Nemo came to us in terrible shape. He was found as a stray and picked up by animal control. The shelter contacted the owner and his owner said they gave him to another family member. When they were contacted, they stated they did not want him anymore. Nemo was found over 100 miles from his “home”. It was revealed that Nemo was left in a cage for most of his existence. As a result, Nemo had fourteen broken and fractured teeth from trying to chew his way out. This is no way to live!! The shelter asked us if we would be willing to take him on as his skin was a horrid mess, his eyes were infected and so were his ears and were coming down with kennel cough. He was in such bad shape that the shelter thought this two-four year old was a senior! For several weeks, we worked on his skin with medicated soft brush baths and medication. Just recently, we had a complete dental done on Nemo and our vet said that based on the lack of calculus and tarter, Nemo is believed to be around two to for years old at the most. Well, this makes absolute sense because fostering Nemo is like fostering a puppy!! Nemo has been with us for several weeks and already has shown vast improvement. His skin is healing beautifully with the help of medication which he is no longer taking and medicated baths twice a week. His coat is getting thicker by the day and his skin issues were caused simply by neglect. Tender loving care, nutritious meals and a routine he can count on is all he asks for.
Nemo is the sweetest boy around! He gets along with all his foster and resident siblings and does his best to get someone to play with him. He keeps himself entertained by laying on his back, tossing toys up in the air and he loves to eat! He loves the dog park and sleeps soundly in his crate at night and gets run of the house during the day. Nemo will be ready for his very own home soon but the cost to get him this far has been substantial. It can take a lot of money to reverse all the neglect caused by others, but thanks to WestieMed, Nemo has received everything he needs to start a brand new life.
Karen and Kay (Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond)
Update January 29, 2018
Nemo – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Our sweet Nemo was adopted by Paul in May. He looks absolutely stunning and is doing extremely well.
His new dad reports that he loves car rides in his new car seat, walks perfectly on a leash, and he completed obedience school with flying colors. Nemo loves to throw his toys in the air with his nose and catch them without a worry in the world.
Years of neglect came with expensive veterinary bills and we couldn’t have done it without you.
On November 29, 2016, we received a call from a woman who stated that her daughter has a Westie that she wants to euthanize due to his skin problems. She sent pictures of the dog and the neglect was so severe that we asked her to bring him to us the very next day. Wally arrived in terrible shape. He was grossly underweight and every bone in his body protruded through. For a dog his size, he should be about eighteen pounds. His eyes were covered in discharge and he screamed when his ears were touched. He smelled so badly and it was quite obvious this dog had never been bathed. By the time we got home, his car seat was covered in yeasty crust.
Wally was taken to our vet the next day to treat his ears and eyes, blood work and a skin scraping to rule out mites. His ears were full of bacteria, rods, and cocci. His dental was put off for a while so he had a chance to heal and gain some strength. Yesterday, his dental was done and he was found to have many fractured teeth and the roots were rotted and some parts missing.
On top of being incredibly sweet, this little guy is a trooper! He is so appreciative of his baths and absolutely loved getting all the muck scrubbed off. He is looking better and better every day. Someone is going to get an amazing dog! Wally’s care has been costly! Unfortunately, such neglect requires extensive medical care.
Karen Simondet and Kay DeLoach
Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond
Update January 29, 2018
Wally – WestieMed Grant Recipient
It took all of two months to get Wally back to his normal self after such a long period of neglect.
In January, Wally was adopted and joined a family with two other Westies. Wally is on the right.
Though he still has an occasional skin flareup, his Mom and Dad stay on top of his care and as such, he has grown a beautiful full coat.
On September 15th, I was contacted by a local veterinarian who had been caring for Rory, an eight to ten-year-old Westie for the last couple of years. Rory suffered from severe allergies, skin issues and extremely serious ear infections, which she had been doing her best to treat.
Unfortunately, Rory’s owners were a special needs couple who were incapable of following through with the home care and meds that Rory needed between vet visits. They did not understand that some of his skin problems were the result of allergies to grain and were feeding him a very low-quality dollar store dog food that was aggravating his problems. Since it was clear that his owners, despite how much they loved him, were incapable of providing the daily care needed to help Rory to recover and live pain-free, the vet recommended humane euthanasia because Rory was in so much agony and his parents agreed. Then she called me and asked if we could rescue and help Rory if his parents would agree to surrender him to us. After discussing it with Gloria, we agreed to take him, and I agreed to foster him since I had experience with both skin and ear issues.
When we got Rory, he was in pretty bad shape and in a great deal of pain. His ears were so badly infected that they were bleeding, very swollen and extremely painful; the prolonged infections have destroyed most of his hearing. His skin was infected and had oozing lesions, and he was significantly underweight. Several large, painful interdigital cysts on his paws made walking agonizing for him. His eyes were inflamed and infection had clouded his lenses. It took two months, lots of meds, lots of medicated baths, a diet change and lots of trips to the vet, but we finally got Rory’s ear infection and the accompanying swelling to a point where the vet could actually see inside the ear. He discovered a tumor that was complicating the infection and after consultation with the specialist, it was determined that surgery was required as soon as possible. The specialist recommended a Total Ear Canal Ablation.
