December 2007:
Hello everyone. My name is Chloe and this is my story. Compared to a lot of the other Westies that you are reading about on the WestieMed website, my story is not very terrible. I spent the first 5 years of my life in a home with a family who loved me and took care of me – not one of those horrible puppy mills places.
My story is not all happy though. One day, something very sad happened in my family, and they could no longer take care of me. They took me to a place called a shelter. I was there for a while, and I did not like it there. It was hard to find a home for me because you see; I have something called Addison’s disease. I don’t know what that means, but I know that I get sick kind of easy. I’ve had it since I was a little puppy, and although I am doing well now, I was sick for a lot of my life, and I guess a lot of people don’t want to have to deal with a doggy like me who needs special care. I got lucky again though because the people from the Westie Rescue found me in the shelter. They came and rescued me and I lived for a little while with a foster family who was very nice and took good care of me.
One day my foster Mommy told me that some nice people had seen my picture on the Westie Rescue website and they had read my story. Those people thought I was adorable and were not afraid of my special needs and wanted me to come and live with them and have a forever home. We went on a car ride and met my new Mommy and Daddy, and I got to go home with them that very day!! I was a little scared, but I sat in my Mommy’s lap and she petted me and talked to me and pretty soon I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I was in my forever home.
I love my forever home. When it’s warm outside, I go out with Daddy and help him in the yard, and I love to greet everybody who walks by. There are lots of nice dogs in my neighborhood, but Jack is my favorite one. Daddy says he’s my boyfriend. I don’t know what that means, but I really get excited when Jack walks by with his Mommy and Daddy. I LOVE my toys and have a big basket full of them. I don’t like them in the basket, though, I prefer them scattered all over the house! Mommy and I play a game – she picks them up and puts them in the basket, and quick as I can, I go get them and scatter them all over the house again! I think it’s more fun than Mommy does, but she doesn’t get mad at me.
We’ve had a few struggles with my Addison’s disease, and are very grateful to the WestieMeds people for helping us. You see, I need very special care. I have to get a shot each month (ouch!) and I have to take pills to make sure I don’t get sick. Mommy and Daddy took me to a vet nearby, but it didn’t work out so well. He didn’t know a lot about my disease and he changed my medicine. Well, I ended up getting really, really sick and I almost died. I had to stay in the hospital for a few days while they got me feeling better, and it was very expensive. Things got much better after that though, because Mom and Dad found a new vet who really likes me a lot and she fixed my medicine and has me feeling great!! She even studied about Addison’s disease and contacted some other vets to find out the best way to take care of me. I like her, and I’m doing much better now.
Mommy and Daddy say that I’m a “princess”. I think that means I’m spoiled, but Mommy says I deserve to be spoiled because I’m so wonderful and I’ve been through so much. For Christmas this year, I went to the salon and got a pretty new haircut and we went visiting family all over. I even got my very own stocking with toys and treats inside! I love Christmas!! I was a good girl (mostly), and got to meet lots of other dogs in our family. I love to go on car rides and meet new people, but mostly I’m happiest just snuggling on the couch with Mommy and Daddy. Daddy says that I’m his “cuddlebug” because I love to snuggle with him, but I don’t ever let Mommy out of my sight for a minute. She says that I am her little shadow.
Anyway, that’s my story up until now. I hope to have lots more years with my forever family and am so happy that the wonderful rescue people found me and helped me find my forever home.
With love and gratitude,
Chloe, John and Rebecca
Update June 19, 2008:
I am pleased to report that Chloe is doing great!! Ever since we got her through her last crisis, and got a new vet, and learned the signs of her medical condition, she is like a new dog. We have switched her over to the Kumpi dog food, which seems to suit her very well. As long as she gets her shot on time each month, and we continue with the prednisone therapy, she is doing great. She does seem to have some ongoing dental problems, but we can deal with those. She is in need of another cleaning, which is going to be around $200. The vet told us that some dogs just have worse teeth than others. Her’s are pretty bad, so she will have another cleaning in a month or so, but she is otherwise healthy. John and I (and Chloe of course) moved to a new home at the beginning of May. She LOVES it here!!! She has a fenced backyard, which is a big relief for us, and it’s full of squirrels and chipmunks and all the neighbor dogs come by to visit. She has a new friend – Mikey – who is a Chihuahua, and he comes over to play in the yard. They run around like maniacs until they’re worn out. There is also another Westie right across the street. Her name is Roxie, and they like each other a lot. I will send some pictures soon. Thanks for checking up on our girl. We love her to pieces!!!
Love, John & Rebecca (& Chloe)

Update January 20, 2010:
Chloe was abandoned by her family because she suffers from Addison’s disease. In the beginning, her disease seemed to be difficult, and at one point we nearly lost her due to a vet who did not treat her disease properly. Her “new” vet, Dr. Stopfer, spent time researching her disease and learning how to treat her, and for the last year or more, she has been stable and healthy, and happy due to proper care. Her monthly regimen is a little costly, but she is such a love, she is totally worth it. Seeing her happy little face and bright eyes is a joy every day. She loves to run around in her yard, tormenting the neighborhood squirrels, and is friends with all the neighborhood dogs, including two other Westies who come over to play. Over time, we have learned how to recognize when she is not feeling well, and the know-how to medicate her to keep her stable. Thanks to WestieMed for getting her through the crisis that nearly took her from us a year and a half ago.
She is a pampered and loved little girl and a success story for your organization. If I can ever be of any help to the WestieMed organization, please call on me.
Blessings, Rebecca Pigeon

Update August 4, 2010:
I need to notify you that Chloe passed away today.
I am still in shock, as she seemed fine this morning, but when I returned home from work she was curled up in her bed and she was gone.
I can’t stop crying; I’m not ready to let her go.
Rebecca Pigeon