A lady who is a Westie lover saw this young puppy advertised for adoption. It was noted that the dog had a problem with her heart but there was hope that it was a condition that she might grow out of. The adopter had made arrangements with the family to help look after the puppy while she was at work.
Unfortunately, things came crashing down with unexpected health issues hit her family and then tests by her vet showed that Lola’s condition is much more serious than expected and she wasn’t going to grow out of it. She needed serious medical care if she had any hope of a normal life. She loved this little girl enough to make the hard decision to surrender her to us in the hopes that we can give her the care she needs.
Once our specialist vet did some tests on Lola he found pulmonic stenosis, which means one side of her heart is too blocked to function properly. It is possible that she could suffer heart failure or sudden death at any time.
Right now she is being monitored closely and taking heart meds that the vet ordered. Monitoring her is crucial because she feels fine and she’s a puppy. You can’t keep a good Westie puppy down. Her foster family makes sure she takes her breaks and rests well.
Thanks to the help from WestieMed, we can now plan the surgery that could give her a more normal life. Thank you to everyone at WestieMed for giving us the necessary assistance to help this precious little pup. Thank to the board for granting our request for help!
Aggie Laytak
Sunshine State Westie Rescue
Update June 24, 2016

She is doing very well.
She enjoys running in the backyard and playing with the other dogs.
The vet she saw recently said he wouldn’t have known she had a heart problem if they didn’t tell him.
Thank you for the grant to help Lola.
Update December 1, 2016

I finally got an update from Lola’s family. They said her health is perfect.
She loves to play fetch (all day if she could). She mostly keeps by her dad’s side from the minute he comes home from work. She actually waits until he goes to bed before she will settle in for bed.
As of now, there are no concerns about her health and she easily maintains a constant 10.6 lbs for her girlish figure. They are totally in love with that sweet girl.
Thank you again for your help with her.
Sunshine State