Rory has made a lot of progress in the last two and a half months. His fur is coming back, his skin is getting pinker, the interdigital cysts have resolved and he is back up to a healthy weight. However, his ears are still problematic and painful. Rory is a sweet, lovable little guy who is learning how to cuddle and every day he makes progress. He deserves a life that is free of pain. Although he has challenges, he maintains a sweet and loving disposition in spite of the constant pain he endures.
The grant from WestieMed for his surgery will be a miracle for this sweet boy and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I can’t wait to write the follow up after he has begun to heal and we see his personality blossom as he begins to enjoy a life without pain.
Josie Smith New York Westie Rescue
Update December 16, 2015
Rory – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Rory is doing extremely well after the TECA (Total Ear Canal Ablation) which is such an invasive major surgery. There is no redness or draining at the surgical site, just a little swelling, which is less every day.
He is almost back to his normal “Happy Feet” self and I can see his energy levels increase every day. He really got through the surgery very, very well and is doing better than anyone, including the vet, expected.
He goes back to see Dr. Brown on the 23rd to have the sutures removed and we expect an excellent report. He is doing so well, in fact, that I’m going to try stopping the pain meds tomorrow and see how he does without them.
He’s eating well and wants to play. You can see him plotting his next round of shenanigans in this picture. He sure doesn’t act like a ten-year-old dog that just had major surgery. And he’s full of kisses. He even kisses his “sister” Queen Lola, (another WestieMed alumnus) every single morning.
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts! This little guy is FINALLY, FINALLY pain-free after years of agony!
Where would we be without WestieMed?
Josie Smith New York Westie Rescue
Update December 24, 2016
Rory saw Dr. Brown last evening to have the sutures removed from his ear. That ear is well healed now, but we are still fighting on again off again infection in the other ear. Dr. Brown flushed and deep cleaned the other ear canal and we now have a new regime to try to keep the infections at bay. So more meds and flushes for poor Rory, but we must do what we must.
Unfortunately, the news on the biopsy was not what we wanted to hear. It came back as positive for Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The good news is that they believe that they got it all and that it did not penetrate the cartilage. That said, there is always the chance that it has already metastasized. For now, we are going to monitor his lymph nodes closely. Dr. Brown will be having a discussion with the oncologist as well.
Radiation is an option if needed, but it would be pretty tough on a dog as old as Rory is, and require that he be anesthetized for each of the eighteen treatments. He would also be required to spend an entire five days of each week of treatment at Cornell, and only come home on the weekends. It would be hard on him, and us as well. At this juncture, we don’t feel like that is something that he should be put through after all he has already endured. No decisions will be made until we have more information. At any rate, we are hoping that since the biopsy revealed that the tumor had not gone through the cartilage, that
There is also still a chance that he may require TECA on the other ear unless we are able to lick this infection for good. It’s just gone on for so long that Dr. Brown isn’t optimistic. I’m encouraged about facing that prospect if it comes to it though, because of how very well he came through this one. He did really, really well, and healed quickly.
That said, Rory is like a different dog he is much more comfortable, full of energy and curiosity and loving life.
Thank you so much for helping this sweet old boy! He is a sweetheart and deserves to finally to happy, safe, loved and comfortable. He will remain with us, in his forever hospice home and be spoiled rotten and watched over by Her Royal Highness, Queen Lola.
Angel came to us via a small rescue group in Arkansas. We learned about her by reading a post on Facebook, she had been turned into a small city-run dog pound by someone who claimed they found her as a stray. The Arkansas rescue ladies drove the dog to St Louis, a kind volunteer of another terrier rescue group in St Louis drove the dog to Columbia, MO where I met her on a Sunday afternoon and drove five hours home. We named the dog, Angel, in honor of the group who had originally rescued her. Angel was pretty vocal in her kennel at first but settled in nicely for the ride home. It was shockingly apparent that she would require a great deal of help from our veterinarian to regain her health.
Upon arriving in her foster home, Angel settled in quickly learning the routine, the yard and began playing with the other dogs. Her visit to the veterinary clinic the next day brought us a diagnosis of intestinal parasites, anemia, yeast and bacterial infection of her skin and ears, her eyes were completely devoid of tear production, her front teeth were missing and broken to the gum line, and she tested positive for heartworm. She was also not spayed. We initially questioned whether or not we should proceed with the costly course of treatment but Angel quickly showed us that she was not ready to give up and that she thoroughly enjoyed life and especially the good, home-cooked meals topped with goat’s milk that she is served twice a day.
After a course of thirty days of treatment with doxycycline, and with help from WestieMed, our vets will take X-rays and repeat the blood work in anticipation of the heartworm treatment. We hope that Angel’s future is much happier than her past but regardless of the outcome, we will do whatever we can to make this chapter of her life a happy one filled with love, fresh air and sunshine, a huge yard to romp in, rabbits and squirrels to chase, and toys filled with squeakers and stuffing. We will pamper her and love her regardless of the outcome.
