My name is Buddy, and my story begins in September of 2009 when I ended up at the next-door neighbor’s house from my now new Mom. My owner didn’t want me anymore and decided to leave me there. They already had so many dogs that they wouldn’t let me in the house and so I stayed outside all the time. My fur was all matted and I ate only when one of the other dogs didn’t finish their dinner.
My new Mom could see that I wasn’t happy there and I was cold and shaking when the weather was bad. I also had fleas and ticks. So one day she came over and asked if she could have me. They were glad to give me to her since they couldn’t afford to feed me or get my yearly vaccinations.
Oh, life was good at my new home! I had my own bed, lots of food, a lap to lie on and new friends to play with. Only one afternoon, on November 20th a truck was driving up the driveway and I was playing with Quincy, my poodle friend while following the truck and I accidentally rolled under the truck and got hit!
Mom will tell you the rest of the story!!!

Yes, Buddy could not get up, but was still alive! I took him to my vet and he was in such shock and pain that they had to sedate him heavily before taking x-rays. Buddy had broken his pelvis in many places and on his right side it had shifted upward pressing against his bladder.
Needless to say, he had to be taken to a surgical clinic to have his hips pinned and on the other leg, remove the ball from the end of his bone because the socket in the hip joint was shattered. Also the lining of his bladder needed to be repaired.
Anyway, after eleven days at the hospital, he got to come home for recovery. That was on November 30th, and now, as of December 16th, he is walking on three legs at least with every 3rd or 4th step on his other back leg. So he is doing so well despite everything he’s gone through. He’s wagging that tail and talking up a storm and it’s so nice to see him with his sense of humor back.
I can’t believe I’ve been blessed with such a warm and loving dog such as Buddy, and I thank the WestieMed organization for all their kindness and support they have giving me during this time. Buddy is a lucky dog to have survived, but I am the lucky one to have acquired such a good friend and companion. And yes, he is the lapdog of lapdogs and we love every minute of it!!
Update December 31, 2009
Thank you so much and thank all the wonderful people for the check I received from WestieMed! I appreciate it so much and so does Buddy! This organization is so wonderful and so quick to respond!
Buddy is going back to the vet this morning for his checkup and they wanted to monitor his progress since he had so much damage. He’s doing quite well and is walking on one back leg, although he can move faster on just the 2 front legs… I have to hold him back using the harness so he can put some weight on the back legs to strengthen them. He is so quick though that it’s hard to keep him still, I guess that’s the Westie in him! What an attitude he has!! So loving!
Again, thank you for everything,
Update June 9, 2010
I just wanted to give you an update on Buddy who you have helped in 2009. He is doing so well! I took him to his last and final visit to the vet last week 6/3/2010 and the vet was reluctant to say that he didn’t need to see him any longer to monitor his progress. He is doing that well! They just loved him so much and took such good care of him there and Buddy just enjoyed seeing them every month for his visit.
It’s been six months since his accident and he has recovered beyond belief! Again, thank you so much for all you have done to help us. It is so nice to know you are there not only for financial support but for moral support!
Update July 5, 2010

I finally got to take some pictures of Buddy after he had a bath and a summer hair cut of course…he loves to play with his best friend Sadie, my yellow lab who is another rescue dog. Yes I know, she’s very well fed and eats like every meal is like her last one!
Buddy is doing great! He always walks on four legs and never picks that back left one up that I’ve seen for the past two weeks or so. It is a little shorter than the right one as you can see in the close-up. The pad of his foot doesn’t flatten out like the other, but that doesn’t seem to hinder him in any way, and he found out he can jump back up on the sofa and sit with me.

Although, he’ll still turn around for me to pick him up the way he used to when he was injured.
It tickles me because he doesn’t want to give up that coddling that he got, and so I still hold him as I used to and he looks at me with those big eyes like he’s saying “don’t forget, I’m still your baby!”
What a doll, what can I say, he’s the best!
Thanks again for all you have done.
Paulette and Buddy Wright
Update April 12, 2011
Thank you so much for inquiring about Buddy! He’s is just the joy in my life! I tell everyone he’s my $5,500 dog. Their jaw drops but he was worth every penny. I can now see how the accident happened. When he runs, he’s looking behind at who’s chasing him and not where he’s going. I’ve seen him run into walls, doors, and my other dogs…I’ve got to keep an eye on that guy…LOL. I love the way he talks!
He’s doing very well and you wouldn’t know that anything happened to him at all except his little left leg is a bit shorter, but that doesn’t slow him down at all! I will send you pictures although he hates to get his picture taken. When he sees the camera pointing at him he moves away…It’s so funny how they can sense things.
Again, I can’t thank you enough for your support,