Elvis – WestieMed Recipient
Hello Westie Lovers Everywhere–
My name is ELVIS and I am coming to you loud and clear on WestieMed radio from Music City USA–Nashville! Like my namesake, I have had some ruff times in my life, but thanks in part to WestieMed, I now have on my “Blue Suede Shoes” and am rockin’ on in life! It is amazing what feeling good and being healthy will do for a handsome devil such as me. It feels great! Once those rescue ladies got to me, my life got “All Shook Up”. Shook up in a very good way. Here’s my story–
I was a breeder’s dog. It was a miserable life for me and all the other dogs there. One day some fans came there and told the breeder guy that he was officially being kicked out of the Elvis fan club. He had not taken good care of me at the “Heartbreak Hotel” and they could see that I was sick and unhappy. The rescue lady called him “The Devil in Disguise”. Those little ladies took me to a vet. A sweet little gal named Suzanne. Pretty as a peach! As she was about to examine me, I looked her straight in the eye and said “Don’t Be Cruel”. She sure wasn’t. She was very kind to me. They had to cut a lot of matted hair off of me and give me a bath. I also had some pesky celebrity stalkers called ticks. Dr. Suzanne found a lot of things that made her frown (which I hear she hardly ever does). I have Valgus Syndrome. One of my glands was oozing blood and other stuff I won’t tell you about. I had yeast infections in both of my handsome ears. One of her helpers was Miss Ashley. I think she is the reason my heart was racing during my exam. I may be a short Elvis, but I still have an eye for the pretty ladies! I heard her tell Ashley that I had something very abnormal wrong with my left eye. Some kind of abnormality with iris formation. It made cottage cheesy looking stuff in my eye. I had corneal scars. I got lots of shots and meds to take with me. She said that I had a ton of hookworms!! I mean, I had no idea. I guess I didn’t realize how bad I felt until I knew what it felt like to feel GOOD!
After all of that, I hung around the vet for a few days and then went to meet my foster Mom and Dad. Foster Mom Belinda thought I was handsome from the get-go. She put me in something called a doggie car seat. I felt like a king. I looked out the window and saw all kinds of interesting things along the interstate. It was a long ride and I enjoyed every minute of it. When we got home there were other dogs there that looked just like me. I have tried to be the best boy I can be for foster Mom and Dad. I think they have fallen in love with me. Even though they “Love Me Tender”, they can’t keep me because they already have four Westies signed to their label. It is very hot here and when my foster Dad Ray takes me out, I talk to him in Westie talk and tell him to take me back to the cool house. I may not wear sequins, but Foster Mom says that I have a sparkly personality. Thanks to that pretty little doctor and the fabulous folks at WestieMed, I have a new lease on life. I can retire and just enjoy my new life. I don’t know what it holds, but I just bet you a gold record, it’s going to be great! I know my furever family is going to find me one day. Until then I love it here. Foster Mom and Dad promised me that I will love it there just as much as here with them. I think they are jiving me. I could never be happier anywhere!! I think I will put the Elvis paw-print autograph on one of my photos for WestieMed. I am THEIR BIGGEST FAN and I want them to know they will be “Always On My Mind”.
Thank ya, Thank ya very much,
Love, Elvis

Update January 2008: The Poobies

What did I ever do before Winnie and Elvis came to live here? I have no clue, but it must have been boring. Life certainly isn’t boring now! Elvis and Winnie are known as The Poobies. An old friend of mine called her little dog a “pooby” for some reason, and the name just stuck with me. We have really had a very easy transition, and there have been only a few bumps in the road. It took us all awhile to get used to little things, like climbing stairs. Winnie was always more adventurous, hopping up on the furniture and racing up steps. Elvis was much more cautious, and it took a few weeks and much encouragement for him to handle the steps. We were all learning so much that it took me a while to really grasp that he had no sight at all in his left eye. It was obvious that he had lived in an enclosed area – he truly had no skills at navigating around furniture, and it was frustrating for all of us. He would bump into things (he still HATES my glass sofa table) and then growl at them.
I live near a huge park in Cincinnati, Eden Park. We started walking three to four times a day, and they wore harnesses because I thought it would be easier for them to learn to walk on a leash. They still wear them today! They immediately fell into step together, with Winnie always on Elvis’ left side, kind of steering him around. Elvis would bump up against Winnie constantly at first, but they developed their own system and now we patrol the park constantly! I lost thirty pounds walking around the park, and they each gained two. Turns out, they’re eating a little better here than they were previously. We’re now on weight control food, even though Winnie insists she is just big-boned. Their little tails are just so cute walking side by side, one lady in the park told me, “they’re as cute coming as going!”

Elvis definitely has short dog syndrome – the bigger the other dog is, the more he barks at it. Winnie chimes right in, and we don’t socialize too much with other dogs at the park. Elvis told a police dog and a cop on horseback exactly what he thought of them, and they both totally terrorized a pair of Scottie dogs at a park festival. These two do just fine on their own and keep each other company. We have met a couple of other sets of Westies, but none of them are as cute as these two.
Our first trip to the vet was uneventful. Our vet, Dr. Bob Biederman, who took care of a past pet of mine, is a neat guy. He can’t walk and uses a wheelchair, and puts the animals up on the examining table so they look down a little at him. He’s great and was very patient, allowing the poobies to check everything out, especially since their only other trip to the vet was after their rescue. Winnie was an angel; Elvis was not as agreeable, but he did ok. The vet confirmed that Elvis was blind in his left eye. After MUCH encouragement from Bette, I took Elvis to an eye specialist, who said there was nothing that could be done.
Elvis puts his “good eye” to good use by patrolling and monitoring Eden Park from his perch. He has a big comfy chair that overlooks the park, and he monitors the activity of his arch-enemies – SQUIRRELS. They’re everywhere and the world is a safer place due to his constant vigilance.
These poobies have been to the groomers, and look just adorable, at least for a little while. They’ve even stayed at the kennel twice, and all reports are good! They’ve not scared to go in, but always happy to come home. Elvis is extremely grumpy when it comes to his rest – he growls and grumbles when he is sleeping. He needs a DO NOT DISTURB sign hung on him! Once he wakes up, he’s fine, but do not interrupt his beauty rest.

We try to visit the Harryson Hairys every week or so. The Poobies took a little while to warm up to them, but now they play like old friends. They run around and share toys, they visit with Rosie, the doggie next door, and they have contests to see who can pee on the most things. Thanks so their Ant BB (Bette Heidorn) for all her patience and her carpet steamer! Ant BB also gives the best toys. Both like to play, but Elvis really likes his toys. He destroys tennis balls at a high rate of speed and is very protective of his toys. He has a habit of just picking it up and leaving the room as if to say, I am OUTTA HERE!
The funniest thing that I’ve discovered is that these two are the dance patrol. Anytime someone starts to dance or even moves their arms around, these two go wild. They bark and run to you, ready for play! My sister visited a lot over the holidays, and never realized how much she danced around during the day, but these two reminded her constantly!!
So, all in all, we are doing great! These two are so sweet and I just can’t imagine what I did before they were here. We travel well together in the car, with little whiteheads popping up in the rearview mirror. They always bark at the cashier at a fast-food drive-through, but never at the person who hands us the food. Funny how that works!
Thanks to WestieMed and all the wonderful people who helped Winnie and Elvis make it to their new home. We’re all just wonderful, and they’ve surely rescued me too.
Jen, Winnie, and Elvis