Janeal Dominico, CPDT-KA Wag N Train Terrier Rescue
Update February 16, 2016
Angel is still recuperating from her heartworm treatment. After the initial treatment, she still tested positive so our vets had to give her a third injection. She will be retested again in a couple of weeks at which time if she tests negative, we will then proceed with her much-needed dental work and her spay surgery.
Her foster mom bathes her weekly to help with her skin and she remains the happiest girl one could imagine, given that her condition causes miserable symptoms.
Angel does have an approved adopter that is eager to take her home and make her a part of the family when cleared by our vets.
Janeal Dominico, CPDT-KA
Wag N Train Terrier Rescue
Update November 17, 2016: (Angel now called Addie)
Angel was cleared of heartworm and then spayed and had her teeth cleaned at which time she lost several badly infected teeth.
Soon after she was adopted by Scott and Hanna, who are both college students here in Omaha. This little girl now known as Addie is their entire world and vice versa. Don’t you just LOVE happy endings?
Thank you to the donors who make funding through WestieMed possible. Angel owes her life to the kindness of many, many strangers along her journey to good health and happiness.
Janeal Dominico, CPDT-KA Wag N Train Terrier Rescue “Tender Loving Care for Terriers in Need”
Casey is a five-year-old male Westie that was surrendered to Westie Rescue of TN and AL in July 2015. His owner had been dealing with Casey’s medical issues for several years and nothing was helping. She realized it was time to turn Casey over to someone that could help him get well and contacted WRT/AL.
From looking at his pictures before we picked him up we initially thought he had the typical Westie skin and ear issues but soon realized that it was much worse than we thought. When he was picked up by volunteers Diane and Patsy, his eyes were matted, his ears were red, swollen and full of scabs, and his hair was non-existent in places on his body, particularly around his backside and tail. The poor little one was pretty miserable and in obvious pain, as he would cry out when you touched him on his head.
As Casey was in desperate need of a bath, he was whisked off straight to a tub for gentle cleansing. Through all his pain and the turmoil of that afternoon he never growled, snapped or fought our help. He was such a gentle little soul and just looked at us with confusion, yet love. He knew his life was going to change for the better. He seemed so appreciative of the smoothing bath and care he was getting.
Casey had always been an outside dog so he was not accustomed to being inside in nice cool air. We had to laugh at him in that he realized very quickly inside the house was much nicer than outside in the humidity and heat. After being taken outside to dry off and “take care of business” he immediately found the back door and sat waiting to get back inside. Smart Westie, no more living outside for this little guy.
The next day Patsy took Casey to our wonderful vet at South Franklin Animal Hospital for treatment. Casey spent two weeks at the vet’s office being treated for his skin, eyes, and ears. He won everyone over at the vet’s office with his soulful eyes and gentle Westie personality. While his eyes and skin will heal with treatment and medication, unfortunately, his ears are going to require surgery. The infection and mineralization in his ears are to the extent he will have to have all the infected tissue and entire ear canal removed from both ears for any hope of controlling his pain. And this is where WestieMed comes to our rescue by donating to his surgery. We cannot thank them enough for contributing to his care. Casey is one sweet little guy and deserves a chance to live life without pain.
Right now he is with one of our wonderful fosters, Sandy, waiting for his ears to heal to the extent he can have surgery. He is loving being an inside pet and has made sure his “human” knows she belongs to him. His foster Mom reports that his “Westitude” is beginning to emerge and he is doing great.
We anticipate his surgery to take place within the next couple of weeks and we will update everyone on his progress. Thanks again to WestieMed for supporting Westies in need.
Diane Vann, Officer
Westie Rescue TN/AL
Update December 8, 2015
Casey – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Casey is doing wonderfully and is now up for adoption. His ears finally healed to the extent that he was able to have his surgery in early September. As it was a very extensive surgery and involved both ears, the healing process took a considerable amount of time.
Additionally, obviously parts of his head had to be shaved and for some period of time, he was styling with a mohawk cut so we wanted to wait until he looked a little less “punk” Westie, ha. He is now pain-free, finally after 3 years of enduring pain so intense you couldn’t even touch his head to love on him. He is a happy-go-lucky Westie, full of Westitude and loves to share with someone.
Thank you WestieMed for your help with Casey and so many of our other LWDs around the country. Casey sends tail wags and Westie kisses to you all.
Little MoJo lost his home when his owners brought him to the San Pedro Animal Shelter. They felt that MoJo was “too high maintenance”, cost too much to groom and complained that he was always constipated. This was a very sad day because not only did they dump this very sick little boy, they took home another dog from the shelter. We picked him up within just a few hours of him being dropped off at the shelter.
MoJo was taken to our vet where he had to be sedated in order to shave him down. The mats embedded his skin, but as our vet always does, they left his head alone. Everyone knows not to shave our Westies’ heads! A complete blood panel was performed and aside from an upper respiratory infection, ear and eye infections and obvious dental disease, he was sent home with antibiotics, eye, and ear meds until his dental could be scheduled at a later time.
