Penned by Alexis, one of our groomers and one of Belles caretakers at Bubbles & Bows Pet Spa. An account of Belle the first day we met our new mighty senior.
“I’ve done rescue for a long time. This is the worst case of neglect I have ever seen. I’ve
groomed matted dogs, dogs with fish hooks in them…you name it, I’ve seen it. But this, this was way worse than I ever imagined. She was brought in for grooming. I expected a matted dog, possible fox tails, but what we got was far worse. She was a broken little soul.”
“Today, she felt her feet on the ground for the first time in who knows how long. Today, she felt her tail wag. Today, she was able to walk without the tightness of the mats pulling with every step she took. Today, she was able to potty without getting it on herself. Today, she felt loved and wanted. Today… we saved her.”
“She is going to need a lot of help. No way were we going to let this little girl go back to the shelter. Now named Belle, she needed our help. She’s become part of our family. She needs all the love and support she can get. Who knows her story or why she ended up like this, but all we can do is help her now.”
❤ Alexis
Tiny Paws Rescue and Sanctuary had to think fast. Belle was in need of immediate veterinary care. Her wounds were deep, and the smell of infection was taking over her little body. Without any hesitation, the plan was put into place, and Belle was pulled from the Oakdale Animal Shelter. The shelter helped make the process a success and Belle was on her way to the veterinarian the next morning . The team at River Oak Veterinary Hospital in Riverbank, California wasted no time getting this little lady on the road to recovery. Now, with her medication regimen in place, and a game plan, Belle started doing well. This is where Westiemed became part of our village. Belles’s teeth needed to be addressed. The cost for this procedure was one that can run into the thousands. With the generous help from WestieMed, her future is looking bright. As soon as she finished her antibiotics, Belle had the dental procedure to remove the last piece of her broken past. She’s onto a new life. One filled with love, patience, and compassion. Welcome to our village!
With gratitude,
Stephanie❤ and Little Miss Belle Grace
Tiny Paws Rescue and Sanctuary ❤
Update July 11, 2024:
I just got an update from the adopter & unfortunately, they ended up having to put Belle Grace down because she was having blood in her stool & declining health.
Per Vet: She was between 14-16 yrs. old & agreed it was time to let her go as she was suffering.
She was shown so much love & attention till the end of her life.
Thank you for everything your organization did to help us.
Sheryl Davidson