Scout is our third Westie and a three-year-old rescue. We are so happy he’s here with us and is bringing us so much joy!
We were beyond heartbroken when our Callie passed away suddenly in September 2016. Although Callie had been diagnosed with IBS and Addison’s Disease she had been doing really well for many years with much love, monitoring, and medication. She was almost 14 when we lost her.
We knew we would eventually want to rescue another Westie so I contacted Sunshine State Westie Rescue. It was amazing for us when in a very short amount of time we found out about Scout who had been rescued and was being fostered. He is a beautiful, loving little dog who happens to have Addison’s Disease as well! After much soul searching we knew we had to say “yes” to rescuing him, especially since we know so much about Addison’s and what it entails.
It’s only been a little over two months since we brought Scout home to live with us and he’s happier and more comfortable in his surroundings every day. We believe Callie arranged this for us knowing we would take good care of him as we did for her.
Heartfelt thanks to all at WestieMed for the financial assistance you have provided to our family for our little angel, Scout.
The Jacobson Family
Update July 19, 2017

Scout is doing great, very happy and healthy, and has brought so much joy to all of us, including his three kitties!
He’s so smart and playful and we feel like he’s always been with us.
Scout is our second Addisonian Westie however this is our first experience with giving the percorten. He takes it well and without a peep!
We’re looking forward to spending many, many, many more years of love and happiness with Scouty. I have also attached a picture for you :))
Thanks again, WestieMed!
The Jacobson Family