Over the next few days, we noticed a lump that would come and go at the right side of the base of his tail, but his appetite was healthy and within a few days he started playing with toys and the other dogs. Two weeks after arrival, his dental was scheduled.
On the morning of his appointment, he did not seem to feel well, so in keeping with our appointment, we planned to get him to the vet and change his dental appointment to an observation stay instead. As we headed off to the vet, MoJo became violently ill on the ride there. He was examined, blood work was redone, he was hospitalized and put on fluids. His blood showed his ALT levels were off the charts and he was diagnosed with a Perineal Hernia. Surgery had to be put on hold until we could get his levels back to normal, but in the meantime, his hernia was getting worse. He struggled to potty and cried each time and we were constantly pushing it back in. We ran a third blood test several weeks later and his ALT levels were back to normal and he has been cleared for surgery.
Mojo – WestieMed Grant Recipient
During surgery, his surgeons spent the first hour trying to control blood vessels. It was obvious when they opened him up that he’s had this for a very long time. This problem is rarely seen in castrated males and it’s a bit of a mystery as to when MoJo was neutered but we do know it was recent as his stitches were still intact. Our vet also discovered a mass lump above his rectum adhered to his rectal tissue. It was not attached to his anal glands which is good news! His colon was herniating as was the fat from the prostate. This fat was necrotic so they cut it all out and the decision was made to leave the lump because it has so adhered to the tissue and this being a delicate surgery, to begin with, the chance of fecal incontinence with is always a risk with this type of surgery so a needle biopsy will be done at a later time. While he was under, an enormous about of debris cemented onto his teeth was removed. MoJo is recovering as planned and has come home to heal.
We are so happy that we rescued MoJo and with the generous sponsorship from WestieMed, MoJo had a surgery that he should have had a very long time ago. This is just the beginning of a wonderful new life for this very sweet boy.
Karen Simondet
Westie Rescue of OC & Beyond
Update December 6, 2014
Mojo’s bladder is full and it can not be expressed. We may be looking at either a urethral obstruction or tumor or inflammation. We will do an x-ray. We were prepared to move ahead with his treatment, but his little body shut down and sadly Mojo passed away.
Merlyn came to New York Westie Rescue from a shelter. His owners had surrendered the old boy saying that the wife had ‘suddenly developed allergies’ to him, but his condition told another story. He was underweight, arthritic, his coat was very thin and his skin was not in good shape. His teeth were a mess, as well. He was old, grumpy and didn’t see or hear very well and walked with an odd gait from arthritis. He also had a growth in his left ear and an ear infection. He’d never been neutered, so his prostate was quite enlarged and like a lot of old men, he dribbled a bit. Poor Merlyn really wanted to be loved but wasn’t sure how to respond sometimes when he got it. He startled easily and would snap out of fear sometimes. We weren’t sure of his exact age, but the vet estimated that he was probably at least twelve or thirteen if not older. He didn’t have any adopters that were very interested in taking him on, so NYWR made the decision to keep him in the sanctuary.
After proper vetting, a new diet, dental cleaning, and neutering, he seemed a bit more comfortable and began to settle in, although because of the damage done by the severely enlarged prostate prior to coming into rescue, he would have to wear a belly band most of the time. He soon appointed himself the Lord of the Manor and when we got another little old fellow, Egan, who was in really terrible shape, he took up his post as Egan’s guardian and would watch over him, a task that he took very seriously and continued until Egan was well on his way to healing.
Unfortunately for Merlyn, his ear was not responding well to treatment. The vet tried a number of things but nothing was working and his ear began to get worse. We finally made the decision to get a second opinion. The vet we took him to decide that the only thing that was going to end Merlyn’s constant discomfort with his ear was a partial ablation of the ear canal, which is a very expensive procedure.
Thanks to WestieMed, we are able to schedule this surgery for Lord Merlyn, and provide him with some comfort and relief in his old age. Thank you WestieMed for the great work that you do and making it possible for Merlyn to start feeling better!
Josie Smith, Director New York Westie Rescue
Update July 14, 2015
I am sorry to tell you that our sweet, loving little Merlyn passed to the Rainbow Bridge on June 4th of this year. After the surgery that Westie Med provided the funds for, a biopsy of the tumor that had invaded his ear canal revealed that he had a rare form of cancer, ceruminous adenosarcoma. There was nothing at that point that could be done to help him so we kept him comfortable in our hospice program and he survived with a good quality of life for several more months. Unfortunately, the tumor caused a stroke and when he lost his quality of life we made the decision to let him go.
Thank you for making the surgery possible, and allowing him to live without the pain of the tumor pressing on his nerve, and being loved and cherished. All of our Westies are special, but there was something about Merlyn that made him extraordinary. He was an extremely loving, loyal fur baby who was grateful for every little kindness and always thanked me for everything with a kiss. It never failed. Before he would eat, he would say thank you. When I tended his ear, he was grateful and would say thank you. Right up until the end he took his thrice daily house patrols quite seriously and would check each room and door to make sure that there were no intruders. He guarded me with devotion and never left my side. I miss him terribly.
