessings we receive. Duchess was one of those blessings and WestieMed multiplied the blessing tenfold. When we took Duchess in, she had outlived two owners and was blind due to cataracts caused by diabetes. Our wonderful vet helped us get and keep her blood sugar under control and, thanks to a grant from WestieMed, we were able to have the surgery done to remove her cataracts and restore her eyesight. Duchess was still healing from the surgery when a wonderful person whose Westie also was older and diabetic, saw her profile and knew that she had to have Duchess in her life. As as soon as the surgeon cleared her, Duchess moved to her forever home.
Duchess’s forever mom sent us the attached photo showing how happy this beautiful girl is now. We always will be grateful to Dr. Keith French at Bear Branch Animal Hospital, Dr. Jim Swanson at Gulf Coast Animal Eye Clinic, and WestieMed for making this beautiful creature’s life brighter.
Kind regards,
Maggie Escriva Volunteer, Director Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston
Update July 29, 2015
Duchess – WestieMed Grant Recipient
We are happy to provide additional updates as the gift WestieMed helped provide is a lifetime of vision for this dear girl.
Duchess was adopted by a wonderful woman who has another older Westie girl who also is diabetic so she is quite familiar with dietary and medical needs.
Her mom told us that Duchess and her sister, Leia, had good reports at their recent vet checkup.
Thank you to WestieMed for enabling happy tails like this.
Lily Marline is a very sweet thirteen-year-old Westie whose owner recently passed away and trusted Westie Rescue of Northern California, San Francisco Bay Westie Club to find her a new forever home. She was one of many animals in the household but the only Westie.
Our lovely Bay Area becomes gridlocked during the 4th of July holiday so Rescue needed assistance in picking her up in Stockton, in the valley below Sacramento.
Jo Fleming agreed to fetch this Westie for Rescue and picked her up on July 5th. She settled in at Jo’s place and became fast friends with Duffy, Jo’s five-year-old Scottie.
Within a few days, Rescue was informed that Lily would not be leaving. So Jo set about having vet work done including a much needed dental cleaning, removal of an eyelid cyst and treatment for infections. As a single working terrier Mom, Jo needed assistance to take care of Lily’s needs and WestieMed was asked to provide financial assistance.
Lily Marline – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Jo and our SF Bay Westie Club Rescue appreciate the generous donation from WestieMed to help us tend to this neglected senior Westie.
To celebrate Lily’s official adoption on July 27th, Jo threw a “Gotcha Party” in Lily’s honor.This party was well attended by seven Westies and two Scotties and provided the perfect opportunity to present Jo with our Adoption Contract which she hastily signed to applause and tail wags from the group. Have you ever seen a happier dog wearing the head gear? Lily Marline loved the Frosty Paws!And here is a photo of Lily Marline’s new sibling, Duffy the Scottie in party attire.
Lily Marline, Duffy, Jo and Westie Rescue thank WestieMed for your financial assistance!
Mary Young Rescue Chair, Westie Rescue of Northern California, a non-profit service of the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club
Update February 11, 2014
Lily Marline – WestieMed Grant Recipient
The attached picture was taken on October 25, 2013, of Lily at the SF Bay Westie Club’s Tartan Games. Lily (thirteen years old) was rescued on July 5, 2013, and had kidney and bladder infections, ear infection, growth on her eye and her teeth had not been cleaned. Many thanks to WestieMed who paid for Lily’s vet bill. Her left eye was crusted over, her ears were full of goop, and her teeth were needing a comprehensive cleaning. The kidney and bladder infections lasted for six weeks and she did not like the cone. She had dental surgery and at the same time, they removed two growths, one on her eye and the other on her leg, which she had been licking.
She settled in very nicely into my house with my five-year-old Scottie, Duffy. Lily has been having a hard time lately as we lost Duffy to lymphoma on January 17, 2014. At first, she didn’t want to come near me after she realized Duffy left with me and he didn’t come home. She has had a time of adjustment. She wanders from room to room looking for him. She now lets me hold and love her. She sleeps as close as she can get to me at night. She doesn’t like to be moved after she has found her spot. She grumbles.
She is now eating Science Diet Dental as treats, loves carrots, apples and anything else that is edible. She hates getting her teeth brushed. She acts like a puppy in that she loves to be chased. She has set her own time to be fed each morning and evening. She bounces around whining and if you don’t move fast enough she barks. The walker comes every day to pick her up and she is happy to see him. She tries to help put her harness on. It has been hard on her with Duffy gone but she isn’t crying (face around her eyes were wet) as she did at first. Lily has surprised me in so many ways. She is a wonderful little girl who has her own mind. She takes her dry kibble out of her dish and sits it on the floor, looks at it as if she is counting it, and she will eat a couple otherwise it is left on the floor. One friend suggested she is leaving it for Duffy. Jo Fleming