I am more grateful than I can ever express for the help that WestieMed provided that allowed us to be blessed with him a while longer, and for him to experience the love and care that he was so grateful for. There are not enough thank you’s in the world to fully express our appreciation for the wonderful work that you do. So many Westies count on you.
In April 2013, Stewart (a nine-year-old male Westie) was found huddled in the corner of an outside apartment storage closet. The tenant of the apartment had terminated his lease three days earlier abandoning the westie. Stewart was filthy and it was initially thought his collar was embedded in his neck; however, his collar was entangled with the mats of fur covering his body. The closet was littered with his feces. The only sign that there had been a human providing the minimal care/shelter for Stewart was the empty food bowl, small water bowl and wet cardboard box draped by a towel.
Stewart was picked up by the city of Austin Animal Services and taken to the Austin Animal Center on April 10, 2013. The veterinarian that initially examined him at the shelter recommended he be euthanized. Stewart was diagnosed with severe ear infections, severe eye discharge with scarred corneas and possible blindness, severe dental disease/ gingivitis and severe internal parasite infestation.
The individual that abandoned Stewart had told authorities that he found Stewart in a barn late 2010. Since then, there were only two known veterinarian visits – both within the first three months. Stewart’s ears were noted to have infections at the first visit and treatment provided; however, during the second visit (two months later), the ears were still infected but the individual did not want to pay for the ear cytology leaving Stewart’s ears untreated since January 2011.
We had been contacted by another Westie owner that lived in the same apartment complex when Stewart was taken to the Austin Animal Center. She and others that knew Stewart were concerned for his well being. We asked at the Center about Stewart when we were pulling another westie from the Center three days after his intake. We were told of the initial recommendation to euthanize but because it was a weekend day, the coordinator didn’t have the most current info and promised to get back with us.
Approximately thirty days after his arrival at the Center, we were contacted to see if we would be able to take Stewart into our rescue program. The Center provided us with a copy of Stewart’s lab work taken with his initial examination at the Center. We asked our veterinarian to review for her opinion. She told us that the results showed signs of starvation and suggested to ask the Center if they would be willing to do Stewart’s blood work again since he had been in treatment for thirty days. This new blood work did show that Stewart’s body was responding to the treatment; however, the Center still stressed that Stewart might be considered a “hospice” for our rescue.
Meeting Stewart…there was really no hesitation that we had to bring this guy into our rescue and show him the good life regardless of how short-term or long-term. It was still not really known if Stewart had any vision or hearing, but he clearly had the zest for life that westies are famous for. Stewart walked out of the Austin Animal Center holding his head high and enjoying the smell of freedom. Stewart’s past baggage was clearly left in that nasty apartment storage closet.
We took Stewart straight from the Center to our veterinarian clinic for an exam. He was very generous with his kisses (everybody overlooked the odor attributed to his extreme gingivitis) and won the hearts of all the staff at the clinic that met him. We were sent home after Stewart’s initial exam at our veterinarian clinic with a plethora of medicine and a lengthy checklist. Even though Stewart had been receiving treatment for the last thirty days at the Center, his ears were still infected. Initially, it was difficult to determine if the “goop” in both ears were medicine or drainage – sadly, it was drainage. His right ear canal was completely blocked which initiated the discussion of the Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA). His left ear canal was horribly infected with a small opening. His eyes had some crust around them – when tested showed no evidence of tears. Stewart’s skin was dry with flaking and scabs – chronic dermatitis. Stewart was to return in fourteen days for a check on his response to the meds and treatments.
Stewart walked into his foster home without hesitation. We were still trying to determine his vision and hearing status but he was not content to be “sheltered” from the other furkids. Stewart wanted his freedom that he had been denied for so long. We let him out of the dog run and he began to explore the huge backyard. As happens so many other times, it appeared that the other furkids knew Stewart was special and they never challenged him but let him do his own thing. Stewart had the run of the house as well as the big backyard – this boy was not going to be crated or contained again.
At the follow-up visit with the veterinarian, fourteen days after his initial exam with our vet, Stewart’s left ear had shown good improvement. They were able to see inside the left canal at this time but treatment was still needed. The right ear showed no real improvement. His eyes were still crusting so Tacrolimus was prescribed to provide relief. We also learned from the earlier blood work that Stewart was hypothyroid and began Soloxine.
We were referred to Central Texas Veterinary Specialty to get another opinion regarding Stewart’s ears. Again, he kissed his way through this exam. We felt hopeful with the initial comments by Dr. Zacher; however, after her thorough exam in conjunction with the dermatologist, it was agreed that Stewart’s right ear canal was completely blocked and would require surgery. They both said without the surgery that Stewart’s prognosis was guarded and with the Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) surgery his prognosis was good. During the initial month that Stewart had been with us and since, he never exhibited any discomfort because of his ears. Without this surgery, Stewart would be at risk of continued infections in his ear which could result in a ruptured eardrum. Dr. Zacher agreed that it did not appear that there was an urgent need for the TECA so we opted to wait to allow Stewart some time to stabilize his other health issues but also learn to savor his new life.
Now, there is no doubt that Stewart is unable to hear anything. He sleeps through the loud barking of the other furkids when someone walks into the house. Since his arrival, we have determined that he does have some vision but limited. He compensates for his deafness and limited vision with a keen sense of smell. He loves to go outside and explore the backyard. He clearly loves his independence, yet he is content to sit in a lap and give out kisses. Stewart shows no pain even though his teeth are in horrible condition. He has a healthy appetite and enjoys supplementing his diet with carrots, apples, bananas, green beans, strawberries, and homemade chicken liver treats. Our veterinarian has said Stewart will require two sessions for proper cleaning; however, his right ear is a higher priority.
Just six months ago, Stewart was abandoned in a dark closet, scoring a five out of five (with five being the worst) on a Tufts physical care score and a recommendation to be euthanized. Five months ago, Stewart was on seven different medications to clear up various infections and currently he is only on two routine medicines (eye drops and Soloxine). He learned the routine of the foster house quickly and adjusts to days that are not routine. He wakes up each day in freedom and enjoys life. With the help of WestieMed, Stewart will be scheduled for the TECA – eliminating the risk of future emergencies. He is safe, dry and warm – loving life and people!
We are grateful for an organization like WestieMed that provides support for these precious little white furkids. This organization and their support go a long way to help large and small rescues. WestieMed is like a safety-net for so many. Stewart sends a bunch of kisses to all who have made this possible. Thank you just doesn’t seem adequate to express our gratitude.
Linda Duncan Westie Rescue Austin
Update November 12, 2013
I was able to go by and visit Stewart this afternoon during the visiting hours. He surprised them with his readiness to eat yesterday after his surgery. I took some Cinnamon Apple muffin treats I had made earlier this afternoon for him to enjoy and he did. I wish I had taken more but really wanted to be cautious and not jeopardize his recovery. He doesn’t have any dizziness which is good. He has a short-term nerve side effect with not being able to blink his right eye but they expect that to disappear within two weeks. The nurse told me when I was leaving that if he keeps going as well as he is, he will be coming home tomorrow! Yea! They suggested a Pro-Cone or is it Pro-Collar. The blow-up collar won’t be good for his surgical area. So I will be getting one before I go pick him up tomorrow. Again, we are grateful for the support of WestieMed for Stewart’s surgery. He is just one of many benefiting from this fabulous organization.
Update April 10, 2014
Stewart – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Stewart continues to thrive. His dogtor was pleased with his smooth recovery and no complications from his TECA (Nov 2013). Stewart had already lost his hearing in both ears prior to this procedure because of the neglect and lack of treatment for his ear infections. We do continue to fight his two other issues – skin and eyes. He gets the prescription eyedrops in both eyes daily along with GenTeal gel. We are giving him medicated baths which help provide relief to his itchy skin. Because of his surgery, he had almost three different lengths of fur all over his body so early February we groomed him giving him a short fur cut. With the unusually cold winter we experienced and his short fur, we had to find him a fleece sweater and discovered that Stewart is a clothes hound! He actually pranced when we put his new hoodie on him!
This month (April) also marks the one year anniversary of Stewart being taken into the Austin Animal Center after being found abandoned in the storage closet at an apartment. Stewart can now decide if he wants to go out and come in! It brings us great joy when we look and Stewart is far off exploring the backyard!
Stewart continues to perfect his two hobbies. One is eating and the other is sleeping! He knows the feeding routine and eagerly goes to his “station” for his food bowl. Stewart is not shy…he is more than happy to thank you with a kiss. Stewart is a happy boy and blends in well with the other furkids.
In the next month or so, we anticipate scheduling Stewart for a dental. His dogtor has said that she anticipates it will take two procedures. We are sure there will be extractions but know that slow Stewart down when he is eating.
Once again, we are grateful for WestieMed’s assistance with Stewart’s TECA but also for their help with all the Westies that need help. If Stewart could give everybody with WestieMed a kiss, he would!
Thank you again! Linda D/Westie Rescue Austin
Update July 27, 2015
Stewart – WestieMed Grant Recipient
Stewart continues to do well with no complications from the surgery as expected. He is two years older now. His eyesight has gotten worse but that has not seemed to slow him down. He knows the routines of the house, where his favorite doggy beds are (although he sleeps on my bed at night) and when it is time to eat. We are struggling with his skin this year but Stewart practically sleeps through his medicated baths.
It still amazes us that Stewart is so accepting and loving considering the two years (at least) of neglect and chronic health problems. And we are grateful to the support of WestieMed for Stewart and all the Westies in need.
The day before Easter, a shelter in southern-most New Jersey notified me that they had a Westie and wanted me to take him. I said yes, of course, and I got Whitey on Easter Sunday. The shelter told me that another Westie Rescue group had declined to help Whitey before they called me, so I was his last chance.
Whitey had a retained diseased testicle which was the source of most of his troubles. That testicle was grossly enlarged and resulted in a lump the size of an orange hanging off his belly in the groin area. His skin was covered with deep dime-sized open, oozing sores all over his body, legs, tail, and head. This was a result of the hormones from the abnormal testicle, and a staph infection had also taken over his poor body and his skin. He also seemed to feel sick and was lethargic and not eating well, he had a Malassezia condition, and a great deal of flaking and dry matter was coming off his skin. In addition, his dry eye had not been treated and his eyes were infected, and his sight is almost entirely gone (it seems like perhaps he can see shadows out of one eye). He had an infected ear as well, and his teeth were in bad shape; many were so rotten they would break off when gently touched. My veterinarian performed emergency surgery the day after Easter, removing the diseased testicle and the rotten teeth; the vet cleaned his remaining teeth, not for cosmetic purposes, but in hopes that this could spare him a need for future dental work.
Whitey remains on antibiotics and anti-yeast medication. His prognosis is excellent: his skin and his spirit are healing well. He is a friendly boy who likes people and other dogs; he also likes to go for (short) walks and is not intimidated by the fact that he cannot see. He is also housebroken. I hope to find him a home with a loving owner who will continue his health care regimen and give him a good long life.
Lisa Curry Garden State Westie Rescue
Update October 15, 2013
Whitey is doing well. He’s over his infections and he looks and feels better in all regards. He was adopted to a very loving home close to where I live so I get to see him sometimes.
My name is Lucy. I’m thirteen years old and for most of my life, things were great. I was the pampered and cherished baby of an elderly man and was treated like a Queen. But one day, everything changed. My beloved man died and his wife wasn’t able to cope. People took me away from the plush indoor city life I had been living and drove me to rural Arkansas. I was tied to a stake outside in the heat. My beautiful fur disappeared as fleas and mites attacked my delicate skin, and I got a sunburn, too. A neighbor saw me and told the people to take me inside or she would call animal control. They put me on a porch and fussed when I pottied there. I ended up back outside most of the time. Although things looked bleak, I tried to remember my human, Papa. I waited for him to come and save me, but he never did. Instead, he sent some angels from far away to help me!
Meanwhile, my sad story had been relayed to some people in Knoxville, Tennessee, who started a campaign to save me! Brian and Debra Douglas told a friend named David Bolton who told another friend named Patsy Stair, who set things in motion. Soon, a miracle would happen—I would be rescued! On June 17, 2012, the Arkansas people loaded me in their car and drove for a long time. The car stopped, and they gave me to two sweet ladies. Their names were Diane Vann and Patsy Holt. They were from Alabama and they had driven all the way to Arkansas to save me! Once I was in their loving care, I knew things were going to be okay, and I never looked back.
Diane and Patsy H. drove to Nashville, Tennessee, and handed me to Patsy and David Stair. I said goodbye to the Alabama ladies and laid down on my new blanket in the front seat between David and Patsy. I love men so much that I scooted as close to David as I could.
When we got to Knoxville, Patsy cleaned up my face. My eyes had lots of hard stuff under them and I held still while she soaked it off. She talked softly to me and I noticed she was crying. I wanted to say, “yes, I look bad right now, but I trust that you will take care of me.” She brushed my teeth and used a warm cloth on my poor raw skin. The next day, she took me to a sweet groomer named Tania, who made me feel great. Then she took me to a pet store, where she bought me some fancy food, some treats, a toy and a pair of pink pajamas to cover my sunburned skin. At last, I was being treated like royalty again!
Then Brian and Debra Douglas met us, and once again, I was whisked away to another adventure. Because my skin was so bad, they took me to a dogtor where I lived for a few weeks. It was okay, but I wanted to be part of a family. Little did I know what was in store for me next!
Brian and Debra had been searching for a home for me, and one day, their friend, animal advocate Carmen Trammell, found the perfect place! Another car ride took me to a pretty house with a fenced back yard in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A nice lady named Kaye Wimberly answered the door accompanied by her two rescued Yorkies and Westie girl. I could tell right away that this was a castle fit for the Queen I was, so I plopped in the middle of her bed and refused to move! I was home!
Luckily, Kaye knew all about Westies and their skin issues, and she took charge right away. Her other dogs wisely realized that I was special, so they let me be the boss.
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
By the time I got to Mama Kaye’s house, my skin was black, crusty, and oozing puss and blood—not a good situation for a Queen! I cried when I moved because it hurt so much. Kaye took me to Jackson Square Animal Clinic, and they diagnosed me with demodectic mange, cellulitis and bacterial pyoderma. They started me on antibiotics and shampoo therapy. Then, they found out that I had chronic renal insufficiency, low-grade anemia, and proteinuria. They put me on a Hills K/D Canine food, enalapril, and oral vitamins. Whew! Lots of big words for such a little dog to remember, but I was just glad they were taking care of my skin and my kidneys!
To help my skin get back to Diva condition, I am shampooed three times each week. Mama Kaye isn’t physically able to do it, so she takes me to the dogtor’s office and they give me the spa treatment. My skin is improving and I’m even growing back some of my gorgeous fur. I love playing with my toys and my fur siblings. Mama Kaye says I always will have a loving home with her!
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
While I was being pampered and doctored, Diane, Patsy, Brian, and Debra were busy raising money to pay my dogtor bills. I became a FaceBook celebrity! Lots of donations were received, but it wasn’t enough to pay for my baths and medicine. I’m pretty high-maintenance, you know! Diane contacted WestieMed, and Mama Kaye sent them my information. They even talked to the dogtor to be sure they understood what I am going through and what my future needs would be. Not surprisingly, the wonderful people at WestieMed thought I was worth saving, too! Because of WestieMed, I can be healthy and happy for the rest of my life! If I could, I would send kisses, licks, and sniffs to everyone who has helped me. I can’t help thinking my human Papa sent all the angels disguised as strangers to take care of me.
Update February 8, 2013
Just to let you know that Lucy is doing well. She has a little eye infection but it is clearing up fine. She also has problems with skin lesions occasionally, so she is on antibiotics off and on. I’ll send a picture later.
Update July 11, 2013
Lucy is doing pretty good. She hasn’t had any skin lesions lately but is still licking her feet. She went to the groomers today, so I’ll try to get a picture of her in the next day or two to send to you. She is still on her special diet and medicine but seems to be doing good.
She is definitely a little diva. In fact, if she decides she wants some water in the middle of the night she starts barking until she wakes me and the other furry animals. She has me trained already. She is really a sweet girl.
I’ll send some pictures later. I really appreciate all you have done for her. It was such a shame what happened to her, but I’ll make sure she has a good life from now on.
Update February 10, 2014
Lucy is not doing very good right now so she and I could use your prayers.
Lucy was doing pretty good until and a few weeks ago. At that point she started sleeping more, not playing with her toys, and not eating as much. Then she started losing weight. I took her to the vet last week and we did so more blood work which had several items for the kidneys in the red line (i.e., not doing as well). She has also lost about three lbs. from her last visit and her teeth were really bad. We had put off doing a cleaning because of her other problems but decided that it may be part of the losing weight problem. So, Lucy had a dental last Wednesday and the vet had to remove nine teeth. I felt so bad that I had not done her dental earlier. Anyway, she has not eaten much since then and I have had a real problem getting her to take her medicine. So I took her back to the vet today. She had lost an additional 4 oz., so the vet kept her overnight and probably for a few days to give her iv’s, antibiotics, and check her blood work again to see if any change in the kidneys. I am making her some chicken and rice to take t her tomorrow. I know she really loves the people’s food and the vet agreed that we needed to get her eating again and then go back to the kidney diet. The chicken and rice should help her some.
So, please keep Lucy in your prayers. She is such a special baby and I think she will come out of this. The kidney blood work was not extreme last week so hopefully, we can get it back under control again.
I don’t know what I would have done without WestieMed and everyone’s help. She is a special little girl and I want to give her the best I can — she deserves it.
Thanks for everything. I’ll keep you posted. Kaye
Update February 15, 2014
I got a good Valentine’s Day gift last night. I got to take Lucy home from the Vet. She has had a pretty rough week but was beginning to perk up a little. Thursday I was really worried because her blood work was elevated (in the red for the kidney functions) higher than earlier and she would not eat. We decided to give her something for an upset stomach and that has helped. She is now eating (hand-fed by the vets, the vet staff and me). She has been a real Diva on giving her pills at the vet and at home. I could use a stiff drink after giving her medicine and sure Lucy would love one too, but no luck for either of us. Friday evening she was feeling a lot better and even standing up in the crate. She definitely was ready to go home, so she got her and my wish.
The vet has added another medicine to help the kidneys. She now is on Azodyl (which eliminate toxicants and helps the kidneys), Enalapril (heart and kidney), Clindamycin (antibiotic), something for upset stomach, Pet-Tinic (vitamins) and Recovery RS Dog food. I have been hand feeding her chicken and scrambled eggs, but the little Diva has to be tricked. I have to get her up the bed with the other dogs, give each dog a bite or two before she will eat her bites. Then I give her more bites, as well as the others. DOES SHE HAVE ME TRAINED. It doesn’t matter I’ll do whatever it takes to get her feeling better. Once she gets back to eating well, I’ll put her back on the kidney food.
I’ll keep you informed on Lucy’s progress. Kaye
Update February 18, 2014
I’m sorry to say that Lucy passed over the Rainbow Bridge last night. I really appreciate all WestieMed did for little Lucy. You really made her life extend a little longer. She was in the Vet hospital all last week and I brought her home Friday when she seemed to be doing better. She quit eating on Sunday but her kidneys were still functioning. Monday she took a real turn for the worst and passed away that night.
Thanks again for giving me time with my sweet little Lucy. Kaye Wimberly
Update February 27, 2014
Lucy – WestieMed Grant Recipient
I will continue to donate to WestieMed as long as I can. You do such wonderful work for Westies. I was so blessed to have Lucy and grateful for your help.
I thought you might like to have a picture of Lucy.
Lucy really loved her babies (toys) and would carry them from room to room particularly when it was time for bed. Her favorites were Lamb Chop, baby Lamb Chop and Santa. I don’t know how she did it, but she could get al three in her mouth.